Glitch The Big Show
A game of amateur detectives and retired world-destroyers using Jenna Moran's GL!TCH, GM'd by DannyK
Here is a sample Glitch character sheet for you: * Sample Character Sheet
The Local Chancery
- Thrasa Aella played by thenorm42, dying of Choices
- Tharbigund the Empty City played by Dominance du Pree, dying of Abandonment
- Laidulf Cannahard played by Leliel, dying of Perspective
- Aldacine Pledgebound played by Mr. Prim, dying of ?
- Brunogoia Marwen NPC, dying of Carcinization
Treasures and Other Folks
Jane Friday, lounge singer (Tharbigund)
Alberto Cavallero, vet-vet (Aldacine)
Powers and Principalities
Mr. Hat (Tharbigund)
Devil's Bargain The local game show, a bit spooky.
Los Gatos, a thin place with unsteady weather, not far from Hollywood.