Gil the Grey

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Gil the Grey, Magic-User/Thief 4/4

Physical Notes

Race:Grey Elf; Sex: Male; Age: 229

Height: 5’5” ; Weight:106lbs; Eye Color: Amber; Hair Color:Silver/Grey; Features: Large Eyes and Sharp Featured

Social Class


Personality Traits

Bonds: Gil has a debt of honour to the Elf-folk [High and Wood] that sheltered him and his clan, and always looks out for their interests. Similarly, he feels a debt to his mentor and Pennoc and is unusually paranoid when it comes to risking either.

Flaws: Elven Fury. Gil sometimes becomes fixated on the ruin of those whom he decides need to be ruined, whether it be for the betterment of others, revenge or to rid the world of some particular manifestation of evil. He will focus most of his attention on these fixations and become unreasonable in his ideas and expectations.

Ideals: Gil believes his reclusive people need to stay aware of the goings on in the wider world and should pursue a more active role in local affairs. He also thinks the Elder Races need to cease their ages old bickering and work together to rid the land of mutual enemies.



Strength 9 Mod: +0; Saving Throw: +1; Base Encumbrance: 45#
Dexterity 16 Mod: +2; Saving Throw*: +5
Constitution 11 Mod: +0; Saving Throw: +1
Intelligence 16 Mod: +2; Saving Throw*: +5
Wisdom 13 Mod: +1; Saving Throw: +1
Charisma 13 Mod: +1; Saving Throw: +1
* Proficiency with these Saving Throws


Experience Points: 18,750/18,750
Hit Points: XX (XHD, +0 CON Mod)
Armor Class: 10 (armor +dex +shield +misc)
Attack Bonus: +0
Ability Bonus -Proficiency: +0; Nonproficiciency: +0
* Weapon: Attack Bonus: +0; Damage: 1Dx +0; Qualities:
* Weapon: Attack Bonus: +0; Damage: 1Dx +0; Qualities:
* Weapon: Attack Bonus: +0; Damage: 1Dx +0; Qualities:


Size: Medium
Movement: 60 feet
Skill Proficiencies: Language (Common, Elven)
Combat Bonuses: gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls made the following weapons: longbows, shortbows, longswords, and shortswords.
Immunities: is immune to ghoul’s paralysis, and to all magical sleep and charm effects.
Skill Bonuses: gain a +2 bonus to all Stealth and to Perception skill checks. They can spot secret and concealed doors more easily than others. When passing within 10’ of a secret door, may automatically make a Perception check to notice it.
Twilight Vision: can see normally by moonlight and in dim light.
Weapons Proficiency: longbows, shortbows, longswords, and short swords.


Saving Throws:
Magic-User Spells: Arcane Spell caster
Spellbook: contains all 0 level Cantrips and 4 1st level spells (has an addition +14 spells, gain 2 addition at 1st level and the 4 each level after that).
Spellcasting Focus: cast spells with focus and ignore most material compounents
Backstab (+2): when making a melee or ranged attack against an opponent's rear facing, or when making a melee attack against a flanked foe, gain Backstab bonus. May only Backstab creatures that have a discernible anatomy. The thief must be able to see the target well enough to pick out a vital spot. They may only Backstab with weapons listed on the thief weapon proficiency list. If making ranged Backstab attacks, they must be within close range for the weapon used.
Burglar (+2): gain burglar bonus to all Athletics skills checks made to climb, all Disable Device checks made to open locks and disarm traps, and all Stealth checks.
Find traps: Thieves may make Perception checks to search for traps, including magical traps, with their full Proficiency Bonus. To find a trap, the thief spends time intently studying and searching an area to deduce possible trap locations. It takes one round to locate a trap in a specific area such as a lock or a doorknob, and one minute to locate traps in a 5’ by 5’ foot area. The DC of this check is usually 10 + the Proficiency Bonus + the Dexterity modifier of the NPC who set the trap with a Disable Device check. For spell traps, such as Glyph of Warding, the DC is equal to the spell’s Saving Throw DC.
Sneak Attack: If a thief successfully strikes a surprised opponent, the first attack deals twice the usual Backstab damage (+4). Sneak Attacks, unlike normal Backstab attacks, need not be made against flanked foes or a foes' rear facing. The other requirements for Backstabbing opponents still apply.
Footpad: may move at their full Movement Rate when making Stealth checks to move silently.
Read Languages: add Ciphers skill to Proficiency.
Read Language: add Cipher skill proficiency

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies


Spell Slots

Spell Casting Saving Throws: 10 +spell level

Spells per level

0 level Cantrips: 4
1st Level: 3
2nd Level: 2

Spells prepaired

0 level Cantrips:
1st Level:
2nd Level:


Acrobatics (DEX)
Animal Handling (WIS) +0
Arcana (INT)
Athletics (STR) +0
Chiper (INT) +0
Craft [type] (INT)
Deception (CHA) +0
Disable Device (DEX)
Disguise (CHA) +0
History (INT) +0
Insight (WIS) +0
Intimidation (CHA) +0
Language [type] (INT)
Medicine (WIS) +0
Nature (INT) +0
Perception (WIS) +0
Performance (CHA) +0
Persuasion (CHA) +0
Poison (INT)
Profession [type] (WIS) +0
Religion (INT) +0
Sleight-of-Hands (DEX) +0
Stealth (DEX) +0
Survival (WIS) +0
* Proficiency with these skills
These skills require Proficiency to use.


Encumbrance: Base (No Encumbrance) [Strx5]: 0lbs; Moderate Load [Strx10]: 0lbs; Heavy Load [Strx15]: 0lbs

XX x lbs
XX x lbs
XX x lb
XX x lbs
XX x lbs
500 gold pices (in pouch) 0.5 lbs
Total xx lbs

