Discworld-The Watchman Always Rings Twice
Discworld: The Watchman Always Rings Twice
This is the Wiki Page for the RISUS game set in the Discworld about the new Watch House in the Unreal Estates, near Unseen University.
Cast of characters
Geometry, the Watch Witchman.
The Prodigal Witch 4
Ramtops Educated 3
Daughter of the Shades 2
Doing it By the Book 1
Damon Dexter
Damon Dexter, Conjurer turned Detective.
Practical Conjurer 4D
Watch Academy Honors Graduate 3D
Former Consulting Detective 2D
Unreal Estates Boy 1D
Mill Crankshaft
Constable Mill Crankshaft, Golem Watchmen with a political bent.
Man of Clay 4
Elementary Deductionist 3
Rock Solid Policeman 2
Golemic-Polemic Speaker 1
Sergeant Geoffrey Pemberlyton
Sergeant Geoffrey Pemberlyton,
Dependable country boy (3)
Small Gods' acolyte (2)
Lie detector (3)
Obsessive knitter (2)
JPAW Verity Smoke
JPAW Verity Smoke,
Knight of the Alleyways - 4D
Urban Mobility Performance Artist - 3D
Gallon of Attitude in a Half Pint Bottle - 2D
Playacting Urchin - 1D