Cnut lost his crab boat, and nearly lost his life, in a sudden morning storm. But it led to him finding his god, Agriel, in the muck and silt at the bottom of Hollow Bay.
- Human Cleric 7
- XP: 52214/100000 (10% prime requisite bonus)
- 4761 + 476 (OOC 306)
- 6343 + 634 (OOC 379)
- Alignment: Neutral
- Full PC of Vektunaxa
- List any titles or holdings
- STR 16 (+2 on melee)
- INT 14 (+1 additional language, and is literate)
- WIS 17 (+2 on magic saves)
- DEX 7 (-1 AC, missiles, initiative)
- CON 10 (+0)
- CHA 9 (4 retainers, 7 loyalty)
- Languages
- Common (literate)
- Swampspeak
- General Skills
- Proficient in Athletics
- Skilled in Swimming (8+) Can move through deep water.
- Proficient in Climbing (13+) Can get to high places.
- Proficient in Endurance (13+) Can work all day long.
- Skilled in Sailing (8+) Can hand, reef, and steer.
- Proficient in Carpentry (13+) Can work wood.
- Skilled in Crabbing (8+) Can trap for crab and lobsters, trawl for prawns, and maybe fish a little on the side.
- Proficient in Survival
- Skilled in Harvesting (11+) Can butcher most fish and crustaceans.
- Skilled in Wilderness Survival (8+) Can collect cockles, mussels, clams, oysters, and laver.
- Proficient in Deception
- Proficient in Disguise (15+) Can make himself look like someone else.
- Proficient in Gambling (13+) Can win games of chance.
- Skilled in Sense Motive (8+) Can know what drives a mortal man.
- Proficient in Athletics
- Class Abilities
- Can wear any armor or shields
- Can wield spears, clubs, daggers, and slings
- Can request miracles
- Cleave: Can chain killing blows up to three times with one action
- Can create clerical potions
- Can turn undead
- Knacks
- Heresy : Can add a spell of each level from another class list to own spell list, although at one level higher.
- Skillful : 3 extra skills
- AC 1
- HP 23
- Movement Rate 60'/20'
- Initiative Modifier -1
- Attacks (For the below, write in what it is. Like, "Two-Handed Sword: Stats."
- Primary Melee Attack: Spear (15+, 1d6+2)
- Secondary Melee Attack: Dagger (15+, 1d4+2)
- Primary Ranged Attack: Sling (18+, 1d4)
- Saves: (+2 vs magic effects)
- Petrification & Paralysis 12
- Poison & Death 9
- Blast & Breath 14
- Staves & Wands 10
- Spells 12
Prepared spells:
- First Level: 2 per day
- Cure Light Wounds
- Resist Cold
- Second Level: 2 per day
- Bless
- Hold Person
- Third Level: 1 per day
- Striking
- Fourth Level: 1 per day
- Water Breathing
- Fifth Level: 1 per day
First Level: | Second Level: | Third Level: | Fourth Level: | Fifth Level: |
Cause Fear | Bless | Cause Disease | Cause Serious Wounds | Commune |
Cause Light Wounds | Blight | Continual Darkness | Create Water | Create Food |
Cure Light Wounds | Find Traps | Continual Light | Cure Serious Wounds | Dispel Evil |
Darkness | Hold Person | Cure Disease | Neutralize Poison | Finger of Death |
Detect Evil | Know Alignment | Curse | Protection from Evil 10' Radius | Insect Plague |
Detect Magic | Resist Fire | Growth of Animal | Speak with Plants | Quest |
Light | Silence 15' Radius | Locate Object | Sticks to Snakes | Raise Dead |
Protection from Evil | Sleep | Obscuring Mist | Water Breathing | Remove Quest |
Purify Food and Drink | Snake Charm | Remove Curse | ||
Remove Fear | Speak with Animal | Striking | ||
Resist Cold |
- Gear: 81 cn
- Armor: 300 cn
- Weapons: 70 cn
- Personal coin: 27 cn
- Total encumbrance: 678 cn
- Monthly Upkeep: 600 gp
Coin Purse:
* 23 gp * 3 sp
Intangible items:
* One share in the Deepwater Trading and Adventure Company, purchased for 1000 gp
Combat items: 370 cn
* chain +2 (AC 3) 200 cn * shield + 2 (AC -3) 100 cn * Silver dagger (15+, 1d4+2 damage) 10 cn * Dagger (15+, 1d4+2 damage) 10 cn * Spear (15+, 1d6+2 damage) 30 cn * Sling (18+, 1d4 damage) 20 cn
Consumable items: 1 cn
* scroll with 5th level cleric spell insect plague 1 cn * 4 flasks holy water
Carried items:
* Silver holy symbol
Exploration equipment: 80 cn
* Backpack * bedroll and winter blanket * 1 week iron rations * 2 waterskins * tinder box * lantern * 5 flasks of oil * 50 feet rope * Spyglass
Stored equipment:
* 4 weeks iron rations * 8 pints of wine * Holy symbol * 680 gp * 5402 gp 9 cp