For the Love of Treasure/Taran
Taran Boltlord, Mistress of Sorcery
ST 10 {0}; DX 12 {40}; IQ 12 {40}; HT 12 {20}
Damage 1d-2/1d; BL 10 kg; HP 12; Will 12; Per 13 {0}; FP 12; Basic Speed 6.00 {0}; Basic Move 6.
- Accelerated Casting {10}
- Charisma 3 {15}
- Magical Lineage (Fate-Touched) {1}
- Sorcerous Empowerment 6 {70}
- Sorcery Talent 3 {30}
- Curious {-5}
- Low Pain Threshold {-10}
- Overconfidence {-5}
- Obsession (Prove she's the world's greatest sorceress) {-10}
- Sense of Duty (Adventuring Companions) {-5}
- Stubbornness {-5}
- Unnatural Features 5 {-5}
- Modest, covers as much as possible as often as possible {-1}
- {-1}
- {-1}
- {-1}
- {-1}
Climbing (A) DX-1 {1} - 11 Diplomacy (H) IQ-1 {2} - 11 Fast-Talk (A) IQ-1 {1} - 12 First Aid (E) IQ {1} - 12 Gesture (E) IQ {1} - 12 Hidden Lore (Magical Writings) (A) IQ {2} - 12 Hiking (A) HT {2} - 12 Innate Attack (Beam) (E) DX+4 {12} - 16 Scrounging (E) Per {1} - 12 Staff (A) DX+3 {12} - 15 Thaumathology (VH) IQ-2 {2} - 10
Sorcery Spells
Dispel Magic {12}
Attempts to negate every instance of magic within the area. See Sorcery, p. 21.
Keywords: Area (Leveled), Resisted (Will or spell). Full Cost: 60 points. Casting Roll: Will. Range: Unlimited. Duration: Instantaneous. Fly {10}
Allows the target to fly with a Move equal to their Basic Speed x2 for three minutes.
Keywords: Obvious. Full Cost: 48 points. Casting Roll: None. Use Innate Attack (Gaze) to aim. Range: 100m. Duration: Three Minutes. Statistics: Affliction 1 (Flight with Magical, +360%; Increased 1/2D x10, +15%; No Signature, +20%; Fixed Duration +0%; Sorcery, -15%). Lightning 3 {7}
An Innate Attack doing 3d burning surge damage. Metal armor counts as DR 1. Targets struck by it must make a HT roll at -1 per 2 injury suffered or be physically stunned (HT to recover in subsequent turns). Behaves unpredictably around conductors.
Keywords: Missile, Obvious. Full Cost: 35 points. Casting Roll: None. Use Innate Attack (Beam) to hit. Range: 100m. Duration: Instantaneous. Statistics: Per Pyramid #3/82, p. 13. Mage Armor {8}
Gives the subject an extra DR 5 for the duration.
Keywords: Buff. Full Cost: 40 points. Casting Roll: None. Use Innate Attack (Gaze) to aim. Range: 100m. Duration: Three minutes. Statistics: Affliction 1 (DR 5 with Magical and Force Field, +280%; Increased 1/2D x10, +15%; No Signature, +20%; Fixed Duration, +0%; Sorcery, -15%)
Ordinary Clothing [Torso, Limbs]: Free, 1kg. Quarterstaff [Torso]: Damage thr+2 cr or sw+2 cr. Parry +2. Balanced, Staff Spell $80, 2kg. Backpack, Small [Torso]: Holds 20kg of gear. $60, 1.5kg. Paut x2 [Backpack]: Restores 4 FP of energy lost to magic. $270, 0.5kg. Glow Vial x2 [Backpack]: Sheds light in a 1m radius for 12 hours. $60, 0.5kg. Blanket [Backpack]: $20, 2kg. Rations x4 [Backpack]: $8, 2kg. $502 remaining.
No Encumbrance!
- Defenses
- Dodge xx
- Parry 13 (Staff)
- DR 0 (5 w/Mage Armor)
- Attacks
- Staff (16): 1d/1d+2 Cr; Reach 1, 2.