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Dorothy Forester[edit]

Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d8, Strength d6, Vigor d8

Parry 5, Toughness 6, Sanity 6, Pace 6"

Hindrances: Heroic, Curious

Edges: Elan (archetype bonus), Icy Calm (human bonus edge), Investigator (archetype bonus), Linguist (free), Luck, Marksman

Skills: Academics d8, Athletics d6, Boating d4, Common Knowledge d8, Fighting d6, Healing d4, Language (French) d6, Language (German) d6, Language (Latin) d6, Language (Spanish) d6, Notice d8, Occult d4, Persuasion d6, Research d8, Shooting d8, Stealth d4, Thievery d4

Gear (Cost in $/weight in pounds)

Knife: 25/1
Colt Peacemaker: 200/4
Fifty .45 pistol rounds: 20/2 (currently 47 rounds left)
Backpack: 50/2
Canteen: 5/1
Flint and Steel: 3/1
Rope: 10/15
First Aid kit: 10/1
Casual clothes: 20/2
Flashlight: 20/3
Soap: 1/0.2
$135 left.

Plus the following:

1 stick of dynamite (Repair skill to set explosives. Small Burst Template, Damage 2d6+1 for one stick, 3d6+1 with 3 sticks) 1 pound
Bolt Action Rifle (Range 24/48/96, Damage 2d8, AP-2, ROF 1, Shots 4, Min Str. d6, Wt. 10lbs) with two ammo pouches (24 rounds)+50 rifle rounds (2 pounds)

Hiking Boots (1 pound), Camouflage fatigues (3 pounds) +$3,166.60-160 moneys

"Total weight: 35.2 without the rope