The Iron Kingdoms possess a rich history—and a tumultuous future—full of unique monsters, deities, heroes, and villains. Immerse yourself in the detailed world of gritty conflict and sorcery with the Iron Kingdoms. Unleash the power of mechanika, the fusion of magic and machine. Take on the persona of unique character classes, like the gun mage who combines powerful magic with a deadly acumen for firearms or the steamjack-commanding warcaster. Travel through a fantastic world that takes classic fantasy concepts and gives them a new twist with a high-octane rush of steam power and industrial engineering.
Prepare yourself for an experience like no other.
The world of the Iron Kingdoms awaits!RULES & SETTING
- Base Rules: Using the Savage World Adventure Edition (SWAE)
- Setting Rules (SWAE pg. 136-145) – Born a Hero (ignore rank requirement at character creation), Convictions (add +1d6 to any trait roll. Awarded for heroes overcoming great challenge or face a tragity but starts each adventure at zero), High Adventure (benny to gain a combat edge you qualify for), More Skills (start with 15 skill points instead of 12), Multiple Languages (start with ½ Smarts die in language, one that must be your native tongue), Wound Cap (max number of wounds from any one attack is 4).
- Common Languages: Dwarf – Rhulic; Elf – Ios and Nyss; Human dialects include - Caspian, Cygnaran, Khadorian, Khurzic, Llaelese, Ordic, Scharde and Urnyak; “Savage Tongues” – Molgur dialects include – Goblin, Ogrun and Trollkin. Uncommon and Secret languages require special training and/or access to them.
- Heroic Recovery: At the end of fight, all characters who have suffered a Wound or Wounds can make a Soak Check after a short rest (10+ minutes) for free. Make a normal Recovery test, with any success you recover one Wound.
- Run Dice: Changed to d4+2 (instead of d6) or 1d3+1 (for d4) or d6+2 (for a d8), etc.
- Novice Exceptional Heroes.
- Choose one of the Common Folk.
- 5 points for Attributes, each starting at a base d4 for free with a maximum starting attribute of a d12.
- 15 points for Skills (plus starting basic levels), with a maximum starting skill rating of a d12.
- Either gain one One free Edge (must still qualify, except for Rank) or +1 to one Attribute trait (player's choice).
- One Major and two Minor Hindrance, or Two Major Hindrance or four Minor Hindrances.
- Starting Cash – 1,000 copper ($; Minor Flaw +1,000 copper/$), plus all characters begin with two setting of basic clothing.

Western Immoren has been the home of both men and dwarves since before written history, when only word of mouth and song recorded their deeds. Dwarves or the Rhulic-Folk in their own tongue are short (average around four and a half feet tall) but heavy set (average around 150 lbs.) humanoids with males wearing thick beards from a very young age. They settled in the northern mountains and assembled into a single nation long before mankind has risen from barbarity.
- Fast Healer [2] as Edge (SWAE pg. 39)
- Healthy [1] +2 Vigor rolls vs. diseases and poisons.
- Thermal Vision [1] one-half, round up, darkness penalty including total darkness (max -2) and against invisible living targets.
- Short Legs (Major) [-2] Pace 4, Run d3+1 and -2 to Athletics when jumping or swimming, -1 to the Ride skill.
- Stout [2] base Vigor of d6 and maximum starting d12+1
- Starting Languages: one-half Smarts die (one must be Rhule/Dwarf)

Nearly all of the elves of western Immoren hail from Ios. They are doomed people or so they believed. They live in a solitary kingdom, focusing inwardly on their plight, which is intimately tied to the slow death of their goddess Scyrah, the last of their once mighty pantheon. Elves are tall and thin compared to humans, whom find these fey-folk as attractive and alluring.
- Bright [2] base Smarts d6 and maximum starting of d12+1
- Elf Looks (Unnaturally Beauty) [1] add +1 to Persuasion
- Long Stride [1] base Pace to 8
- Twilight Vision [1] no darkness penalty for dim or dark, only in total darkness (then -4)
- Quirk (Minor) Minor Arrogance [-1] tend to see Elves and Elven items, culture, etc. as superior to all others; can impose a -1 Persuasion in situations and must always purchase the “best” (increase the price on goods including food, weapons & armor, by +10% or 20% minimum)
- Starting Languages: one-half Smarts die (one must be Ios/Elf)

The elusive elves called the Nyss are even more mysterious then their distant Iosan kin. Very little is known of the ‘winter elves’ as they kept to their secrets viciously and see non-Nyss as invaders at best and as non-sentient and unworthy of even life at worst.
- Agile [2] base Agility d6 and maximum starting of d12+1
- Cold Adaption [1] gain +4 to resist cold effects or +4 to Toughness vs. cold attacks, damage or environmental conditions.
- Elf Looks (Unnaturally Beauty) [1] add +1 to Persuasion
- Long Stride [1] base Pace of 8
- Outsiders (Minor) [-1]: as Flaw, Nyss Elves do not get along with non-Nyss, including their Ios cousins.
- Twilight Vision [1] no darkness penalty for dim or dark, only in total darkness (then -4)
- Weakness (Minor) Fire/Heat [-1]: suffer -4 to their trait rolls or Toughness scores vs. fire and heat attacks or environmental effects.
- Starting Languages: one-half Smarts die (one must be Nyss/Elf)

Goblins within the kingdoms are commonly separated into two groups, gobbers and borgin. Gobbers are widespread and a notable wayfaring folk found nearly anywhere humans are found. Borgin are more savage and tend to be tribal in nature who avoid humanity. Gobbers are intelligence and inquisitive and have taken to the technology of humanity.
- Agile [2] base Agility of a d6 and maximum starting of a d12+1
- Keen Eyesight [1] gain +2 to Notice skill checks with Sight
- Sneaky [1] base Stealth of a d6 and a maximum of d12+1
- Thermal Vision [1] one-half, round up, darkness penalties including total darkness (max -2) and against invisible living targets.
