For the Love of Treasure/Taran
Taran Boltlord, Mistress of Sorcery
ST 10 {0}; DX 12 {40}; IQ 12 {40}; HT 12 {20}
Damage 1d-2/1d; BL 10 kg; HP 12; Will 12; Per 12 {0}; FP 12; Basic Speed 6.00 {0}; Basic Move 6.
- Accelerated Casting {10}
- Charisma 3 {15}
- Magical Lineage (Fate-Touched) {1}
- Sorcerous Empowerment 6 {70}
- Sorcery Talent 3 {30}
- Curious {-5}
- Low Pain Threshold {-10}
- Overconfidence {-5}
- Obsession (Prove she's the world's greatest sorceress) {-10}
- Sense of Duty (Adventuring Companions) {-5}
- Stubbornness {-5}
- Unnatural Features 5 (glowing tatoos, otherwordly air) {-5}
- Modest, covers as much as possible as often as possible {-1}
- Grandiose in word and movement {-1}
- Often prefaces speaking with a bold laugh {-1}
- Kinder than she lets on. {-1}
- {-1}
Climbing (A) DX-1 {1} - 11
Diplomacy (H) IQ-1 {2} - 11
Fast-Talk (A) IQ-1 {1} - 12
First Aid (E) IQ {1} - 12
Gesture (E) IQ {1} - 12
Hidden Lore (Magical Writings) (A) IQ {2} - 12
Hiking (A) HT {2} - 12
Innate Attack (Beam) (E) DX+4 {12} - 16
Lockpicking (A) IQ-1 {1} - 11
Scrounging (E) Per {1} - 12
Staff (A) DX+3 {12} - 15
Thaumathology (VH) IQ-2 {2} - 10
Sorcery Spells
- Dispel Magic {12}
Attempts to negate every instance of magic within the area. See Sorcery, p. 21.
Keywords: Area (Leveled), Resisted (Will or spell). Full Cost: 60 points. Casting Roll: Will. Range: Unlimited. Duration: Instantaneous.
- Fly {10}
Allows the target to fly with a Move equal to their Basic Speed x2 for three minutes.
Keywords: Obvious. Full Cost: 48 points. Casting Roll: None. Use Innate Attack (Gaze) to aim. Range: 100m. Duration: Three Minutes. Statistics: Affliction 1 (Flight with Magical, +360%; Increased 1/2D x10, +15%; No Signature, +20%; Fixed Duration +0%; Sorcery, -15%).
- Lightning 3 {7}
An Innate Attack doing 3d burning surge damage. Metal armor counts as DR 1. Targets struck by it must make a HT roll at -1 per 2 injury suffered or be physically stunned (HT to recover in subsequent turns). Behaves unpredictably around conductors.
Keywords: Missile, Obvious. Full Cost: 35 points. Casting Roll: None. Use Innate Attack (Beam) to hit. Range: 100m. Duration: Instantaneous. Statistics: Per Pyramid #3/82, p. 13.
- Locksmith {2}
Full Cost: 10 points. Casting Roll: Lockpicking +4 Range: 10m. Duration: Indefinite
- Mage Armor {8}
Gives the subject an extra DR 5 for the duration.
Keywords: Buff. Full Cost: 40 points.
Casting Roll: None. Use Innate Attack (Gaze) to aim.
Range: 100m.
Duration: Three minutes.
Statistics: Affliction 1 (DR 5 with Magical and Force Field, +280%; Increased 1/2D x10, +15%; No Signature, +20%; Fixed Duration, +0%; Sorcery, -15%)
- Detect Magic {2}
Keywords: Information.
Full Cost: 7 points.
Casting Roll: IQ.
Range: Unlimited.
Duration: Instantaneous.
Statistics: Detect (Magic; Sorcery, -15%; Touch- or Vision-Based, -15%) [7].
Determines whether the subject (person, object, or area) is under the effects of magic; enchanted items definitely count. The GM will secretly roll against the caster’s IQ minus range penalties (p. B550) to the subject, which the caster must be able to see or touch. If the sorcerer is familiar with the spells in ques- tion, this will reveal them. Otherwise, the GM will use the margin of success to determine how much information to give the sorcerer.
- Helm of the Dark Lords: this helm grants the wearer Darkvision and +2 to vision based PER rolls. It also will fit to any sized head (Halfling to Half-Ogre) and is made of some kind of black armor with DR4 and Ligten enhancement (wt. with Face Mask is 4.2lbs/2KG and no penalty to hearing while wearing).
Ordinary Clothing [Torso, Limbs]: Free, 1kg.
Quarterstaff [Torso]: Damage thr+2 cr or sw+2 cr. Parry +2. Balanced, Staff Spell $80, 2kg.
Power Item - Ruby Amulet 5 FP for Sorcery [Torso] $490
Potion Belt Belt with four slots, each of which can carry one “grenade” bottle (1 lb.) or two potion vials (0.5 lb. each). Wearer can reach them with Ready or Fast-Draw. Padding removes risk of accidental breakage and gives containers +2 DR vs. deliberate attacks. $60, .5kg.
Healing Potion - Minor Heals 1d HP. $120, 0.25 kg.
Glow Vial [Potion Belt]: Sheds light in a 2m radius for 12 hours. $60, 0.5kg.
Backpack, Small [Torso]: Holds 20kg of gear. $60, 1.5kg.
Blanket [Backpack]: $20, 2kg.
Traveler's Rations x2 [Backpack]: $4, .5kg.
Bottle, Ceramic [Backpack] $3 .5kg
Personal Basics [Backpack] $5, 0.5kg.
Bandages [Backpack] $10 .5kg
$88 remaining.
No Encumbrance!
- Defenses
- Dodge 9
- Parry 13 (Staff)
- DR 0 (5 w/Mage Armor)
- Attacks
- Staff (16): Swing 1d/ Thrust 1d+2 Cr; Reach 1, 2.
- Lightning Bolt (19) 3d6 burning surge, range 100m