First Level Illusionist Spells
First Level | |||||
Alter Scent 3 Dispel 3 Individual | Alter Taste 3 Dispel 3 Individual | Alter Touch 3 Dispel 3 Individual | Blending In Place 3 1 Turn/L 0 Self | Create Noise 2 + 1/turn Maintained 6 Individual | Create Smell 2 + 1/turn Maintained 6 Individual
Create Taste 2 + 1/turn Maintained 6 Individual Darkness 3 + 1/turn Maintained 0 3” Circle Detect Illusion 1 1 Magic phase 1 per L, max. 24 Individual Disguise Object 3 Dispel, broken 3 1 Object Disguise Self 3 Dispel, broken 0 Self Foxfire 2 6 Turns 1 1/36” ball Hide Object 2 1 Phase/L 1 1” Cube Hypnotism 3 Dispel, broken 9 (24) Individual Illusion 4 + 1/turn Maintained 24 L/2” Ball Individual Silence 2 Dispel, broken 3 Individual Itch 2 1-4 Phases 12 Individual Light 2 + 1/turn Maintained 0 3” Circle Magic Aura 2 Dispel 3 Individual Minor Change 2 Dispel 3 Individual Mirror 2 1 Turn 6 1/6” Square Numbness 2 1-6 Turns 12 Individual Read Illusionist Magic 1 1 Reading ½ Individual Read Languages 1 1 Reading 1 Individual Silence, 1” Radius 2 6 Turns 12 1” Circle Sleight of Hand 3 1 Turn 0 Self Ventriloquism 2 1 Turn 0 (6) Self Wall of Fog 3 3 Turns 12 ½ × 6 × 2 Wall Illusionist Spells Revised 6/22/2000 6:13:00 PM 5-2 Illusionist Spells and Descriptions Second Level Illusionist Spells Spell Name Spell Points Duration Range Size and Shape Area Itching 5 1-4 Turns 12 3 × 3 × 1 Area Area Numbness 4 1-6 Turns 12 3 × 3 × 1 Area Blinding Light 2 + 1/turn Maintained (1-6 T) 0 (1) 24” Radius Blindness 3 1-6 Turns 12 Individual Change Self 5 Dispel 0 Self Conceal Tracks 5 Dispel 0 6 or 12 Circle * Continual Light 4 Dispel 12 12” Circle Create Flavor 3 3 Turns 6 Individual Create Scent 3 3 Turns 6 Individual Create Sound 3 1 Turn 6 Individual Detect Magic 2 1 Magic phase 1 Individual Disguise Others 4 Dispel, broken 3 Individual Displacement 2 + 1/turn Maintained 1 Self Distant Weather 3 + 1/turn Maintained 24 Any area within 24” Flash 3 1 Phase (1 Turn) * 6 (24) Point Fog 3 3 Turns 0 3” Circle Hallucination 3 1 Turn 12 Individual Hypnotic Pattern 4 * 12 max 6 × 6 × 2 Area Invisibility 3 Dispel, broken 24 Individual Lightwall 3 + 1/turn Maintained 6 ½ × 6 × 2 Wall Misdetection 3 3 Turns 0 Self Phantasm 3 Until touched 24 Sight Pyrotechnics 3 1 Turn 24 Sight Shadow Missile 3 + 1/missile 1 Dex count/missile 15 Individual Shapechange 4 Dispel 12 Individual Silence, 3” Radius 3 6 Turns 12 3” Circle Smoke Cloud 4 3 Turns 0 3” Circle Stench 2 + 1/turn Maintained * * True Sight 3 3 Turns 0 (24) Self White Noise 2 + 1/turn Maintained * * Third Level Illusionist Spells Spell Name Spell Points Duration Range Size and Shape Activate Wand 2 1 Dex count 0 Individual Change Landscape 5 Dispel 0 (12) 12” Radius Change Object 5 Dispel 3 Individual Change Others 6 Dispel 3 Individual Color Spray 5 1 Dex count * 0 12 × 6 Cone Concealment 5 3 Turns 0 Self Continual Darkness 5 Dispel 0 (12) 12” Radius Deafness 3 1-6 Turns 12 Individual Dispel Illusion 4 1 Dex count 6 1 Illusion Fear 6 1 Dex count * 0 6 × 3 Cone Hallucinatory Terrain 7 Dispel, broken 24 Sight Hide Spellcasting 4 3 Turns 0 Self Hypnotic Pattern + 10% 5 * 12 max 6 × 6 × 2 Area Hypnotic Picture 6 + 2/turn Maintained 3 (24) 6 × 6 × 2 Area Illusionary Script 3 * 3 6 sq. in. Invisibility, 3” Radius 4 Dispel, broken 0 3” Radius Magic Mouth 3 Till activated 3 Individual Micro-Itching 3 1-4 phases 12 Individual Micro-Phantasm 4 1 Dex count 24 Individual Micro-Shadow Missile 3 + 3/missile 1 Magic phase 15 Individual Mirror