- Tinkers or Survivalist [1] Goblins gain either a +1 to their Repair (Boggers) or Survival (Borgin) skill checks (player’s choice)
- Outsider (Minor) [-1] as Flaw, most people seem them as public nuisances at best and not trustworthy troublemakers
- Small [-1] as Flaw
- Starting Languages: one-half Smarts (one must be Molgur/Gob)

The Iron Kingdoms are the lands of humanity, first and foremost. They are by far the most numerous folk in the region, and it is their struggles, wars, and history which have shaped this land. The humans of the Iron Kingdoms are a varied and hardy cross selection of cultures, all arising from ancient tribes of warlike peoples who have lived, loved, fought and died in the region since before recorded history. The bulk of their history is filled with endless strife and battle, and the relative calm of the last few centuries is unusual
- Adaptive [2]: bonus Edge for Free, must still qualify
- Versatile [2] two additional base Skill points (17 base total)
- Starting Languages: one-half Smarts die (one must be a Native language)
Human Cultures
- Khard: Hailing originally from the frozen tundra of the northern wastes, they were once great horse lords and raiders who migrated down into the central Khard plain region thousands of years ago. They still are considered masters of riding and horse breeders. Today they dominate the Khadoran Empire. Very common skills include Intimidate and Riding.
- Languages: Khadorian (native), but also many learn Cygnaran, Khurzic, Llaeless, Ordic, and Rhulic.
- Kossite: Hailing from the great mountain valleys of northern Khador. They are savage and proud. Common skills include Athletics and Survival.
- Languages: Khadorian (native), but also many learn Cygnaran, Khurzic, Llaeless, Ordic, and Rhulic.
- Ryn: This cultured is somewhat arrogant its peoples of Llael are a mix of southern races of man that migrated northeast into the fertile valleys south of Rhule and west of Ios. Common skill include Intimidate and Taunt.
- Languages: Llaeless (native), but also many learn Cygnaran, Khadorian, Khurzic, Ordic and Rhulic
- Skirov: mountain dwellers whom are very independent but religious people. Common skills include Athletics and Survival.
- Language: Khadorian (native), and Urnyak are common. Also Cygnaran and Ordic.
- Umbrean: a very minor ethnic group of eastern Khador and northern Llael, they are horse masters and barbarians. Common skills include Riding and Survival.
- Languages: Khurzic (native), but also Cygnaran, Khadorian, Llaeless, Ordic and Rhulic
- Midlunder: the domain ethnic group of northern Cygnar, they are a practical and down to earth type. Common skills include Common Knowledge and Persuasion.
- Languages: Cygnaran (native), and for travelers a mix of Khadorian, Llaeless, Ordic and Rhulic. As their bonder is also up against Ios, there are a few whom also know Iosan Elf
- Morridane: ancient ethnic group of the central Tordor highlands, the Morridanes lives in the forests and swamps that dominate these lands. Common skills include Athletics, Stealth and Survival.
- Languages: Cygnaran (native) and Caspian, Khadorian, Khurzic, Llaelese, Molgur (Trollkin Dialect) and Ordic.
- Thurian: dominate ethnic group of Ord, the Thurians are sharp-witted with more than and touch of roguish running through their culture. Common skills include Intimidate, Persuasion and Taunt. A high number of those with the spark of magic come from this ethnic group.
- Languages: Ordic (native) and Caspian, Cygnaran, Khadorian, Khurzic, Llaelese, Molgur (any), Rhulic.
- Tordoran: now a minority within Ord they were the original rulers of the nation and don’t like people forgetting it. Common skills include Persuasion and Taunt.
- Languages: Ordic (native) and Caspian, Cygnaran, Khadorian, Khurzic, Llaelese, and Rhulic.
- Caspian/Sulese: dominate ethnic group of south and central Cygnar. Common skill include Persuasion.
- Languages: Cygnaran (native), and Caspian, Khadorian, Khurzic, Llaelese, Ordic, and Rhulic.
- Idrian: sharing much Caspian and Sulese cultures, the people of the Protectorate of Menoth are extremely religious and intolerant of the ‘younger’ religion of their northern brethren. Common skills include Academics and Intimidate.
- Languages: Cygnaran (native) and Caspian, Khadorian, Khulzic, Molgur (any dialect).
- Scharde: the barbarian peoples of the Cryx, the Scharde Islands and the islands of the Broken Coasts. These are savage folk, most well known for their tattoos, extensive piercing, and their dragon headed raiding ships and their unsavory habit of eating part of those they have killed in combat. Common skills include Athletics, Boating, and Intimidate.
- Languages: Scharde (native), others include Cygnaran, Molgur (any), Khadorian, or Ordic.

Ogrun are easily the largest f the enlightened (civilized?) folk, and while their society may be a bit backward and disorganized by others standards, they live by an inspiring code of honor. Most Ogrun have sworen their allengence to the dwarfs of Rhule but a few wander the southlands.
- Big [-2] suffers a -2 to all checks when using gear not built for their size. Increase the cost of armor, clothing, specialized firearm triggers, etc. by 100% to eliminate penalty.
- Dim [-2] suffer a -1 to all Smarts trait tests.
- Long Legs [1]: base Pace 8
- Non-Arcane [-1] cannot take any Arcane Background: Arcane edge. Also suffer a -1 to all Trait rolls to resist hostile Arcane magic and for others whom try to cast beneficial arcane magic on them (not divine magic).
- Size +3 [3] +3 to Toughness, +1 to Intimidate but -1 to Stealth
- Thermal Vision [1] one-half, round up, darkness penalty including total darkness (max -2) and against invisible living targets.
- Very Strong [4]: base Strength d8, max starting d12+2
- Starting Languages: one-half Smarts die (one must be Molgur/Og)

Savage trolls once roamed across the forests and plains of Western Immoren, but as time passed they assembled into tribes, which branched into clan families, and soon enough started trading and living among others. Trolls come in a wide variety of shapes, sizes and eating habits. The latter is perhaps the greatest rationale that sets trollkins apart from other trolls, allowing the other folk of Western Immoren to experience their personalities firsthand without fear of becoming their next meal.
- Clumsy [-3] Trollkin are not known for their grace and they suffer a -2 to Agility trait checks.
- Heritage [2] most Trollkin have Arcane Resistance as a racial trait, but there are a few rare members of the race who start with one Arcane Background (and most are also albinos and are either Fell Callers or Sorcerers). Player’s choice.
- Outsider (Minor) [-1] as Flaw, Trollkin generally stick with their own tribes and own kind.
