Thousand Cities:Setting Changes

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Changes to the standard Exalted setting[edit]


The Thousand Cities game takes place on a much smaller map than a regular Exalted campaign. The map area is approximately the size of the former USSR, rather than representing the Earth's surface area.


The world of the Thousand Cities shares the familiar Elemental Poles (Earth in the centre; Air to the north; Wood to the east; Fire to the south; Water to the west) found in the canon setting. The central ocean is filled with islands, and is home to most of Creation's human settlements.
Currents flow from east to west, as the ocean flows into the Elemental Pole of Water. The river Mzima, flowing from the Elemental Pole of Wood, replenishes the balance.

Exalted characters[edit]

Terrestrial Exalted are rare, and are typically found only in segregated communities that are devoted to preserving their Dragon-blooded lineage.
Celestial Exalted are present in similar numbers to the canon Exalted setting (several hundred of each type). However, the population of the Thousand Cities setting is much lower. The Exalted of the Thousand Cities are very real heroes, not obscure figures from folklore. They rule kingdoms and lead armies, and they bring the wrath of the Gods upon their foes.


Characters are Exalted by the Gods of the Thousand Cities. Some characters are the offspring of the Gods; others are gifted with power in recognition of mighty deeds. An exalt's type (solar, lunar, sidereal) is chosen at character creation, and may not be changed during play.
During their long lifetimes, exalted heroes will anger many Gods, while earning favour with others. A character's patron god has no direct control over their actions after the moment of exaltation. It is not unheard of for the exalted to turn on their parents, challenging them for their power.

The Gods[edit]

The Unconquered Sun, Luna and the Maidens do not exist in the Thousand Cities. In their place rules a pantheon of 25 Gods. Each is the patron of a specific ability, and their favour is needed to learn charms of that ability.
With the exception of Absence, the Outsider, all of the Thousand Cities Gods were once mortal. Exalted of Essence 7+ can attempt to challenge a god for their position in the Celestial order, although such challenges are rarely successful.

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