Gil the Grey
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Gil the Grey, Magic-User/Thief 4/4
Physical Notes
Race:Grey Elf; Sex: Male; Age: 229
Height: 5’5” ; Weight:106lbs; Eye Color: Amber; Hair Color:Silver/Grey; Features: Large Eyes and Sharp Featured
Social Class
Personality Traits
Strength | 10 | Mod: +0; Saving Throw: +0; Base Encumbrance: # |
Dexterity | 10 | Mod: +0; Saving Throw: +0 |
Constitution | 10 | Mod: +0; Saving Throw: +0 |
Intelligence | 10 | Mod: +0; Saving Throw: +0 |
Wisdom | 10 | Mod: +0; Saving Throw: +0 |
Charisma | 10 | Mod: +0; Saving Throw: +0 |
- * Proficiency with these Saving Throws
- Experience Points: 18,750/18,750
- Hit Points: XX (XHD, +0 CON Mod)
- Armor Class: 10 (armor +dex +shield +misc)
- Attack Bonus: +0
- Ability Bonus -Proficiency: +0; Nonproficiciency: +0
- Deity:
- Alignment:
- Languages:
- Weapons:
- * Weapon: Attack Bonus: +0; Damage: 1Dx +0; Qualities:
- * Weapon: Attack Bonus: +0; Damage: 1Dx +0; Qualities:
- * Weapon: Attack Bonus: +0; Damage: 1Dx +0; Qualities:
- Size: Medium
- Movement: 60 feet
- Skill Proficiencies: Language (Common, Elven)
- Combat Bonuses: gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls made the following weapons: longbows, shortbows, longswords, and shortswords.
- Immunities: is immune to ghoul’s paralysis, and to all magical sleep and charm effects.
- Skill Bonuses: gain a +2 bonus to all Stealth and to Perception skill checks. They can spot secret and concealed doors more easily than others. When passing within 10’ of a secret door, may automatically make a Perception check to notice it.
- Twilight Vision: can see normally by moonlight and in dim light.
- Weapons Proficiency: longbows, shortbows, longswords, and short swords.
- Saving Throws:
- Magic-User Spells: Arcane Spell caster
- Spellbook: contains all 0 level Cantrips and 4 1st level spells (has an addition +14 spells, gain 2 addition at 1st level and the 4 each level after that).
- Spellcasting Focus: cast spells with focus and ignore most material compounents
- Backstab (+2): when making a melee or ranged attack against an opponent's rear facing, or when making a melee attack against a flanked foe, gain Backstab bonus. May only Backstab creatures that have a discernible anatomy. The thief must be able to see the target well enough to pick out a vital spot. They may only Backstab with weapons listed on the thief weapon proficiency list. If making ranged Backstab attacks, they must be within close range for the weapon used.
- Burglar (+2): gain burglar bonus to all Athletics skills checks made to climb, all Disable Device checks made to open locks and disarm traps, and all Stealth checks.
- Find traps: Thieves may make Perception checks to search for traps, including magical traps, with their full Proficiency Bonus. To find a trap, the thief spends time intently studying and searching an area to deduce possible trap locations. It takes one round to locate a trap in a specific area such as a lock or a doorknob, and one minute to locate traps in a 5’ by 5’ foot area. The DC of this check is usually 10 + the Proficiency Bonus + the Dexterity modifier of the NPC who set the trap with a Disable Device check. For spell traps, such as Glyph of Warding, the DC is equal to the spell’s Saving Throw DC.
- Sneak Attack: If a thief successfully strikes a surprised opponent, the first attack deals twice the usual Backstab damage (+4). Sneak Attacks, unlike normal Backstab attacks, need not be made against flanked foes or a foes' rear facing. The other requirements for Backstabbing opponents still apply.
- Footpad: may move at their full Movement Rate when making Stealth checks to move silently.
- Read Languages: add Ciphers skill to Proficiency.
- Read Language: add Cipher skill proficiency
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies
- Weapons:
- Armor:
- Shields:
Spell Slots
Spell Casting Saving Throws: 10 +spell level
Spells per level
- 0 level Cantrips: 4
- 1st Level: 3
- 2nd Level: 2
Spells prepaired
- 0 level Cantrips:
- 1st Level:
- 2nd Level:
- Acrobatics (DEX)
- Animal Handling (WIS) +0
- Arcana (INT)
- Athletics (STR) +0
- Chiper (INT) +0
- Craft [type] (INT)
- Deception (CHA) +0
- Disable Device (DEX)
- Disguise (CHA) +0
- History (INT) +0
- Insight (WIS) +0
- Intimidation (CHA) +0
- Language [type] (INT)
- Medicine (WIS) +0
- Nature (INT) +0
- Perception (WIS) +0
- Performance (CHA) +0
- Persuasion (CHA) +0
- Poison (INT)
- Profession [type] (WIS) +0
- Religion (INT) +0
- Sleight-of-Hands (DEX) +0
- Stealth (DEX) +0
- Survival (WIS) +0
- * Proficiency with these skills
- These skills require Proficiency to use.
Encumbrance: Base (No Encumbrance) [Strx5]: 0lbs; Moderate Load [Strx10]: 0lbs; Heavy Load [Strx15]: 0lbs
XX | x lbs |
XX | x lbs |
XX | x lb |
XX | x lbs |
XX | x lbs |
500 gold pices (in pouch) | 0.5 lbs |
Total | xx lbs |