- Size +1 [1] +1 to Toughness
- Slow Regeneration [3] Trollkin are fast healers. They roll a Natural Healing check every day at no penalties (instead gaining a +1 bonus) and can regain the use of a permanently damaged limb in 2d4 weeks or a minor appendage like a finger in 1d4 days.
- Stout [2] base Vigor of a d6 and a maximum starting d12+1
- Starting Languages: one-half Smarts die (one must be Molgur/Thul)
Cocky (Minor): some folk just don’t know when to brag and when to act. The character’s first round of combat must be spent announcing how great he is or the doom of those whom oppose him. To act normally instead, costs a Benny.
Garrulous (Minor): you are particularly loose with your money. Unless you spend a Benny, you lose 1d4+2 x 10% of any and all cash any time you are in town or similar place, lost gambling, drinking, giving to charity, etc. You lose this amount every week you are in town or similar place where you can lost it.
Glass Jaw (Minor): you have a glass jaw and can’t take a solid hit. You suffer -2 penalty on Soak rolls.
Jingoistic (Minor) - Believes in the superiority of own culture and nation-state, you suffer a -2 Persuasion when dealing with foreigners and Leadership Edges do not apply to those not of your chosen culture or nation.
Arcane Mechankia is the renamed Weird Science skill for the Arcane Background: Arcane (Mechanika) but otherwise acts the same.
Druidic is the renamed Faith skill for Arcane Background: Divine (Druids) but otherwise acts the same.
Fell Caller is a new skills that works just like any Power Skill for the Arcane Background: Innate (Fell Caller).
Gun Mage is the renamed Spellcasting for Arcane Background: Arcane (Gun Magic) but otherwise acts the same.
Sorcery is the renamed Gifted skill for Arcane Background: Arcane (Sorcery) but otherwise acts the same.
Ace is taken separately for the following skills – Boating (sailing and steam ships), Drive (coach and trains), Pilot (zeppelin style vehicles, somewhat rare) and Riding (riding animals).
Brawny does not affect Size, but still grants all other benefits.
Chi is not allowed in the Iron Kingdoms.
Extra Effort change requirement to any Arcane Background and that backgrounds Arcane skill d6+
Gadgeteer instead of weird science requires Mechanika skill and Arcane Background of somekind.
McGuyver is renamed Jury-Rigger but is otherwise unchanged.
Mr. Fix-It is renamed Bodger and can be used with mechanika devices also, even non-Arcane types.
Tactician instead, at the beginning of combat, make your Battle roll. With a Success, draw one card. This card can be used at any time by one of your Allies as an extra action during this combat.
Wizard is not allowed in the Iron Kingdoms.
Arcane Background: Arcane (Arcane Mechanik) [Novice, Smarts d6+, Mechanika d6+]: Some wizards focus their knowledge into creating Mechanik items. This uses a slightly updated version of Weird Science (SWA pg. 148) and Arcane Devices (SWA pg. 153). But you can also know and cast like Wizard spell casters. Casting a Spell by an Arcane Mechanik requires a Full Round (no Pace, no Multi-Actions allowed) and cost 1 additional Power Point to cast and to maintain. You also suffer a penalty to spellcasting equal to the armor points you are wearing (see Wizards).
- Arcane Skill: Arcane Mechanika (Smarts)
- Starting Power Points: 15
- Starting Powers: 2
- Power List: Any. But may only to 'cast' those spells listed under Wizards. Others must be devices.
Arcane Background: Arcane (Gun Mage) [Novice, Smarts d6+, Shooting d8+]: You can cast Arcane Magic while wearing armor. You can wear up to Medium armor (AP+3) and still cast spells without penalty. Heavier armor cause normal penalty (see Wizards). You must have a magelock firearm in one hand (two if a rifle) and unless power is on yourself, you must touch or aim their firearm at the target(s). Only dwarves, gobber and humans may normally be Gun Mages. The GM might allow elves and trollkin in rare cases.
- Arcane Skill: Gun Mage (Smarts)
- Starting Power Points: 10
- Starting Powers: 3
- Power List: Analyze Foe*, Arcane Protection (Magic Resistance), Bolt (X† Bolt), Boost/Lower Trait (Enhance/Curse Trait), Burst (Cone of X†), Confusion (Cause Confusion), Darksight (Infravision), Deflection (Shield), Detect/Conceal Arcana, Disguise (Alter Self), Dispel, Elemental Manipulation, Empathy, Entangle (Web), Farsight, Fear (Cause Fear), Intangibility (Wraith Form), Invisibility, Light/Darkness, Protection (Mage Armor), Puppet (Control Other), Slow/Speed (must be taken separately), Slumber (Sleep), Smite (Magic Weapon), Sound/Silence, Stun, Suggestion*, Wall Walker (Spider Climb). Warrior Gift (Combat Focus).
Arcane Background: Arcane (Sorcerer) [Novice, Vigor d6+]: You can cast Arcane magical like spell effects but without any outward trappings. You simply need to see your target (or feel them with a Touch power) and spend a few seconds in concentration to cast. But you do not normally wear armor (see Wizards). Suffer AP bonus of armor worn to your Spellcasting skill check. Humans, Gobber, Dwarves and Elves maybe Sorcerers.
- NOTE that Sorcerers only gain 1 new Power with the New Powers Edge. However they gain +10 Power Points each time they take the Power Point Edge.
- Arcane Skill: Sorcery (Gifted/Spirits)
- Starting Power Points: 20
- Starting Powers: 1
- Powers: Any
Arcane Background: Arcane (Wizard) [Novice, Smarts d6+, Occultism d6+]: You can cast Arcane Magic but normally don’t wear Armor. Suffer the AP of armor worn as a penalty to your Spellcasting check. You must have one hand free and be able to speak in a clear voice in order to cast spells. The Elves of Ios use the same spell list and powers as Wizards. They are called Mages and do not have access to any type of mechanika creation like human, dwarves and gobber Wizards do.
