Savage World Adventure Ed. Star Wars setting

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Rule Setting Savage World Adventure Edition (SWA)
Savage Worlds Science Fiction Companion (SFC) for additional rules for Cyberware (pg. 29 31), Starship (pg. 40-50) and Vehicles (pg. 51-57). Allowed Hindrance (pg.11): Low Tech (minor or major) and Edges (pg. 12) include – Cyber Tolerance, Cyborg and Rocket Jock. Note that vehicles have changed with the Adventure rule update, see Vehicles below.
Setting Rules (SWA pg. 136-145) – Born a Hero (ignore rank requirement at character creation), Fast Healing (once per day), High Adventure (benny to gain a combat edge you qualify for), Multiple Languages (gain ½ Smarts in d6 languages or twice that in d4 languages that you understand but can’t speak), Unarmored Heroes (Wild Cards who don’t wear armor gain +2 to soak rolls), Wealth (as rules but updated), Wound Cap (heroes suffer a maximum of 4 Wounds from a single hit; apply this limit before making Soak rolls).
Arcane Background (Gifted) with the Skill Focus (Spirits) is only Power type allowed.
Wealth (SWA pg. 145): with some modifiers. Poverty Hindrance means d4 Wealth, Rich means d8 Wealth and Filthy Rich is a base d10 Wealth. See Gear.


Dark Side Score and Falling to the Dark Side In Star Wars, the Dark Side of the Force is an even present force of corruption for those individuals looking for quick and easy solutions and for those filled with anger or feat. Doing evil acts (murder, torture, blowing up a planet) add to a being’s Dark Side Score. The GM should determine the number of points a being might gain for evil acts. Minor transgressions like causing another being harm for no reason or your own joy might earn you one, while evil transgression while unjustified murder or torturing a being for pleasure might cause five or more, etc. Giving the order to blow up a planet set you to Consumed by Darkness automatically.

Tempted by Darkness: A character with at least 1 Dark Side point but less than ½ its’ Spirit is considered to be tempted by the Dark Side of the Force. This character feels a slight brush of the Dark Side of the Force and is often quicker to give into anger and fear. The character is further tempted by the Dark Side in the following way (a) whenever a character invokes Dark Fortune (see below), it gains a +1d4 bonus to the end result; (b) a character can spend a Benny and activate any non-Light side Force Power as a Free Action instead of an Action. The character’s Dark Side Score increase by 1 each time they invoke either.
Tainted by Darkness: A character with a Dark Side Score greater than ½ its’ Spirit die but less than its full die has been tainted by the Dark Side of the Force. A Tainted character is more tempted to do evil to solve its problems. This character suffers the additional temptations listed above and also they gain a +1 dark side bonus to and Focus skill check to active any Dark Side Force Power. However they must pay one additional Power Point to use a Light Side Force Power and suffer a -1 to the Focus skill check to active such powers. All characters (not just Force Users) suffer a -1 to Persuasion skill checks but gain a +1 to Intimidate skill checks.
Consumed by Darkness: A character with a Dark Side Score equal to its’ Spirit die has been consumed by Dark Side of the Force. Characters who have been consumed by the Dark Side of the Force can no long Call on the Dark Side of the Force (see below) nor do they gain the dark side bonus to Dark Side powers and they can no longer use any Light Side Power. All whom have been consumed by the Dark Side gain a +2 to Intimidate skill checks but suffer a -2 to Persuasion skill checks. These bonus and penalties can be ignored by the Dark Sider when it uses Conceal Arcane power.

Call on the Dark Side: Temptation – NOTE that the following apply to player characters ONLY so that they can be tempted towards the Dark Side. NPC do not use these rules. Those characters with Force Sensitive feat are especially vulnerable to the call of the Dark Side of the Force but everyone can have Dark Side points. The Dark Side of the Force is every tempting to all creatures of the Universe. All characters who have not yet been Consumed by Darkness (see above) can call on the Dark Side of the Force to gain some additional benefits. Once you have fallen completely to the Dark Side you can longer be tempted as it were.

Calling on the Dark Side (force sensitive only): A force used can gain the use of a Dark Side Power without having to spending a Benny (see the Force)!! The character automatically gain a Dark Side Point and if their actions warrant it may even increase more.
Dark Fortune: When a character spends a Benny to re-roll a check it gains a +2 bonus to its total (this stacks with the Elan edge). This increase the characters Dark Side Score by 1.
Dark Luck: As a free action a character can gain back one spent Benny that you just used, but in doing so the characters Dark Side Score is increased by 1.
Dark Reserves: A character can spend a Benny to gain a Heroic Recover check as an Action (see Houserules). This increase the characters Dark Side Score by 2.
Flight or Fight: A character can spend a Benny and gain an additional Standard Action that they can take during their normal Action. This increase the characters Dark Side Score by 2.
Renew (force sensitive only): As a Action you regain 5 spent Power Points back (up to your maximum amount). This increase the characters Dark Side Score by 1.

Redemption: There are two ways to lower ones Dark Side Point score. The first is by spending an Advance, which reduces your Dark Side Points by 2. Another way would be to go on a Quest of Redemption set by the GM or be preforming various heroic deeds. This should be a heroic type endeavor and require some sacrifice by the character. Reduces Dark Side Points by 1+.