Brahnamin's Characters - Ban Sidhe

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Alice VanPelt


"The dead speak words the living cannot bear"

Mantle :: Ban Sidhe

Harbingers of Death, the Ban Sidhe are creatures of the Wyld Fae who act as a mouthpiece between the living and the dead.

Unique Conditions

Knowledge (Sticky)

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In too Deep (Lasting)


Called (Sticky)

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High Concept

Girl Who Needs to Know Everything


Reckless to a Fault

Free Aspect

Walker of the Ways Between

Free Aspect

The Shadows Speak to Me

Free Aspect

I Know a Guy


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Guile / Haste


Focus/ Flair



Core Stunts

Glyphs of the Wildwood: You utilize a set of powerful glyphs to wield ancient magic of the unaligned Fae. Choose two different combinations of approach and action, then name the effect associated with them. [+2]

  • Sylph's Step [Haste/Overcome] Move instantly to a place you can see up to one zone away.
  • Forbidding [Force/Defend] Create a solid barrier of spirit between the source and target of an attack.

Speaker for the Dead: You are able to sense the spirits of the dead that linger in the world and are able to communicate directly with ghosts and other incorporeal beings without any need to perform thaumaturgy.

Additional Stunts

Pathfinder: You can open portals between the mortal world and the wild (unaffiliated) regions of Faerie. Once per session, you may declare your convenient arrival in a scene via a portal

Cloak of Shadows: You can see perfectly in the dark and are immune to any potential effect of normal or magical darkness. Additionally, once per session, you may declare that you automatically succeed at hiding from any non-magical attempt to spot you, provided you have a nearby shadow to hide in.

Ghostbane: (requires Cloak of Shadows): You ignore the incorporeality of insubstantial creatures (e.g., ghosts, specters) and affect them as though they were physical.

Stress & Conditions


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In Peril





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Personal Details

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