- Arcane Skill: Spellcasting (Smarts)
- Starting Power Points: 10
- Starting Powers: 4
- Power List: Analyze Foe*, Arcane Protection (Magic Resistance), Banish, Barrier (Wall of X†), Blast (X† Ball), Blind (Strike Blind), Bolt (X† Bolt), Boost/Lower Attribute (Enhance/Curse Trait), Burrow (Create Tunnel), Burst (Cone of X†), Confusion (Cause Confusion), Damage Field (X† Shield), Darkvision (Infravision), Deflection (Shield), Detect/Conceal Arcana, Disguise (Alter Self), Dispel, Divination (Crystal Ball), Drain Power Points (Drain Magic), Elemental Manipulation, Empathy, Entangle (Web), Environmental Protection, Farsight, Fear (Cause Fear), Fly, Growth/Shrinking (Enlarge/Reduce Size), Havoc (Whirlwind), Illusion, Intangibility (Wraith Form), Invisibility, Legerdemain (Far Hand), Light/Darkness, Mind Link, Mind Reading, Mind Wipe, Object Reading, Protection (Mage Armor), Puppet (Control Other), Remote Viewing* (Wizard’s Eye), Shape Change (Polymorph), Slow/Speed (must be taken separately), Slumber (Sleep), Smite (Magic Weapon), Sound/Silence, Speak Language, Stun, Suggestion*, Summon Ally (Summon Elemental‡), Telekinesis (Mage Hand), Teleport, Wall Walker (Spider Climb), Zombie (Create Zombie).
Arcane Background: Divine (Cleric) [Novice, Spirits d6+]: You can cast Divine Magic by drawing power from the gods. You can wear any armor without penalty, but require a holy symbol in one hand and being able to speak in a clear voice in order to cast ‘spells’. You must also follow your God’s tenets. Humans, dwarves and elves can become clerics. A rare exception might be made for a gobber or trollkin.
- Arcane Skill: Faith (Spirits)
- Starting Power Points: 10
- Starting Powers: 3
- Power List: Analyze Foe*, Arcane Protection (Magic Resistance), Banish, Barrier (Wall of X†), Blast (Divine† Strike!), Blind (Holy† Light)!, Bolt (Divine Bolt!), Boost/Lower Attribute (Enhance/Curse Trait), Confusion, Darksight (Infravision), Detect/Conceal Arcana, Dispel, Divination (Visions), Drain Power Points (Drain Magic), Elemental Manipulation, Empathy, Entangle, Environmental Protection, Fear (Cause Fear), Healing (Cure Wounds), Intangibility (Wraith Form), Legerdemain (Far Hand), Light!/ Darkness, Mind Link (Share Minds), Mind Reading, Mind Wipe, Object Reading, Protection (Armor of Faith), Relief (Cure Fatigue), Resurrection, Shape Change (Polymorph), Smite (Holy Smite!), Sound/Silence, Speak Language, Summon Ally (Summon Angel/ Devil‡), Stun (Stun Foes), Telekinesis (Divine Hand), Zombie (Create Zombies).
Arcane Background: Divine (Druid) [Novice, Spirits d6+]: You can cast Druidic Magic by drawing power from the old gods. You can only wear natural, non-metallic armor (heavy leather or thick hides) and carry wooden shields. Wearing metallic armor blocks access to ‘spells’. You must have a holy symbol in one hand and must be able to speak in a clear voice to cast spells. Only human, elves and gobbers maybe druids.
- Arcane Skill: Druidic (Spirits)
- Starting Power Points: 10
- Starting Powers: 3
- Power List: Arcane Protection (Magic Resistance), Banish, Barrier (Wall of X†), Beast Friend (Animal Friend), Blast (Ball Lighting†), Blind (Light Burst)!, Bolt (Lighting Bolt†), Boost/Lower Attribute (Enhance/Curse Trait), Burrow (Create Tunnel), Burst (Cone of Cold or Lightning†), Confusion, Damage Field (Electrical Field†), Darksight (Infravision), Detect/Conceal Arcana, Disguise (Alter Self), Dispel, Divination (Visions), Drain Power Points (Drain Magic), Elemental Manipulation, Empathy, Entangle (Webs), Environmental Protection, Farsight, Fear (Cause Fear), Fly, Havoc (Whirlwind), Healing (Cure Wounds), Growth/Shrinking, Invisibility, Light!/Darkness, Protection (Bark Skin), Relief (Remove Fatigue), Remote Viewing* (Forest Eyes), Shape Change (Polymorph), Slow/Speed (must be taken separately; Slow Foe, Speed Ally), Slumber (Sleep), Smite (Beast Claws), Sound/Silence, Speak Language, Stun, Suggestion*, Summon Ally (Summon Beasts‡), Wall Walker (Spider Walk).
Arcane Background: Divine (Paladin) [Novice, Spirits d6+, Fighting d6+]: You can cast Divine Spells. You may wear any armor, etc. You must have the Hindrance Code of Honor or Heroic. To not follow your hindrance can cause of loss of access to your powers. You must have a holy symbol on your body in full display and must be able to speak in a clear voice. Only dwarves and humans become paladins.
- Arcane Skill: Faith (Spirits)
- Starting Power Points: 10
- Starting Powers: 3
- Power List: Analysis Foe*, Arcane Protection (Arcane Resistance), Boost Trait (Enhance Trait)÷/∞, Confusion≠, Darksight∞, Deflection∞, Detect/Conceal Arcana, Empathy, Environmental Protection≠, Farsight∞, Healing, Light†/÷, Mind Link, Mind Reading≠, Mind Wipe≠, Object Reading, Protection (Arcane Armor)≠, Relief≠, Speed÷/∞, Slumber≠, Smite (Holy† Strike), Speak Language∞, Stun≠, Suggestion*, Warrior's Gift∞
Arcane Background: Innate (Fell Caller) [Novice, Vigor d8+, Trollkin only]: Some trollkin have developed an innate ‘arcane-like’ magic by focusing their bloodline into mighty shouts of power. You can wear armor without penalty. You must be able to shout or chat loudly in order to cast any of their spells. Fell Callers are always albinos and greatly revered in Trollkin society.
- Arcane Skill: Fell Caller (Vigor)
- Starting Power Points: 10
- Starting Powers: 3
- Power List: Arcane Resistance (Magic Resistance), Beast Friend, Blast ('Sonic' Fell Shout)†, Blind (Strike Blind), Bolt ('Sonic' Fell Cry)†, Boost/Lower Trait (Song of Enhancement/Curse), Burst ('Sonic' Cone of Sound)†, Confusion (Beguile), Darksight, Deflection (Shielding Shout), Detect/Conceal Arcana, Dispel, Drain Power Points (Drain Magic), Elemental Manipulation, Empathy, Environmental Protection, Farsight, Fear (Frightful Call), Havoc ('Sound' Burst)†, Healing (Healing Song), Light/Darkness, Mind Link (Share Thoughts), Protection (Skin Hardening), Relief (Remove Fatigue), Slow/Speed (Song of Sloth/Speed), Slumber (Lullaby), Sound/Silence, Speak Language, Stun (Stunning Shout), Suggestion* (Fell Voice).
