Neve Talvan'i
Female Ennari/Human Biomancer
- Agility: d6
- Smarts: d8
- Spirit: d8
- Strength: d4
- Vigor: d6
Derived Attributes
- Rank: Seasoned
- Bennies: 3
- Parry: 5
- Toughness: 9 (4)
- Pace: 6"
- Laser Pistol - Shooting d4, Range 15/30/60, Damage 2d6, AP 2, ROF 1, Shots 50, Min Str d4; Notes: Cauterize (Anyone Incapacitated by a laser blast adds +2 to his Vigor rolls to keep from Bleeding Out), Overcharge (lasers can overcharge to cause an extra d6 damage, but if any of the Shooting dice are a 1, the weapon must cool down for a full round before it can be fired again), No Recoil (lasers ignore the Recoil penalty).
- Touch Attack – Fighting d6+2, Range: Melee
- Can’t Swim (m, racial)
- Loyal (m)
- Quirk: Unsettling stare (m)
- Racial Enemy: M’Borak (m, racial)
- Secret: Healing caste runaway (m)
- Wanted: The Ennari want her back (m)
- Arcane Background (Psionics)
- Environmental Resistance: Cold (racial)
- Healer
- Immune to Poison (racial)
- Low Light Vision (racial)
- New Powers
- Poisonous Touch: Mild (racial)
- Power Points
- Athletics: d4
- C. Knowledge d4
- Fighting: d6
- Healing: d6+2
- Notice: d6
- Persuasion: d6
- Psionics: d8
- Shooting: d4
- Stealth: d6
- Survival: d4
- Thievery: d6
Languages: Ennari (Native), Doyga d6, Earthlang d6, M’Borak d6, TBA d6
PP: 15
- Bolt (Limitation: Touch; PP: 1, Range: Touch, Duration: Instant)
- Disguise (Limitation: Touch; PP: 1, Range: Touch, Duration: 10 minutes)
- Healing (PP: 3, Range: Touch, Duration: Instant)
- Protection (Limitation: Touch; PP: 1, Range: Touch, Duration: 5 rounds)
- Slumber (Limitation: Touch; PP: 1, Range: Touch, Duration: 1 hour)
- Laser Pistol ($250, Wt 2)
- Personal Energy Shield ($100, +4 armor, Wt 4)
- Casual Clothing ($20, Wt 2)
- MREs x2 ($20, Wt 2)
- Medic Kit ($100, Wt 4)
- $10
An Ennari/Human hybrid, Neve is what the Ennari call a 'biomancer', someone with the rare gift to heal, harm or alter biological matter. Quickly scooped up by one of the ruling clan houses and indoctrinated into the Healing Caste, Neve faced a future of indentured servitude so the clan could exploit her gifts. Neve escaped Sulanq, homeworld of the Ennari, and has been on the run ever since. Her goals are modest: she simply wants to live free and build a future of her own on her terms. While she has resorted to thievery and some fast talking to survive, she does try to help people with her gifts when she can.