The calendar of Trinity is based off of 11 months, each with 32-33 days. Each calendar month is named for one of the primary constellations.
This is a timeline for the history of the setting.
97 CY
Kotrit Wayveri is born.
115 CY
The War of the Illusionist begins.
116 CY
Kotrit Wayveri raises the continent of Lotharien. Kotrit Wayveri causes turns the northern portion of Ashkar into a barren frozen wasteland, known as the Coldlands.
118 CY
Kotrit Wayveri is defeated and becomes a dracolich. The War of the Illusionist ends.
121 CY
The continents of Sarteri and Distarin are removed from world memory by Kotrit Wayveri.
398 CY
Kotrit Wayveri is destroyed.