- *- New Spell. See Magic.
- † - This power requires you to pick an Elemental Trapping. See Magic. Or use the trapping listed under that power (like some powers listed under specific arcane backgrounds).
- ‡ - See Magic for update on this spell as it has changed.
- ! - For +1 Power Points the caster deals Holy or Daylight effects.
- ÷ -These powers have the limitation - Aspect automatically.
- ∞ -These powers have the limitation – Range (Self) automatically.
- ≠ -These powers have the limitation - Range (Touch) automatically.
Familiar [Novice, Arcane Background (Arcane), Spell casting skill must be d10+)]: the character has acquired an animal familiar. The creature gained is a dove, raven, cat, frog, small dog, nonpoisonous snake, etc. The mage and the familiar acquire the Loyal Hindrance with regard to each other. The familiar is not a slave, however, and can refuse to follow orders, especially ones which will cause it harm. Unless ordered otherwise, the familiar follows its natural instincts. For example, a cat familiar may stop to chase a mouse, take a quick nap, or sate its curiosity about a small hole, and it’s likely to hide during combat. The strong bond allows the familiar to resist the effects of beast friend. Both can understand each other’s speech. To others, the familiar is simply making animal noises — the mage speaks his normal language. The familiar is a Wild Card with respect to wounds and the Wild Die, but has no bennies. The mage may spend his for the familiar, however. The first time the mage takes this Edge it gains one of the powers below. Each additional time this Edge is taken, the mage can pick two of the powers below and the familiar gains +1 to its Toughness score. Each power may only be taken once. The mage may take this Edge only once each Rank.
- The mage can transfer wounds and Fatigue levels to or from his familiar as a free action.
- The mage may increase one attribute of his choice by one die, to a maximum of d12.
- The mage can use the familiar’s senses as if they were his own. This requires concentration. The maximum range for this ability is the mage’s Smarts x 100 yards.
- The familiar can use the mage’s Combat Edges as its own.
- Any spells the mage casts on himself also affect the familiar. If he casts protetion with a raise, both he and his familiar gain +4 Armor for the duration, for example.
- The familiar has 10 Power Points, which the mage may use as if they were his own. They recharge at the same rate as the mage’s (usually 5 per hour with rest).
- The mage can cast any spell through the familiar, using it as the starting point of the effect (thus extending range, etc.)
- The familiar acts as an arcane focus and grants the cast a +1 to her casting kill if within 10” (20yards).
Steamjack [Novice, Bodger or Arcane Background (Mechanika), Spirits d8+]: the character begins play with a light combat jack or medium non-combat codex Steamjack (see Steamjacks). This jack is loyal to her alone.
Charger [Seasoned, Fighting d10+]: The warrior is experienced at moving across a large distance and getting the most effect out of rushing his foe. He may ignore the standard multi-action penalty for Running when making a Fighting attack roll at the end of your movement.
Combat Loader [Novice, Shooting d8+]: With a Pace of 0 you can reload a pistol or rifle (not a long rifle) without suffering a multi-Action penalty, but you cannot take any other besides speaking.
Heavy Melee Weapon [Novice, Strength d8+, Fighting d6+]: you training allows you to wield a two-handed weapon in one hand. You must still have the weapon's Strength Minimum.
Heavy Weapons Specialist [Novice, Shooting d6+]: you can operate ballista, cannons and catapults without the normal -4 penalty for firing such weapons in combat.
Musketeer [Seasoned, Muskets and Blunderbuss only]: you can reload a musket faster than most. Reduce the reload time for all muskets and blunderbuss by 1 round, and you are allowed to move up to your Pace at the same time (no Run).
Spring Attack [Seasoned, Extraction, Fighting d8+]: You can move both before and after your attack, and as long as you end your movement not adjacent to any opponents, you do not suffering a free attack from any attacker. You may not move more than your Pace (cannot Run as part of this maneuver) in this round. You also cannot ignore First Strike or someone on ‘Hold’.
Trencher [Seasoned, Agility d6+, Shooting d8+]: Trenchers are specially trained to move under fire. You impose an additional -2 to any Cover modifier you have against enemy ranged attacks against you (you must have at least light cover to gain bonus). You gain a +2 to Agility checks to Dive for Cover and +2 to Spirits check to resist Suppression Fire.
Born Leader [Veteran, Command]: If you spend a Full Round Action, one ally within your presence area is granted a free and immediate attack of their choice against an enemy of your choosing.
Move It Mister! [Seasoned, Command]: You can use a Standard Action to give one ally within your presence area a free and immediate movement of Pace (no Running die). This ally cannot pass through threatened enemy’s space without drawing an attack (unless they have Extraction, then roll normal)
Strategist [Heroic, Command, Tactician]: as Tactician but gain +1 additional Cards with each raise. Can only give one away per round.
Alchemy [Novice, Smarts d6+, Science d4+]: You have learned the Science of Alchemy and create potions, balms, etc. (see Alchemy).
Archer [Seasoned, Agility d6+, Shooting d8+, Marksman; Bows only]: Archers are among the most prized soldiers in any military. Those who train in advanced techniques learn how to master the bow in all conditions, and they can compensate for any difficulties. Archers reduce all Called Shot, Range, and Cover penalties by 2 total (any combination, and can be combine with Marksmen).
- Combat Archer [Veteran, Archer, Agility d8+, Fighting d8+, Shooting d10+, Trademark Weapon (bow)]: You train with heavy-duty reinforced bows. They can also use their bows in hand-to-hand combat very effectively. Combat Archers may fire their bows in Close Combat, but target can choice to parry or evade. Or they can strike a target in melee with their stout bows (base STR+d6 damage). Their bows are hardy enough that they are also considered “armed” and don’t suffer a penalty to their Parry scores.
- Veteran Archer [Veteran, Agility d6+, Shooting d10+]: Veteran Archers are true masters of the bow. Reduce penalties by another 2 (stacks with Archer) and adds +2 damage with bows.
