Lakmu the Lyrist

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A young man with sun-darkened skin and a rough thatch of black hair. Slender and short, his patched and dust stained garb and gear mark him as a Wanderer. He doesn't let his pack stray too far from him. He carries a number of short blades, but these are dangerous times. He carries a lyre, and frequently tunes it.

Attributes: STR 9 (-1) DEX 17 (+3) CON 14 (+2) INT 16 (+3) WIS 13 (+1) CHA 16 (+3) HD: d8 HP: 10 Armor Class: 17 Touch 14, Flatfooted 13 Saves: F: +2 R: +5 W: +1

Base Attack: +0

Short Sword: +3 to hit, 1d6-1 dmg

Dagger: +3 to hit, 1d4-1 dmg

Masterwork Shortbow +4 to hit, 1d6 dmg

Sneak Attack: +1d6

Languages: (1+3 for INT) Common, Wanderer, High Talk (important for performance). Seawords

Skills: (8+3 (Int)+1 (Human)+1 (Favoured Class)=13) Class Skills are Underlined Appraise +7, Bluff +7, Climb +3, Diplomacy +7, Disable Device +8 (Trapfinding), Escape Artist +7, Knowledge (Local) +7, Perception +5 (+6 with trapfinding), Perform (Lyre) +8 (Mentor), Perform (Singing) +7, Sleight of Hand +7, Stealth +7, Survival +6 (Poverty Stricken)

Feats: Dodge (+1 AC), Weapon Finesse

Traits: Poverty Stricken, Mentor Mercenary: +2 trait bonus on Diplomacy, Intimidate, and Sense Motive checks made while negotiating payment for a quest or a service that you provide.

Wealth and Equipment: Waiwode: 3D6 → 3(1 +1 +1)#Wealth Roll Oh boy. A 3. I have 30 tin rods, the minimum amount. Free: Short Sword,Studded leather armour, and jaunty red Phrygian Cap. Lyre.

Backpack -2/2

Belt Pouch -1/3

Waist Pouch -0.5/3.5

Kit, Survival -5/8.5

2 x Daggers -4/12.5

Sling -/8.5

20 Sling Stones -0.2/12.7

Rope, Hemp, 50ft -1/13.7

String, 50ft -0.01/13.71

Bedroll -0.5/14.21

3 torches -0.03/14.24

3 candles -0.03/14.27

3 Trail rations -1.5/15.77

Thieves' Tools

Masterwork Short bow.

2 Quivers of arrows.

Remaining Coin: 84.23


Key: Survival

Important: Curiosity, Wanderlust

Maybe: Wealth, Fame, Other (Revenge)

Survival is what drove him to crime, set him to wandering, allowed him to focus on learning an instrument and catalogue of songs. Poverty has been a spectre over him all of his life. Great wealth might be nice, but for now a few more tin rods will help ensure he survives. Curiosity pulls him. Lakmu has only experienced a tiny sliver of the world, and after years in a copper mine he is eager to find more and more wondrous sights.

Wanderlust pushes Lakmu. Part of it is his profession. Play a couple places, earn some tin, but there are new markets, new towns to visit, new hills to cross. But seeded in his wanderlust is a desire to find a home, something he's never really had and might not recognize when he finds it. But on that day, Lakmu hopes he can hang up his travelling pack. Wealth, the parables and songs tell us that it can't buy happiness. Who hasn't heard the song about the king with the golden touch? Or the man with the chicken who laid eggs of gold? Both those tales end in woe. But Lakmu, who has tried to sleep without shelter as the winter storms drive rain from above, who has tightened his rope belt to quell his hunger pangs, and who has stolen many a loaf, fruit and vegetable during his days is sure that a bit of wealth might actually be quite nice. Fame is one of the least of Lakmu's concerns. Still, he spent years learning to sing, to play. Gaining public acclaim, and recognition by those far his senior in the arts would be nice. Revenge When you have nothing, revenge is nothing but a fantasy. For three years he laboured in an open-pit copper mine. Although the guards were not particularly cruel, neither was the experience free of corporal punishment.
