Luther Lightbringer

- Law Bearer, Confessor, and Preserver of the Word
- Lawful Good Male Human Cleric 7 (Sovereign Host)

- HD: 7d8+6
- Hit points: 45
- Initiative: +1
- Speed: 30 feet
- AC: 20, Touch: 11, Flat-footed: 19
- Languages: Common Tongue

- STR: 14 (+2)
- DEX: 12 (+1)
- CON: 12 (+1)
- INT: 10 (+0)
- WIS: 15 (+2)
- CHA: 14 (+2)
- FORT: +6
- REFX: +3
- WILL: +7

Attack (melee): +8 (+1) Heavy Mace 1d8+3
Attack (melee): +8 (Mw) Dagger 1d4+2
Attack (ranged:) +7 (Mw) Light Crossbow 1d8
- Turn Undead - Check=1d20+4 / Damage=3d6+8
- Nobility Domain - 1/day, standard action, grant Allies +2 morale bonus on saves, attacks, damage, skill and ability checks for 2 rounds. Allies must be able to hear voice.
- Glory Domain - Turn Undead gets +2 bonus on checks and +1d6 on damage roll.
- Diplomacy: +9
- Heal: +5
- Knowledge: Religion: +4
- Knowledge: Law: +4
- Concentration: +4
- Ride: +4
- Handle Animal: +4
- Mounted Combat
- Ride-By-Attack
- Spirited Charge
- Trample
0-level (DC 12): Amanuensis x2 (SC9), Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Light.(+1 slot)
1-level (DC 13): Comprehend Languages, Sanctuary, Shield of Faith, Obscuring Mist, Divine Favor (D).(+1 slot)
2-level (DC 14): Hold Person, Lesser Restoration, Resist Energy, Spiritual Weapon, Enthrall (D).
3- level (DC 15): Awaken Sin (SC21), Dispell Magic, Searing Light (D).
4- level (DC 16):(+1/+1 slot)
On Person
- Clerical Vestments
- Signant Ring (Radiant Eye w/Teardrop)
- Silver Holy Symbol
- +1 Heavy Mace
- +1 Heavy Wooden Shield (with parchments of scriptures)
- +1 Breast Plate
- Mw. Lt. Crossbow
- 20 Bolts
- Wand of Cure Light Wounds (37 Charges)(in belt)
- Hewards Handy Haversack
- Belt Pouch
- Spell Component Pouch
- Dagger (in right boot)
- Masterwork Potion Belt
- Waterskin
In Hewards Handy Haversack
- Scroll Case (Invisibility Purge Scroll)
- Flask
- Flint and Steel
- Ink Pen
- Mw. Manacles w/ amazing lock
- (7) Rations
- (2) Sacks
- Ink
- Ever Burning Torch
- Blank Book (for diary/meditations)
- (3) Holy Water
- (3) Antitoxin
- Sealing Wax (light purple)
In Belt Pouch
- (15) Tindertwigs
- Gp
- Sp
- Cp
In Potion Belt
- Holy Water
- Antitoxin
- Penance (Heavy Warhorse)

Large Animal
- HD: 4d8+12
- Hit points: 30
- Initiative: +1
- Speed: 50 feet
- AC: 18, Touch: 10, Flat-footed: 17
- Special: Low-light vision, Scent
- STR: 18 (+4)
- DEX: 13 (+1)
- CON: 17 (+3)
- INT: 2 (-4)
- WIS: 13 (+1)
- CHA: 6 (-2)
- FORT: +7
- REFX: +5
- WILL: +2
Attack: +6 Hoof 1d6+4
Full Attack: +6/+6 (2) Hooves 1d6+4, +1 Bite 1d4+2
- Listen: +5
- Spot: +4
- Endurance
- Run
- Attack
- Come
- Defend
- Down
- Guard
- Heel
- Light:1-300 lbs.
- Medium: 301-600 lbs.
- Heavy: 601-900 lbs.
Total Weight Carried:
Items Carried on Horse
- Bedroll
- Tent
- Chainshirt Barding
- Military Saddle
- Bit & Bridle
- Saddlebags
- 50' Silk Rope
Items Carried in Saddlebags
- Clerical Vestments
- (2) Explorers Outfits
- Soap
- (4) Candles