Armored Caster [Novice, Strength d6+, Mechanika, Sorcery or Spellcasting d8+]: Arcane Mechaniks, Wizards and Sorcerers don’t normally wear much if any armor as it tends to interfere with their spellcasting abilities. These casters have learn to wear up to moderate armor (AP+2) at no penalty to their spellcasting skill. Note that heavier armor still has a full penalty to use.
Armor Master [Novice, Strength d6+, Fighting d6+]: Warriors often learned how to best wear heavy armor effectively. Count the weight of any armor that he is wearing as one-half for Encumbrance. The character ignores the skill penalty to Athletics and only suffers one-half (round down) to Stealth while wearing armor.
Blackclad [Seasoned, Spirits d8+, Arcane Background: Druid, Humans only]: Blackclads are members of the Circle of Orboros and whom follow the primal forces of nature. They tend to dislike civilization but they are not zealots, they simply reject morality as a moral construct that runs counter to the glorious chaos that is nature. These druids gains either a common Argus wolf, a Dusk Wolf, a Gorax, or a Troll Whelp animal companion. The beast is incredibly loyal to you and smarter than a typical member of the species. You also gain +1 with Intimidation and Survival but suffer a -2 to your Persuasion to non-followers of your order.
Calloused Hands [Novice, Vigor d8+, Mechanik d8+ or Repair d8+]: A good steamo does not need a wrench or tool to make basic repairs to a piece of equipment. Instead the character can use her bare hands if she has too. The character can use his bare hands as improvised tools instead of a tool set when making a repair check. This does cause a level of Fatigue at the end of the repairs.
Cavalryman [Seasoned, Riding d8+, Fighting d8+, Mount must be trained for combat]: This hero knows how to make the most of mounted combat. When performing a Mounted Charge, the Cavalryman gets a +2 on his Fighting roll as long as he moves at least 6" in a straight line before attacking. This is in addition to the +4 Damage. This Mounted Charge can be done at the end of a mount’s Run movement with no Multiple Action Penalties.
Mage Hunter [Seasoned, Ioas Elf only, Occultism d6+, Stealth d6+]: Many Ioas Elves believe that it is human magic & mechanik technology is slowly draining the life of the remaining Iosan goddess. Members of the Retribution of Scyrah are dedicated to hunting down and killing wizards and sorcerers. The mage hunters gains +2 Stealth and deal an additional +2 damage against anyone with the Arcane Background – Arcane type. They also gains +2 to his or her Toughness score vs. arcane damage and/or +2 to any Resistance rolls verse arcane spells.
Monster Slayer [Novice, Smarts d6+, Occultism d6+, Notice d6+, Survival d6+]: Many monster hunters have dedicated themselves to protecting the civilized lands from the monsters from the wastes. When confronted by a monstrous or supernatural foe the hero may make an Occultism action check to identify a foe, its characteristics, and common tactics. The GM may impose penalties for uncommon or unique beings. With a success the Monster Slayer knows any weakness the creature might have and gains a +1 to all Trait rolls and damage totals against it until the end of the encounter. On a raise she gains all the creature’s special abilities and the Trait and damage bonus increase to +2.
Oversized Weapon Master [Seasoned, Fighting d8+]: The character may use two-handed melee weapons with one hand. The minimum Strength for using the weapon still applies as normal.
Trailblazer [Novice, Survival d6+]: You have learned to watch the signs and trust your instincts when it comes to navigating the vast wilderness. Anything the GM draws a face card while traveling (indicating a random encounter) the trailblazer can make a Notice -2 check. If successful the trailblazer detects the hazard, creature or situation at the earliest opportunity, giving the party time to likely avoid it or at least attack it on their own terms. The trailblazer also gains +2 to Notice rolls to avoid being surprised.
Warcaster, Journeyman [Seasoned, Arcane Background: Arcane Mechanik or Wizard, Armored Caster, Smarts d8+, Strength d6+, Arcane skill d8+, Battle d8+]: A Warcaster is a specialized casters whom can wear heavier armor and control the mighty ‘jacks with simply mental commands. First the Warcaster can wear any armor without suffering any spell casting penalties. Second they can use a version of Mind Link with any Steamjack under their command within 10” even if they do not have that power. This cost the normal Power Points and Duration. Any Steamjack that the warcaster is Mind Linked with them can share any Touch power with even if they are not within Touch range so long as they are within 10”.
- Warcaster, Magistrate [Heroic, Arcane Background: Arcane Mechanik or Wizard, Armored Caster, Smarts d10+, Strength d6+, Arcane skill d10+, Battle d8+]: the Magistrate caster is a true master of the battle field. The range that they can telepathically communicate and grant powers to with a bound ‘jack is now 20”. They also learn how to power arcane batteries more effectively. It now costa them 1 less Power Point to activate any Rune-Plating ability (minimum 1) with an arcane battery (not when using their own Power Points to power a Rune-Plate).
Magic is common within the Iron Kingdoms often mixing with the steam technology of the day. Spells often have common names (or Trappings) in Iron Kingdom. See individual Power Lists for common names.
NOTE that for any Arcane Background: Divine any POWER with a Range listed as Smarts uses Spirits instead.
Many Powers listed under each caster type included notes on Elemental Trapping. These are required to take for these Powers and each has a different game effect when the Power is used.
- Acid – a raise on the spell casting check damages the target’s armor worn, reducing it by one Armor Point in the location where the spell struck (torso by default). If any of the damage dice Ace the target will suffer 1d4 acid damage per Ace on the following round. If used on a Barrier or such (Wall of Acid, etc.) it deals 2d6 damaged to any melee attacker against the wall.
- Cold – a raise on the spell casting check causes the target to treat all movement as Difficult (2” per 1” moved) for one round per raise. If any of the damage dice Ace the target requires a Vigor check (-1 per extra damage die that Aced) or suffer a level of Fatigue. This recovers after one hour of rest. If used on a Barrier (such as Wall of Ice) add +1 to the hardness and targets that make melee attacks against it require a Vigor check or suffer a level of Fatigue (this fatigue recovers with 5 minutes of rest).
