Deepwater Warehouse

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In the Deepwater Warehouse[edit]

  • 229.5/1000 tons

Mundane Goods[edit]

  • Cloth x2. 90 loads. 1/2 ton, 200 gp per load
  • Fish, preserved. 60 loads. 1/2 ton, 150 gp per load.
  • Glasswares. 11 loads. 1/4 ton, 400 gp per load.
  • Hides/furs. 1 load. 1/4 ton, 150 gp per load
  • Metals/common. 92 loads. 1 ton, 200 gp per load
  • Textiles. 90 loads. 1/8 ton, 100 gp per load.
  • Weapons/tools x 3. 102 loads. 1/4 ton, 175 gp per load.
  • Wine/spirits x2. 95 loads. 1/8 ton, 200 gp per load.

Rare Goods[edit]

  • Books. 12 loads. 1/8 ton, 1,000 gp per load
  • Gems. 13 loads. 1/10 ton, 3,000 gp per load
  • Spices. 12 loads. 1/5 ton, 800 gp per load
  • Wood, precious. 11 loads. 1/2 ton, 500 gp per load