Everything stands in the RAW account regardng the causes of Caribdus' drowning, BUT only as the version believed by the majority of Caribdeans. The truth:
- Years earlier, bored members of Caribdus' Council of Arch-Elementalists began magical experiments to view other worlds, especially Earth as the closest to Caribdus in the Tree of Worlds. The Oracle of Xanthos was the leader of the experimenters.
- seeing the beginnings of science beyond their own, the jealous Council planned to 'gate' in lost (therefore magically 'spare') Earth mariners USING A TUNNEL THAT LINKED THE WORLDS' OCEANS VIA THE PLANE OF WATER
- They opened the gate in Ograpog Bay, in view of the capital's folk so as to surprise and impress them
- The gate opened, the tunnel collapsed, water exploded in from the Plane of Water, drowning Ograpog. Terrified earth mariners arrived one by one through the drowned gate, dubbing it "the Devils Cross", most dying in the whirling Flotsam Sea
- the Council covered up, scapegoating the War Archon's three daughters who had been drowned in Ograpog Bay at nearly the same time
- the Council's version, orchestrated by the Oracle, twisted survivors' confused memories: the wicked girls had learned Ugak Black Magic, killed their father, cursed Ograpog and later risen as giants ; in reality their only crime had been to perform a forbidden ugak dance to protest Ograpog's cruel invasion of Torath Ka
- Someone--perhaps the ancient octopons-- called on the inter-dimensional Furies/ Erinyes to wreak vengeance on the destroyers. The trio appeared to sea-going Ograpogans as the Sea Hags, the Ugaks as the Flyers, the Octopons as the Sea Queens, etc.
- To try to eliminate their pursuers, cunning members of the Council persuaded the Ograpogan fleet to attack the Sea Hags
- The Sea hags , freshly summoned and powerful, scattered the fleet and pursued Council survivors across Caribdus in their various guises. As their power waned, the Furies summoned the ghost of BB to help in the hunt
- Now only two Council members survive: Tressa and the Oracle. Tressa is innocent , havng opposed the gate experiment. But if the Oracle dies, the gate --which is keyed to the summoners' life force--will slowly close.
- Even though her death is unnecessary, Tressa blames herself for permitting the experiment and plans to drink poison once the Quest is completed. She will be the last Arch-Elementalist after all.
strange tree marks
a standing stone radiating dread
a boneyard, site of a cannibal atrocity valuble item disappears (lose item) a ghost village-shadowy forms visible in huts (unlucky)
shadow(s) glimpsed following the party (unwelocme presence) item reappears (cursed iteM0 disorientation-whihc way forward (party loses time) bickering with the party (bad blood between ywo party emmebrs) shadow enters a party memeber (gains Possessed Hindrance) Richard sees something terrible in his magic botle return impossibly to village (-disappear)
unnerving sounds emanating from the forest website
Your searcher finds 100 Poe or roll on the following. A. Otice with a raise allows you to roll a second d6 as a hero die:
1-cursed item: appealing find (sailor’s locket, named tankard or hat) reduces the ship’s FP by 1.
2-grim find. Skull, nasty corpse or zonbi rat ; roll Spirit or be unnerved for the rest of the day
3- bauble: scrimshaw animal, ship in a bottle, or lude drawing
4- handy item: good hammock, coat, pistol or other humble mundane item worth double normal price
5- expensive item: fine compass, cutlass, medicine chest or telescope (max 500 poe)
6- treasure: locked (TN6) small chest containing 1d6* 1d6 hundred poe of jewels, jewellery, coins
I am aware this is a bonanza in terms of bennies, but let’s keep them coming where they are due(you’ll lose extra bennies when you refresh anyway). A benny to one-eye for the partisan account of his life as a Blackbeard crewman, wisely avoiding mention of his old captain’s name Two bennies to chabas for the gruesome seafood find (how did a scurrilous get onto an Earth ship-perhaps he boarded it to investigate) and the comedy lecture Two bennies to Jose for the compass detail and the good use of his gambling skill Benny to Mitch for including actual media
There is a skiff running out of a flooded ravine , once a twisting highland valley now partly covered sea. Farmers along there call it wTerfall Creek. A skiff, working as spies for the Kierans, operates from there. They nip into the creek whenever approached, following its twists inland until only their skiff can manage the shallow water. The Teroso is faster than any local ships so can pursue her, putting off a dinghy if possible to capture them in their hidden base. They use a wave-rider, though there are no Doreens sighted.
How about a PbP-friendly system for ship combat that lets us get in lots of ship fights rather than turning them into grueling rules fests.I suggest we stick to early versions of the rules where vehicles are treated like combatants.
So we know a combat round between two human combatants goes like this. Each rolls fighting on their card. If an attacker's fighting roll exceeds the opponent's Parry they roll damage. If the damage exceeds the opponent#s Toughness they are shaken or taken a wound.
By direct analogy, for ship combat each captain rolls boating (for fighting) on their card. If an attacker's boating roll exceeds the enemy ship's MANeuverability (for Parry; sloops get MAN 6) they roll damage (for a standard rig like the Tesoro, 2d6). If the damage exceeds the opponent's RESilience (for Toughness; sloops get RES 5) they are Disadvantaged (=Shaken) or take a wound.
Each round characters other than the captain can Support with boating, climbing or shoting, etc. roll to try to add +1 to his boating roll. Up to the usual +4 cap for Support. To balance things out for ships with no WCs on board, we'll always given them a +1 'fair's fair' +1 edge.
We can try it out wth a srap against a sloop and see if it's too edge (but wouldn't edgy be good) or easy with the Support rolls.
Each ship in a fight will have RESilience(=toughness) and MANeuverability (=Parry). The Tesoro has RES 5 and MAN 6 like most sloops.
Ship's attack with the captain's boating skill. Damage done is based on the weaponry aboard. A standard set-up like the Tesoro's does 1d6 ship damage.
Each round characters other than the captain can decide either to make a boating roll to try to add +1 to his boating roll, or make a shooting roll to add an additional 1d6 to damage should it hit.
Ships can be shaken ("disadvantaged")by attacks where the enemy crew is literally shaken by a cannonade or the captain has to manuevre to resist further damage.
Ships have 3 wounds then go to the bottom.
... So. You have told me much that I needed to hear. The Octopons are active in many places. I was lead to believe that they are the transformed remains of drowned Masaquani. The evil drowned. But more and more I find myself wondering who they really are.”
Water barrel
“This is what the Questors have learned. This world was drowned when three sisters, daughters of an Ograpogan general, were sentenced to death for murdering their father. They were tied to stakes so as to be drowned in the incoming tide. Their curse was that Caribdus would be drowned as they were drowned. Those three daughters became the Hags, the Devils of this world. ”
“The power they used was wicked Ugak black magic. The strongest kind, Joko Mek, the religion of the Ugak tribes who dwell on the northern shores of Torath Ka. The very people their father’s phalanxes had recently subdued in the Third Jungle War. It was the vengeance of the Ugak witchdoctors that the general’s own daughters would turn on him, wielding the everlasting magic he had sought to crush.”
I needed to learn the daughter’s names. After many adventures, the Questors brought me this. It s the account of the execution I have just described to you. It includes the daughters names as well as that if a fourth innocent daughter the wicked ones murdered. Read it please but do not say their names out loud.”
[ooc] a densely written summary of the trail written in difficult to parse formal legalese. make a CK to makes sense of it - the details are too fulsome, compared to the accounts above and below on the page which seem to miss some data. Binding has been restitched.[/ooc]