After The Storm:SHOCKWAVE
Name: Shockwave
Secret I.D.: William Ray Kendrick
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 195 lbs (looks closer to 160, wiry but very dense altered musculature)
Hair: light brown, with a touch of gray
Eyes: blue
Age: 50
ST: 11+7=18 (11 CP)
EN: 12+9=21 (12 CP)
AG: 10+5=15 (10 CP)
IN: 10 (10 CP)
CL: 12 (12 CP)
Total CP cost for Characteristics = 55
EN Save: 12-
AG Save: 11-
IN Save: 10-
CL Save: 11-
Carrying Capacity: 480 lbs
Base HTH Damage: 1d8+1
Initiative: d6
Hit Points: 21
Healing Rate: 3.4
Power: 64
Physical Defense: +1
Mental Defense: +/-0
Move: 17
Inventing Points: 5
Mass: d6
Background: Mechanic, Military
Motivation: Justice (do the right thing, help others, especially those who cannot help themselves)
Wealth: d6+1 (see abilities)
Luck: 10-
Absorption Effect, tied to Armor, Kinetic only, up to 30 points absorbed, 1/2 to Power, 1/2 to ST (15 CP)
Armor - Kinetic only, 6 points (10 CP)
Force Bolt: Range 21", PR 1, HTH Damage +6 (20 CP)
Heightened Agility +5 (5 CP)
Heightened Endurance +9 (9 CP)
Heightened Expertise, Force Bolt only +3 (7.5 CP)
Heightened Senses: Basic, Motion, Ranged (10 CP)
Heightened Strength +7 (7 CP)
Wealth: d6+1 (5 CP)
Total CP cost for Abilities = 88.5
Vulnerability: Entropic attacks, +6 damage/-6 save (-15 CP)