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In th Jeweled Amber campaign and the Tosa/York realms, Illusionists are sort of the redheaded step children of magic users. They are looked down on by most mages. However, they are officially members of most Wizards Guilds regardless of how they are looked at. Illusionism is easier then Magery so it is seen in much the way doctors look on chiropractors. Many mages study Illusionism on the sly.

There is also a wide belief among those of the craft that there is a special talent for being an illusionist that is more cerebral and not as force or elementally based. Some non-mages pick up low level illusionist spells like Cantrips

however, illusionism has some very potent spells for its practitioners. Illusionist Spells

First Level
Alter Scent 3 Dispel 3 Individual Alter Taste 3 Dispel 3 Individual Alter Touch 3 Dispel 3 Individual Blending In Place 3 1 Turn/L 0 Self Create Noise 2 + 1/turn Maintained 6 Individual Create Smell 2 + 1/turn Maintained 6 Individual
Create Taste 2 + 1/turn Maintained 6 Individual Darkness 3 + 1/turn Maintained 0 3” Circle Detect Illusion 1 1 Magic phase 1 per L, max. 24 Individual Disguise Object 3 Dispel, broken 3 1 Object Disguise Self 3 Dispel, broken 0 Self
Foxfire 2 6 Turns 1 1/36” ball Hide Object 2 1 Phase/L 1 1” Cube Hypnotism 3 Dispel, broken 9 (24) Individual Illusion 4 + 1/turn Maintained 24 L/2” Ball Individual Silence 2 Dispel, broken 3 Individual Itch 2 1-4 Phases 12
Individual Light 2 + 1/turn Maintained 0 3” Circle Magic Aura 2 Dispel 3 Individual Minor Change 2 Dispel 3 Individual Mirror 2 1 Turn 6 1/6” Square Numbness 2 1-6 Turns 12 Individual Read Illusionist Magic 1 1 Reading ½ Individual
Read Languages 1 1 Reading 1 Individual Silence, 1” Radius 2 6 Turns 12 1” Circle Sleight of Hand 3 1 Turn 0 Self Ventriloquism 2 1 Turn 0 (6) Self Wall of Fog 3 3 Turns 12 ½ × 6 × 2 Wall
Second Level
Area Itching 5 1-4 Turns 12 3 × 3 × 1 Area Area Numbness 4 1-6 Turns 12 3 × 3 × 1 Area Blinding Light 2 + 1/turn Maintained (1-6 T) 0 (1) 24” Radius Blindness 3 1-6 Turns 12 Individual Change Self 5 Dispel 0 Conceal Tracks 5 Dispel 0 6 or 12 Circle *
Continual Light 4 Dispel 12 12” Circle Create Flavor 3 3 Turns 6 Individual Create Scent 3 3 Turns 6 Individual Create Sound 3 1 Turn 6 Individual Detect Magic 2 1 Magic phase 1 Individual Disguise Others 4 Dispel, broken 3 Individual
Displacement 2 + 1/turn Maintained 1 Self Distant Weather 3 + 1/turn Maintained 24 Any area within 24” Flash 3 1 Phase (1 Turn) * 6 (24) Point Fog 3 3 Turns 0 3” Circle Hallucination 3 1 Turn 12 Individual Hypnotic Pattern 4 * 12 max 6 × 6 × 2 Area Invisibility 3 Dispel, broken 24 Individual
Lightwall 3 + 1/turn Maintained 6 ½ × 6 × 2 Wall Misdetection 3 3 Turns 0 Self Phantasm 3 Until touched 24 Sight Pyrotechnics 3 1 Turn 24 Sight Shadow Missile 3 + 1/missile 1 Dex count/missile 15 Individual Shapechange 4 Dispel 12 Individual
Silence, 3” Radius 3 6 Turns 12 3” Circle Smoke Cloud 4 3 Turns 0 3” Circle Stench 2 + 1/turn Maintained * * True Sight 3 3 Turns 0 (24) Self White Noise 2 + 1/turn Maintained * *
Third Level
Activate Wand 2 1 Dex count 0 Individual Change Landscape 5 Dispel 0 (12) 12” Radius Change Object 5 Dispel 3 Individual Change Others 6 Dispel 3 Individual Color Spray 5 1 Dex count * 0 12 × 6 Cone Concealment 5 3 Turns 0 Self Continual
Darkness 5 Dispel 0 (12) 12” Radius Deafness 3 1-6 Turns 12 Individual Dispel Illusion 4 1 Dex count 6 1 Illusion Fear 6 1 Dex count * 0 6 × 3 Cone Hallucinatory Terrain 7 Dispel, broken 24 Sight Hide Spellcasting 4 3 Turns 0 Self
Hypnotic Pattern + 10% 5 * 12 max 6 × 6 × 2 Area Hypnotic Picture 6 + 2/turn Maintained 3 (24) 6 × 6 × 2 Area Illusionary Script 3 * 3 6 sq. in. Invisibility, 3” Radius 4 Dispel, broken 0 3” Radius Magic Mouth 3 Till activated 3 Individual Micro-Itching 3 1-4 phases 12 Individual
Micro-Phantasm 4 1 Dex count 24 Individual Micro-Shadow Missile 3 + 3/missile 1 Magic phase 15 Individual Mirror Image 5 + 1/turn Maintained 6 1-4 Images Moveable Darkness 4 + 1/turn Maintained 0 (1) 1” Radius Pastorale 6 Dispel 0 12” Radius Phantasm + 10% 4 1 Dex count 24 Sight Shadow Missile + 10% 4 + 2/missile 1 Dex count 15 Individual
Size Change 5 Dispel 12 Individual Sleep 5 Dispel, broken 24 6 × 6 × 2 Area Suggestion 5 Dispel, broken 9 (24) Individual Wizard Light 3 + 1/turn Maintained 0 (24) 24” Radius
Fourth Level
Blinding Light 6 + 2/turn Maintained 12 3” Radius Area Stench 6 + 2/turn Maintained 12 3” Radius Controlled Illusion 5 + 2/phase Maintained 24 6” Radius Delusion 6 + 1/turn Maintained 12 Individual
Illusionary Bands 6 Dispel 12 1” Cube Immobilization 5 + 1/turn Maintained 12 Individual Mass Invisibility 10 + radius Dispel, broken 0 Variable radius Micro-Phantasm + 10% 5 1 Dex count 24 Individual

