SotS: Corpse Astray: Foyle
Name: Foyle
Profession: Monster Hunter
Adjectives: Pessimist, cheery, planner, thorough, insightful, pious, proud
What is Best in Life? (Drives): Eradicating the inhuman; a great plan; a narrow escape
Investigative Abilities: Taunt 1/1 Trustworthy 1/1 Know Monstrosities 2/3 Leechcraft 1/1 Prophecy 1/1 Spot Frailty 2/2 Wilderness Mastery 1/1
General Abilities: Athletics 8/8 (Dodge) Bind Wounds 4, Preparedness 4/4 Sway 6/6 Warfare 8/8 (Cleave)
- Allies: Church of Denari 1/1, Monstrosities 1/1
- Enemies: Monstrosities 1/1
Health: 8/10 | Threshold 4-7 (dented great shield) | Armor 2 (heavily scarred chainmail)
Morale: 8 | Threshold 3 | Grit 1 (focus)
- New but heavily scarred chainmail (Armor 2, Swim penalty -4)
- New but badly dented great shield (+0 to +3 for Hit Threshold)
- Trial, an ancient battleaxe once belonging to your grandfather (Damage Modifier +1)
- The resigned annoyance that no one ever wants to believe you
- Two dozen conspiracy theories about monsters in Eversink, all true
- A depressing lack of close friends who are human
- A deep and abiding faith