Britcon 2005
Britcon 2005 is a get together for UK RPGnetters In Birmingham on Saturday 6th August, 2005. This page is a resource for setting out details of the event and helping with collaborative planning.
(I realise it's a bit on the edge of the stated purpose of the wiki. If people disagree with the inclusion of pages of this type, please say so in the attached discussion area. I hope, though, that it can stay up till the event.)
About the event
Being held on Saturday August 6th 2005 1pm-Late
The Tap and Spile Inn,
10-16 Gas St
B1 2JT
The Tap and Spile is an oddly old-fashioned English pub - odd because it's only a couple of years old and its nearest neighbours are the ultra new bars of Broad Street. It is an oasis of tranquillity and charm, however, amidst those temples of yuppiedom and its extensive range of real ales, cider and cheerful grub make it well worth a look. It ranges over three floors and must have about six or seven separate rooms, all of which have a quaintly cosy feel. An ideal spot in which to relax and watch canal life drift by.
There will be a fully stocked bar with bottled beers, real ales, draughts, spirits and liquours and plenty of soft drinks and food is availabile for order until 10pm. The management of the pub have asked for attendees to please not bring your own food to the venue. They have a full snack and meal menu at incredibly reasonable prices (most expensive meal on their menu is their mixed grill which is £5.95).
Children are welcome but must be restricted to the private function room at all times.
The room itself has an old-world charm yet offers beautiful views over the recently refurbished Gas Street Canal Basin which now forms the very heart of the restored and flourishing canals of Birmingham.
If you require specific directions to the venue then email me at
Depending on attendee numbers there will be a small fee to cover the room hire (the total cost for the room is £100 so I am expecting a fee of £5 (or less depending on numbers) to cover it).
Don't forget your dice!
1300 - Doors open officially (although I will be there from midday-ish setting the room up - anyone want to come and help you're more than welcome).
1300 - 1400: Meet and greet.
1400 - 1700: Gaming slot 1
1700 - 1800: Interval period (food can be ordered).
1800 - 2100: Gaming slot 2
2100 - 2200: Interval period (food unavailable at this time for order).
2200 - 0100: Gaming slot 3.
0100 - Close: Farewells, hugs, and the exchange of telephone numbers (except for me who will tidy the room up).
All times approx. I've shoved in the intervals to allow for over-running or even early starting. The three hour slots are the core period but if you want it to be four hours for your session then just ask to start it half an hour earlier and end half an hour later.
What games are running?
If you're providing a game, please give it a paragraph below. Useful information to include is whether it's an offer to run or a definite go, and when it's running if that's known (please arrange these in the right time order).
Not confirmed yet
Slot 1 (1400-1700)
- Call of Cthulhu: The Saddleworth Beast - 3rd Level Fighter
It is the year of our Lord 1593.
A group of travellers are making their way across the Pennines from Lancashire into the County of York when ill weather forces them to stay the night in a coaching inn. Thus, these poor unfortunates begin a nightmare descent into violence, madness and horror.
A BRP Call of Cthulhu scenario for up to eight players. Pre-generated characters will be provided.
Players who have expressed an interest thus far are:
Bubbles, Drexel, Elbast, Fer, General_Tangent, JackT, Lee Williams and Son of Kirk.
If this slot clashes with another game that you want to play I won't be (too) offended if you wish to drop out. This being Call of Cthulhu it's entirely possible to run it with just one just mens the TPK would come much earlier than usual!
- Warhammer: Arrows of Outrageous Fortune - Whymme
Being experienced bowmen, you have gathered at the monastery of Saint Lucas for the bi-annual archery tournament. The weather is fine, the ale tastes good and all is going well until you find the body ...
A WFRP II game for about four players. Pre-generated characters in their second or third careers will be provided. This game might move to the second slot, if that fits better. You can register at the day, I'm not accepting earlier registrations.
Warning: this game has been played before, at TimCon 1, at Easter last year. If you played this scenario back then, you might not want to do so again. I might not let you, anyway. I will probably run the same scenario a week later, at ConSternation, and, if I'm not tired of it by then, at KaasCon as well.
Slot 2 (1800-2100)
- SLA Industries - JonA
A game of dark violence in an nightmarish urban city known as Mort. A place that for 900 years as been building higher and higher and pushing the older parts of the city into decay and down under ground. From the gleaming skyscrapers of Mort Central, through the high class residences of Uptown, down through the uniformly grey and depressive surburbia. Beyond the world of Downtown exists where all of societies dregs eek out an existance of desperation. Amid a world of horror, darkness, crime and violence. But under the streets of Mort lurks a darkness. From gangs of youths roaming the walkways and collapsed streets and buildings to terrorist cells planning the fall of SLA from the sewer hideouts. Not to mention the horrific mutated creatures from the Cannibal Sectors who penetrate the lowest levels of the city to feed. Monstrous creatures of a dark foul nature - Carriens, Cannibal Pigs and other foul creatures - some native to Mort. Others from worlds far beyond.
The players are "Operatives" (piece workers) for SLA Industries. A Big Brother-esque megacorporation that controls everything. Or at least that's what they tell everyone. Mr Slayer runs the show and has done for 900 years. He tells you he will provide for you if you serve him well. Your job is to serve and protect SLA Industries by rooting out traitors, subversives, criminals and those that Slayer wants silenced. Don't ask questions though. You wouldn't understand the answer anyway. Just do your job, do it well and you will be rewarded. Fail and you will disappear.
And of course your aim is to make money and acheive fame - by appearing on SLA's 1001 TV channels, to opiate of the whole society of Mort and Slayer's World of Progress (the universe).