Kaysa Becker

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Name: Kaysa Becker

Origin Path: Forge World-> Scavenger -> Crusade: Call of War -> Press-Ganged -> Prestige

Characteristics: WeS: 25(20+05) BaS: 30(25+20) Str: 30(25+05) Tou: 40(25+15) Agi: 51(31+20) Int: 33(30+03) Per: 40(25+15) Wil: 35(25+10) Fel: 30(25+05)

Wounds: 10 Fate: 2 Insanity: 4 Corruption:4

Traits: Forge Worlder: CL: Tech and CL: Machine Cult are untrained Basics for you Stranger to the Cult: -10 on tests involving knowledge of the Creed, -5 to Interactions with Ecclesiarchy Jealous Freedom: Make a Wil test when confined/imprisoned or react violently Mastery of Small Craft: Re-Roll all failed Pilot tests aboard small craft

Skills: Acrobatics Awareness CL: War, Imperial Navy, Koronus Expanse Dodge FL: Xenos Literacy Navigation: Stellar Pilot: Spacecraft, Flyers SL: Astromancy Scrutiny Speak: Low Gothic

Talents: Hatred (Chaos) Nerves of Steel Peer (Military) Resistance (Fear) Talented (Pilot Flyers) Technical Knock Unremarkable Weapon Training (Universal Pistol, Universal Melee)

Gear: PowerSword Bolt Pistol Guard Flak Micro-bead, Void Suit, Rebreather Pict-Recorder Vox-Caster Blessed Ship Token, Imperial Navy Uniform, 2 bottles of amasec


150: Call of War - Crusade 100: Awareness 100: Dodge 100: Scrutiny

Background and Appearance:

Kaysa was born to menials on the dwindling Forge World of Belacane, and as soon as she could walk she was drafted into the scavenger teams that comb the tunnels and underground forge-complexes of the fallen world for the lost secret of its stasis technology. When a fleet was mustered to honor an ancient debt of assistance to the Imperial Navy, the fleets vacuumed up a healthy handful of the menial population to serve, and Kaysa was among those conscripted and directly tithed to Naval forces.

There, entry tests determined that her reflexes and dexterity made her suitable for pilot training. After a distressingly short period of learning, she was thrust into combat missions piloting Sky Talons moving supplies and armor to bases across the targeted planets of the Crusade, reclaiming recent losses of planets and materiel to the warband of the Flawless Host. When she finally was assigned strafing runs and grav-chute insertions, the horrors of the Archenemy left her shaken, but never incapable.

After serving with distinction for almost a decade, she made a quick exit from proper military life when the remnants of the successful Crusade were unceremoniously dumped on Port Wander to fend for themselves while the sector governors and fleet admirals spent a decade or two organizing the next war.

Swearing that she'd never return to a life of menial scavenging, she began making inquiries into the private sector. Between the Munitorium finally acquiescing to her request for a Writ of Service Record (8B) and her multiple medals and commendations, she could finally seek a fairly well-placed commission in a Rogue Trader's fleet.

Kaysa is a gaunt dark-skinned woman in her mid-thirties, usually dressed in a simple Dynasty pilot's uniform that she keeps immaculate. Her hands and neck show obvious signs of augmentation - specifically, the installation of a Mind Impulse Unit - and her plain face is occasionally marked by what appear to be small burn scars and shrapnel wounds.