Brahnamin's Characters - Ban Sidhe
Alice Fletcher[edit]
"The dead speak words the living cannot bear."[edit]
Mantle :: Ban Sidhe (Banshee)[edit]
- Believed by many to be Harbingers of Death, the Ban Sidhe are in fact creatures of the Wyld Fae. Drenched in the eldritch energy of the Ways and the Wild Places of the Nevernever, one foot perpetually in the Mortal Realm and one in the Realm of the Fae, the Ban Sidhe find themselves natural mouthpieces, mediators between the lost and the found, the living and the dead.
So for the most part, using the straight up True Fae Mantle, flavored towards a specific type of unaligned Fae from the Wilds.
Unique Conditions[edit]
- Truth-Bound: (special)
You are incapable of outright lies. If you wish, you may carefully omit information, speak your opinions, or utter something you believe true that is later proven false. This condition is always marked.
- Ferroburned: (sticky)
If you suffer a condition inflicted by an iron weapon, mark this condition as well. You must recover this condition before healing from any other physical injury. Begin recovery by recuperating in Faerie or receiving medical care from a character versed in supernatural healing. If you seek medical attention outside Faerie, the healer must overcome a Great (+4) obstacle to succeed at the recovery action.
- Oathbreaker: (sticky)
Mark this condition when an agreement between you and someone else has been violated by either party. All actions taken by the aggrieved party against the violating party gain a +2 bonus and ignore magical defenses or scale (page 182). Recover this condition when the violator fulfills the letter of the bargain or the aggrieved party voluntarily releases the violator from the agreement.
Using the conditions from True Fae Mantle.
Character Aspects[edit]
High Concept
- Thief of Secrets
- You can see and hear the spirits of those who have passed on. You know the things they held dear in life, and you know the raging horrors they faced in death. It is a currency you ruthlessly exploit.
- Invoke: When you need to get information. When you need counsel.
- Compel: When too much knowledge can be a bad thing. When you accidentally let slip a secret that can help your enemies.
Trouble Aspect
- Reckless to a Fault
- There's not much you won't do, and there's not much point in thinking on it first. That's how the term premeditated gets introduced in the courtroom.
- Invo/pel: When your reckless nature might get you in deeper than you wanted. When the smart plan is to let cooler heads prevail.
Free Aspects
- Child of the Ways Between
- The Ways between the Mortal Realm and the Nevernever pulse with a life all their own. You have been steeped in their power and mystery your entire life, and no matter how far you wander, they always draw you back.
- Invoke: When using the Ways themselves or tapping into the Wild Magic of the Ways and the Wild Nevernever. When travelling or planning to travel. When dealing with things in-between.
- Compel: When the lure of the Ways might lead you astray
The Compel on this one feels a little weak to me, but I'm having trouble coming up with better.
- "Hexen-freude, Bitches!"
- The energy of the Ways courses through your veins, and it does not play nice with modern technology - a trait you've been known to put to good use in the Mortal Realm.
- Invoke: When you want to bring tech crashing down.
- Compel: when you need tech to not come crashing down.
Not gonna lie, this is my favorite Aspect on this character.
- I Got Friends in Low Places
- Walking the Ways means you get around. You've met a lot of people - people with unique and specialized skills and expertise - and you aren't the least bit picky about pedigree.
- Invoke: When you need to locate a specialist in a given task or field.
- Compel: When the specialist is shadier than you thought they'd be.
This one is here in part to give Alice a distinct, if tenuous connection to the Undercity and other criminal elements without straight up throwing her headfirst into that mix.
Intellect / Haste
Focus/ Force
Core Stunts[edit]
Glamour: You may cast minor veils and seemings. With a moment of concentration, you may draw a veil over something roughly person-sized, hiding it from sight and other means of detection. Or you may cause a person or object to appear differently than it normally does. An observer may attempt to discern the illusion, but to do so, they must have some legitimate suspicion that they might be seeing a glamour. Use Intellect to resist any disbelief attempt.
As True Fae Mantle.
Banshee's Scream: As a Ban Sidhe, you are able to perceive ghosts and specters, spirits of the dead who still inhabit the Mortal Realm. You are able to speak freely with such spirits and they can speak to you. Once per session you can concentrate and let out a scream that reverberates across the Veil, drawing the spirits around you closer to the Mortal Realm where they can be seen and heard by all, granting you an additional level of scale on any action where the presence of the dead might affect the outcome.
For a Mantle specific to Banshees, this felt like it had to be a Core stunt.
Additional Stunts[edit]
Wild Magic: [Bonus Stunt] You can tap into the energies of the Ways between the Mortal Realm and the Wild (unalligned) places of the Nevernever, twisting reality in subtle but significant ways. In game terms, you may perform any of the four basic actions with understated and ephemeral magical effects that resist being identified or even acknowledged by those looking on. Unlike Evocation, that tends to be flashy and in-your-face, often leaving behind obvious signs that magic has been performed, Wild Magic tends to nudge things just enough that the inclination of reality is to simply 'snap' back into place the moment the magic is spent, and those who witnessed it tend to mentally rewrite whatever they think they saw with something more plausible.
I modeled this stunt on the Seelie/Unseelie Magic stunts for Summer and Winter Court Fae, and I ratcheted down how the magic descriptively manifests. Basically, this is the sort of magic Jaala did in your last Urban Fantasy game - tiny shifts in reality that immediately reset - but being Fae rather than an actual Wizard, it doesn't get access to all the bonus modifiers an actual Wizard could tap into. Again, trying to keep the power level in line with the Seelie/Unseelie Magic stunts.
Pathfinder: [Refresh Stunt] You can open portals between the mortal world and the wild (unaffiliated) regions of Faerie. Once per session, you may declare your convenient arrival in a scene via a portal.
Wings: [Refresh Stunt] You can fly, rendering inconsequential certain movement-related obstacles. Gain +2 to rolls in any situation in which wings are advantageous.
These are both options for Additional Stunts under the True Fae Mantle. FWIW the wings are of the gossamer dragonfly sort and are pretty much perpetually hidden under glamour while in the Mortal Realm.
Stress & Conditions[edit]
In Peril
Spent two of my three refresh on additional stunts.
Personal Details[edit]
I'll do this bit after I know she's locked in mechanically.