Super!RED CenturyCity

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SUPERS! RED Century City

This wiki is for the Supers! RED game Adventure 1 - "Echoes in Century City"

IC Thread

OOC Thread


Slime, extra-dininstional alien heroin/'spy?', played by @Silvercat Moonpaw

Emergent, pack of hyper-intelligence Hive-mind rats, played by @Timon

Wraith, ghost like ex-villain turned hero, played by @Potted Plant

Dark Ride, a man who can turn into a hotrod of a car, played by @The Wyzard



Atomic Brain[1], is an unrivaled super-genius inventor who has created technology beyond anything else the world knows. He has masterminded, behind the scenes, hundreds of plots and schemes over the last 30 years but rarely appears himself. While perfectly capable of defending himself against most heroes he prefers to work behind the scenes.

The Electrocutioner[2], a arch rival of XX. Elemental controller (lightning and electrical). Generally a thug of mastermind villain, not much of a planner himself.

Iron Lotus[3], mutant martial artist whom can cling to walls and become invisible in shadows. Mutant for hire in the supervillain world.

Oil Spill[4] an mimic/elemental controller (oily substance). Eco-terrorist who seems more interested in causing harm and destruction then saving the planet.


Century City is a port city on the west coast of northern California. Its a good sized city of four million residences. It is a high tech center with a lot of the worlds and USA leading tech companies and think tanks located here. The city itself is fairly safe but a new criminal element is making a move as the old guard is set of step back (its as if they have been planning this for a while).

The city is as the adventure opens holding a call to recruit new heroes to become the newest team of Centurions for the city. The older heroes are retiring or want to take a less active role in super-heroin.


Suburban Hills. a gated community close to the city, but feels like it’s out in the suburbs. Most famous for being right behind the Mark Wahlberg mall, named after the tech company owner (who either isn’t the same person as our MW, or in this timeline he went into tech development instead of acting). The two are also famous together because the Hillsfolk (as their derisively called) snob it up around the mall and refuse to associate with anyone else while there.

Lantern Row. This neighborhood was setting originally by Chinese coming to work the railways. The family that settled here came from a district that had traditionally that included the lighting of lanterns, some that were floating on the rivers and streams of the area and others on balloons. The city adopted the tradition but it is still a common sight in many of the local businesses, shops and restaurants.

Century City Port. Terminals, wharves, piers, Coast Guard Base, and facilities for bulk cargo, petroleum, and LNG shipment. The port is busy at all times of the hour, although a bit less so at night. It also features and area known as Portside, tucked inland between the port proper and the rest of the city. Portside is primarily a mixed demographic, low-income area mostly populated by dock workers. And also where David lives. The people of Portside are such a varied lot that they do not generally mind who their neighbors are.


The Federal Bureau of Communications Century City Satellite Relay Hub. It’s no longer a relay hub, but instead monitors satellite feeds while doing such things as informing companies if their sats are acting funny and doing cyber-defense. This is where Slime’s mom works so she can tap into global communications.

Century City Hypermax. A prison for supervillains, not in the city proper but off the coast, built on a former oil rig. What exact methods are used to contain the inmates and keep them from using their powers are a huge secrets, but few people have ever escaped.

Quest Technologies. Andrew Quest started with a loan and a workshop in his garage. Now in his seventies, the reclusive, visionary inventor has a company that is one of the world leaders, perhaps even the leader in quantum technologies.


Bellisario's. Named after the semi-famous maxim, it’s a “eat-and-drink-ery” that specializes in not asking questions about anything weird that happens inside, so long as people don’t do anything nasty to each other. Translation: It’s the urban fantasy crowd’s hang-out.

Burger Blaster. This popular local burger chain can be found through out the city at one of their 24 locations (with two new ones on the way). Specializing in large, meaty burgers they also have come to embrace (and master) multiple types of veggie burgers.

Century City Park. A large sprawling, rolling hills park filled with plenty of open grass fields, with a small stream and four small ponds and multiple crops of trees shattered throughout. Very popular and frequented by many of the city's residence.