- Electrical/Lightning – metal armor counts as two Armor Point less verse electrical damage. With a raise on the spell casting check the target is Distracted and Vulnerable until the end of its next turn. If used as a Barrier (such as Wall of Lighting) cause 2d6 damage to any melee attack against it with the metal armor restriction to this damage.
- Fire – a raise on the spell casting check catches the target on fire. A target on fire is Distracted and takes 2d6 fire damage each round at the beginning of its turn. To put itself out requires a Agility roll (-2 due to the Distracting effect of being one fire) and an Action. Rolling on the ground adds +2 to this check and immersion in water automatically extinguishes the fire. If used as a Barrier (Wall of Fire) it deals 2d6 damage to any melee attacker against it.
- Light/Sunlight – a raise on the spell casting check cause a dazzle affect in the target whom suffers a -2 to all checks that require sight until the end of its next turn. If any of the damage dice also Aced the target requires a Vigor check (-1 per extra dice that Aces) or be Blind (-4 to all visual based checks and Vulnerable) until the end of its next turn. Certain creatures are extra vulnerable to light powers.
- Sonic/Sound – a raise on the spell casting check causes the target to be deafened (can’t hear) which makes the target Distracted and Vulnerable until the end of its next turn. If used as a Barrier (as Wall of Sound) any melee attack must make a Vigor check or be Distracted and Vulnerable until the end of its next round.
- Necrotic/Death - a raise
- Stone/Earth – a raise on the spell casting check knocks the target prone. Targets require an Agility or Strength check (-1 per Ace on any damage dice) or drop any held objects in the hands that require an Action to pick back up. If used on a Barrier (Wall of Stone, etc.) it adds +3 to the barriers rating automatically.
- Water – a raise on the spell casting check knocks the target prone. Targets require an Agility or Strength check (-1 per Ace on any damage dice) or drop any held objects in the hands that require an Action to pick back up. If used on a Barrier (as Wall of Water) will automatically extinguish any fire or neutralize any acid it touches and within 1” of its effects.
- Wind – a raise on the spell casting check knocks the target prone. Targets require an Agility or Strength check (-1 per Ace on any damage dice) or drop any held objects in the hands that require an Action to pick back up. If used on a Barrier (as Wall of Wind) will automatically dispense any air born toxins or smokes within ½ the casters Smarts die in game” from the barrier. Targets making melee attacks the wall must also make a Agility or Strength check or be knocked prone.
In the Iron Kingdoms Summon Ally works slightly differently. While whatever you summon has the stats of the Attendant, Bodyguard or Sentinel, certain other abilities are dependent on what is being summon. Also there is no mirror image so instead these are renamed Hunters and have the following base stats.
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirits d6 Strength d10, Vigor d8
Pace 6, Parry 6, Toughness 9 (3)
Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d8, Intimidate d8, Notice d4, Shooting d6, Stealth d6
Edges: First Strike
Gear: Melee attack (Str+d6).
Special Abilities...
- Armor +3: Hardened skin.
- Construct: See Attendant.
- Fearless: Immune to fear and Intimidation
Additional Powers based on the type summoned
- Animal – add one of the following – Pace +50%, Aquatic (Swim normal Pace) or Winged (Size -1 but Fly Pace of double base Pace). No gear but automatically have Bite/Claws for Str+d6 at no additional cost. Add the Survival skill (d4 Attendant, d6 Bodyguard, d8 Hunter, d10 Sentinel) along with Alertness.
- Angel/Devil – automatically gain +4 Toughness and to Resistance rolls against their opposing type (Holy vs. Unholy) damage and affects. Automatically carry a weapon of some type (Attendant Str+d6, Bodyguard Str+d8, Hunter Str+d10, Sentinel Str+d12)
- Elemental – Air (Immunity to non-Magical attacks, immunity to electrical/lightning based attacks, Fly Pace 12), Earth (increase Strength by +1 step and Size by +1 step, increase Armor +2, immune to earth/stone based attacks), Fire (Fly Pace 6, Damage Field 2d6 fire, immune to fire/heat based attacks), Water (Aquatic, immune to water/cold based attacks, Water Spout Cone Template 2d6 damage with Water Trappings).
Analyze Foe
- Rank: Novice
- Power Points: 1 – 2
- Range: Smarts x 2
- Duration: 5 rounds
- Trappings: Mystical sense, spiritual advice, gestalt knowledge.
Analyze Foe grants insight into your foe. Knowledge is power. Being able to judge the strength of a foe before engaging him in combat can be highly advantageous. The character makes an arcane skill roll opposed by the target’s Spirit. On a success, he gains a +1 bonus to Trait rolls to directly affect the target, and the target suffers a –1 penalty to Trait rolls to directly affect the caster. With a raise, the effect is increased to +2 and –2 for both. In addition, for 2 Power Points, a success allows the caster to learn of a single Immunity, Invulnerability, or Weakness of the target (if one exists), and a raise allows the knowledge of two.
- Rank: Novice
- Power Points: 1
- Range: Smarts
- Duration: Instant
- Trappings: Mimicking action, briefly summoned spirit, astral bi-location.
Legerdemain allows the character to perform a single action at range he would normally be capable of doing in person. If the action would require a Trait roll, then the caster rolls the lower of that Trait or his arcane skill to both activate the power and determine the results of the action. If the action does not require a Trait roll, then his arcane skill is used normally. Casting legerdemain is a normal action, but the action performed through the use of it is considered a free action (existing free actions like speaking are unchanged). However the caster is still limited to not duplicating the same action in a round, so it is impossible to cast another spell via legerdemain. The power does not create or duplicate the effects of any gear or magical effects upon the caster, but in all other ways, the action is treated exactly as if the caster were performing the action himself at the location. i.e. a Fighting attack does his normal unarmed Strength damage, even if the caster is holding a dagger with smite on it.
Remote Viewing
- Rank: Veteran
- Power Points: 2
- Range: Special
- Duration: 5 rounds
- Trappings: Astral projection, clairvoyance, clairaudience, crystal ball.
Remote Viewing allows the user to able to gather sensory information they would not normally have access to. Typically this includes sight and sound, but may incorporate any two senses depending on the power's trappings. The hero need only make a Spellcasting check to gather data from any point within one mile as though he were standing at that point. Once an observation point is chosen, the character can concentrate to maintain and move it on their turn, imposing a multi-action penalty.
