D&D5E: Scourge of the Slavelords - Gev
- STR 11 +0 Save (+0) || DEX 18 +4 Save (Prof) || CON 13 +1 Save ()
- INT 15 +2 Save (Prof.) || WIS 12 +1 Save () || CHA 14 +2 Save ()
- Construction Notes: +1 to all from Human, +2 Dex at 4th Level
Skills and Feats
Proficiencies: [Proficiency Bonus +3]
- Investigation [+5]
- Perception [+4]
- Persuasion [+5]
- Acrobatics [+7]
- Stealth [+7]
- Deception [+5]
- Insight [+4]
- Athletics [+0]
- Sleight of Hand [+4]
- Arcana [+2]
- History [+2]
- Nature [+2]
- Religion [+2]
- Animal Handling [+1]
- Survival [+1]
- Intimidation [+2]
- Performance[+2]
Dungeon Delver
- Proficient with Thieves' Tools
- Common
- Orc
AC 17 | HP 34 | Hit Dice: 5d8 | Initiative Modifier + +2 (Cha)
- Proficencies: Light Armor, Simple Weapons, Hand Crossbows, Longswords, Rapiers, Shortswords
Weapon | To Hit | Damage | Range/Reach | Weapon | To Hit | Damage | Range/Reach | |
Long Sword | + | 1d | N/A | Dagger | + | 1d | 20' |
- Fancy Footwork: If make a melee attack against a foe, that foe cannot make an opportunity attack against Gev for rest of turn.
- Rakish Audacity: Cha Bonus adds to initiative. Sneak attack rules TBA
Racial Features [Human]
Size: Medium
Speed: 30
Class Features [Rogue Swashbuckler]
Sneak Attack 3d6
Fancy Footwork and Rakish Panache- in Combat
Thieves' Cant
Cunning Action
- Can take a bonus action in combat for: Dash, Disengage, or Hide
Uncanny Dodge
- When an attacker Gev can see hits with a melee attack, he can use his reaction to take half damage
Background Features [Criminal-Spy]
Skill Proficiencies
- Stealth
- Deception
Tool Proficiencies
- Gaming Set: Dice
- Thieves' Tools
- Criminal Contact
Personality Trait
- The best way to get me to do something is to tell me I can't do it
- Redemption: There's a spark of good in everyone
- My ill-gotten gains go to support my family.
- An innocent person is in jail for a crime I committed. I'm okay with that.
- 1. Longsword
- 2. Hand Crossbow
- 3. Daggers - 1 in belt, 1 in boot
- Studded Leather Armor
- Thieves' Tools
- Forgery Kit
- Burglar's Pack
Magic Items
- Ring of Mind Shielding
- Charlatan's Die