Vassili Vilatte
Vassili Vilatte
Hobbies:Mechanic. Fixer.
Total: = 60 Stats+ Powers{c}+ Skills+{c}+ Items +0/0 allies/Enemies +3 Stuff
Statistics {60}
- Psyche: 10
- Strength:20
- Endurance:20
- Warfare:10
Powers {}
- Power words: Process surge, Process Snuff, Defensive Luck, Pain Attack, Shade, Strobe, Spark, Weaken Structure, (Strengthen Structure, Mend)
Skills {}
- 3 Diagnose Mechanical.
- 3 Vehicle Pilot-Ground
- 3 Vehicle Pilot-Water
- 3 Horsemanship
- 3 Metalwork
- 2 Modern Military Boot Camp
- 2 Sniper
- 2 leather work
- 2 Sewing
- 2 Cook
- 2 Slight of Hand
- 1 Math
Items {}
- Signature piece
Description "He was a mercenary, a Robin Hood figure out of Eregnor, and a sworn enemy of Amber." -- Merlin about Dalt in Prince of Chaos.
As a member of Dalt's elite mercenary unit (the most successful mercenaries in living memory) life can be pretty good. Then again it can also be pretty dangerous especially when Dalt assigns you one of his "special" projects.
I've run games with this title before, but this is a new scenario and not a continuation or repeat - all players welcome.
Setting Likely set in the Golden circle around Amber rather than Amber itself (though that is up to the players).
Post Patternfall, Random is King, pre the second series.
Character & Player Instructions Characters are all Shadowfolk who are highly trained mercenaries. That doesn't just mean "muscle", you might be an engineer or a scout or a "security" mage, but ultimately you are all loyal and trusted members of an elite military unit.
However characters are definitely not of royal blood, Pattern and Logrus will not be available.
Character creation details will be provide after game assignments are completed.