Image 5 + 1/turn Maintained 6 1-4 Images Moveable Darkness 4 + 1/turn Maintained 0 (1) 1” Radius Pastorale 6 Dispel 0 12” Radius Phantasm + 10% 4 1 Dex count 24 Sight Shadow Missile + 10% 4 + 2/missile 1 Dex count 15 Individual Size Change 5 Dispel 12 Individual Sleep 5 Dispel, broken 24 6 × 6 × 2 Area Suggestion 5 Dispel, broken 9 (24) Individual Wizard Light 3 + 1/turn Maintained 0 (24) 24” Radius Revised 6/22/2000 6:13:00 PM Illusionist Spells Illusionist Spells and Descriptions 5-3 Fourth Level Illusionist Spells Spell Name Spell Points Duration Range Size and Shape Area Blinding Light 6 + 2/turn Maintained 12 3” Radius Area Darkness 5 6 + L Turns 24 6” Radius Area Stench 6 + 2/turn Maintained 12 3” Radius Confusion 5 + 1/turn Maintained 12 max 6 × 6 × 2 Area Controlled Illusion 5 + 2/phase Maintained 24 6” Radius Delusion 6 + 1/turn Maintained 12 Individual Illusionary Bands 6 Dispel 12 1” Cube Immobilization 5 + 1/turn Maintained 12 Individual Mass Invisibility 10 + radius Dispel, broken 0 Variable radius Massmorph 7 Dispel 0 (24) 24” Radius Micro-Phantasm + 10% 5 1 Dex count 24 Individual Micro-Shadow Missile + 10% 4 + 4/missile 1 Magic phase 15 Individual Mind Blank Self 6 6 + L 0 Self One-Way Darkness 6 + 2/turn Maintained 6 ½ × 6 × 2 Wall Percentile Illusion Negation 6 1 Magic phase 24 Individual Phantom 6 + 1/turn Maintained 6 1 Phantom Picture Window 6 Dispel 6 2 × 2 window Read Magic 2 1 Reading ½ Individual Scene 6 Dispel 24 12 × 12 × 2 Area Shadow Wall 4 + 2/turn Maintained 6 ½ × 6 × 2 Wall Spellbind 7 Dispel 12 6 × 6 × 2 Area * Sustained Phantasm 6 + 3/phase Maintained 24 Sight Vertigo 5 2-12 Turns 24 Individual Fifth Level Illusionist Spells Spell Name Spell Points Duration Range Size and Shape Befuddlement 9 + 3/turn Maintained 0 (3) 3” Radius Broadfield Hallucination 12 Dispel 24 max 24” Radius Chaos 8 + 2/turn Maintained 24 1” Cube / L Combine Illusions 6 Up to 3 turns * * Detection Jamming 5/type 6 Turns 0 Self Dreamland 8 3 Turns 24 3” Cube Extend Illusion 4 + 1/level x 2 * * Feeblemind 8 Dispel 24 Individual Hypnotic Image 10 * 12 6 × 6 × 2 Area Illusionary Prison 8 + 2/turn Maintained 18 2” Radius Light of Truth 7 1 Magic phase 0 (6) 6” Radius Mass Suggestion 10 Dispel 12 6 × 6 × 2 Area Maze 12 6 Turns 12 6 × 6 × 2 Area Phantasm + 20% 8 1 Dex count 24 Sight Programmed Illusion 7 + 3/turn Maintained 24 3” Cube, moveable Projected Image 7 + 1/turn Maintained 24 1 Image Shadow Missile + 20% 5 + 3/missile 1 Magic phase 15 Individual Super-Invisibility 9 Dispel, broken 12 Individual Sustained Phantasm + 10% 7 + 3/phase Maintained 24 Sight Ultra-Invisibility 9 Dispel, broken 12 Individual Illusionist Spells Revised 6/22/2000 6:13:00 PM 5-4 Illusionist Spells and Descriptions Sixth Level Illusionist Spells Spell Name Spell Points Duration Range Size and Shape Amnesia 10 Dispel 3 Individual Anti-Illusion Shell 8 12 0 Self Five Sense Illusion 12 + 2/turn Maintained 24 Sight Five-Sense Weather 9 + 3/turn Maintained 24 Sight Indetectability 10 3 0 Self Micro-Feeblemind 11 Dispel 24 Individual Micro-Phantasm + 20% 10 1 Dex count 24 Individual Micro-Shadow Missile + 20% 6 + 5/missile 1 Magic phase 15 Individual Mirrorwall 9 + 2/turn Maintained 12 0 × 6 × 2 Wall Prismatic Illusion Spray 12 1 Dex count 12 Sight Prismatic Illusion Wall 15 + 5/turn Maintained 12 0 × 6 × 2 Wall Reflect Detect By Implements 10 1 Day 3 Individual Reflect Illusion 12 3 Turns 0 Self Simulacrum 10 + 4/turn Maintained 24 1 Image Terror 15 * 0 12 × 12 Cone * |