Micro-Shadow Missile + 10% 4 + 4/missile 1

Magic phase 15 Individual Mind Blank Self 6 6 + L 0 Self One-Way Darkness 6 + 2/turn Maintained 6 ½ × 6 × 2 Wall
Percentile Illusion Negation 6 1 Magic phase 24 Individual Phantom 6 + 1/turn Maintained 6 1 Phantom Picture Window 6 Dispel 6 2 × 2 window Read Magic 2 1 Reading ½ Individual Dispel 24 12 × 12 × 2 Area Shadow Wall 4 + 2/turn Maintained 6 ½ × 6 × 2 Wall Spellbind 7 Dispel 12 6 × 6 × 2 Area *


Sustained Phantasm 6 + 3/phase Maintained 24 Sight Vertigo 5 2-12 Turns 24 Individual
Fifth Level
Befuddlement 9 + 3/turn Maintained 0 (3) 3” Radius Broadfield Hallucination 12 Dispel 24 max 24” Radius Chaos 8 + 2/turn Maintained 24 1” Cube / L Combine Illusions 6 Up to 3 turns * * Detection Jamming 5/type 6 Turns 0 Self Dreamland 8 3 Turns 24 3” Cube Extend Illusion 4 + 1/level x 2 * * Feeblemind 8 Dispel 24 Individual
Hypnotic Image 10 * 12 6 × 6 × 2 Area Illusionary Prison 8 + 2/turn Maintained 18 2” Radius Light of Truth 7 1 Magic phase 0 (6) 6” Radius Mass Suggestion 10 Dispel 12 6 × 6 × 2 Area Maze 12 6 Turns 12 6 × 6 × 2 Area Phantasm + 20% 8 1 Dex count 24 Sight Programmed Illusion 7 + 3/turn Maintained 24 3” Cube, moveable
Projected Image 7 + 1/turn Maintained 24 1 Image Shadow Missile + 20% 5 + 3/missile 1 Magic phase 15 Individual Super-Invisibility 9 Dispel, broken 12 Individual Sustained Phantasm + 10% 7 + 3/phase Maintained 24 Sight Ultra-Invisibility 9 Dispel, broken 12 Individual
Sixth Level
Amnesia 10 Dispel 3 Individual Anti-Illusion Shell 8 12 0 Self Five Sense Illusion 12 + 2/turn Maintained 24 Sight Five-Sense Weather 9 + 3/turn Maintained 24 Sight Indetectability 10 3 0 Self Micro-Feeblemind 11 Dispel 24 Individual
Micro-Phantasm + 20% 10 1 Dex count 24 Individual Micro-Shadow Missile + 20% 6 + 5/missile 1 Magic phase 15 Individual Mirrorwall 9 + 2/turn Maintained 12 0 × 6 × 2 Wall Prismatic Illusion Spray 12 1 Dex count 12 Sight Prismatic Illusion Wall 15 + 5/turn Maintained 12 0 × 6 × 2 Wall
Reflect Detect By Implements 10 1 Day 3 Individual Reflect Illusion 12 3 Turns 0 Self Simulacrum 10 + 4/turn Maintained 24 1 Image Terror 15 * 0 12 × 12 Cone *