- Additional Effects: for each additional +1 power point, the power triple the range of the power (3 miles, 9 miles, 27 miles, etc.)
- Rank: Novice
- Power Points: 2
- Range: Smarts
- Duration: Instant
- Trappings: Mind Trick, Foolishness
Suggestion allows you to make unbelievable suggestions that do not threaten the target. Make an opposed Power skill use vs. Spirits roll, on success the target believes your lie or follows your suggestion like it was his idea. You can also make a small illusion that distracts your target. Make a Power skill test, on success your target is distracted for one round and you may attempt a Stealth roll even if he was watching you before or you can attempt to get ‘The Drop’ on him. Target gets a Notice (-2 if you scored a raise) to avoid surprised.
See SWAE pg. 69-73 for basic armor and hand weapons cost and features. $1 equals 1 copper piece (cp). Costs listed below are in copper pieces if not listed. Blackpower weapons are updated below as they are fairly outdated but still used by some.
- Armored Coat: AP +1, Wt. 8, Cost 100, Str Min D4, Notes: Torso, Arms
- Heavy Armored Coat: AP +2, Wt. 10, Cost 200, Str Min D4, Notes: Torso, Arms
- Armored Greatcoat: AP +2, Wt. 12, Cost 300, Str Min D4, Notes: Torso, Arms, Legs
- Heavy Armored Greatcoat: AP +3, Wt. 14, Cost 450, Str Min D6, Notes: Torso, Arms, Legs
Reduce Medium Shield’s Parry bonus to +1 and Large Shield’s to +2. Also ½ the Cover bonus when applied to Firearms (bullets tend to shot through shields). A shield can have Bullet Proofing added to ignore this for +500 cost.
- Musket Pistol: Range 5/10/20, Damage 2d6, AP 0, ROF 1, Shots --, Str Min D4, Wt. 3, Cost 150, Notes: 2 Action to reload
- Musket Rifle: Range 10/20/40, Damage 2d8, AP 0, ROF 1, Shots --, Str Min d6, Wt. 15, Cost 200, Notes: 3 Rounds to reload
- Blunderbuss: Range 5/10/20, Damage 1-3d6*, AP 0, ROF 1, Shots --, Str Min D6, Wt. 12, Cost 200, Notes: 3 Rounds to reload. Work as Shotguns
- Pistol: Range 6/12/24, Damage 2d6+1, AP 1, ROF 1, Shots 1, Str Min D4, Wt. 3, Cost 300, Notes: 1 Action to Reload
- Pistol, Double barrel: Range 6/12/24, Damage 2d6+1, AP 1, ROF 2, Shots 2, Str Min D4, Wt. 5, Cost 500, Notes: 1 Action to Reload each barrel
- Heavy Pistol: Range 8/16/32, Damage 2d8, AP 1, ROF 1, Shots 1, Str Min d8, Wt. 5, Cost 400, Notes: 1 Action to Reload
- Rifle: Range 15/30/60, Damage 2d8+1, AP 1, ROF 1, Shots 1, Str Min D6, Wt. 9, Cost 900, Notes: 1 Action to Reload
- Rifle, Double barrel: Range 15/30/60, Damage 2d8+1, AP 1, ROF 2, Shots 2, Str Min D6, Wt. 14, Cost 1,400, Notes: 1 Action to Reload each barrel.
- Long Rifle: Range 25/50/100, Damage 2d10, AP 2, ROF 1, Shots 1, Str Min D8, Wt. 19, Cost 1,500, Notes: 2 Actions to Reload
- Ogrun Battle Gun: Range 15/30/60, Damage 2d12, AP 2, ROF 1, Shots 1, Str Min D12, Cost 1,800, Notes: 3 Actions to Reload
- Musket Rounds –20 musket pistol rounds equal 1lb, 10 Musket Rifle and Blunderbuss rounds weigh 1lb. Cost 10cp per lb.
- Blast Powder – A horn of 3lbs cost 30cp. enough for 20 musket pistol shots and 10 musket rifle or blunderbuss shots.
- Arcane Bullets – Specially made arcane bullets for non-musket Pistols and Rifles (paper wax cartridge with mixed blasting powder and a solid metal bullet core), cost/wt. each – Pistol 8cp/0.2, Heavy Pistol and Rifle 10cp/0.3, Long Rifle 15cp/0.4, Ogrun Battle Gun 25cp/1.0
- Magelock Firearm – any Pistol or Rifle can have the have the ‘magelock’ focus added to it for +500cp (Gun Mages can start with one magelock Pistol for free, others have to pay full price for them). First this grant +5 Power Points for Arcane Magic. It grants +1 to the Gun Mage skill.
- Blast Pike: Damage Str+d8, AP 9, Str Min D8, Wt. 10, Cost 250, Notes: 2-handed, Explosive tip. This 'one-use' explosive tip attachment over the spear mount that are generally used against Warjacks and other heavily armored targets. When used against creatures with a Size of 2 or less suffer a -2 fighting check. When used the weapon deals an additional +2d8 damage and becomes AP-10. After the tip has exploded the weapon deals only base damage until a new head is reacted (takes 1 full round to attach a new blast head, and they cost 150cp each and weights 5lbs).
- Ogrun War Cleaver: Damage Str+d12, AP 1, Str Min D12, Wt. 20, Cost 400, Notes: 2-handed, Parry -1
- Nyss Great Sword: Damage Str+d10, AP 0, Str Min. D6, Wt. 5, Cost 1,000, Notes: 2-handed (cost 600 for a Nyss elf)
See SWAE pg. 67 for other basic item costs.
- Alchemist Apron - when worn adds +2 to Vigor tests vs. contact toxins and adds +2 to Toughness vs. fire damage. Also adds +2 to Fatigue tests when dealing with heat. Cost 200, Wt. 4
- Alchemist Travel Kit – a semi-portable lab needed to create alchemy in the field but at -1 to check or take twice as much time to create. Cost 500, Wt. 15
- Ammo Bandoleer – belt that can carry 20 pistol rounds or 10 rifle rounds for easy access. Cost 50, Wt. 1
- Coal – a modern requirement. Costs 25 per 10lbs of Coal.
- Compass – tells north direction, Cost 100, Wt. 0.5
- Crank Lantern – no oil required, cranking for 1d3+2 rounds, light lasts for 1d6+4 hours. Cost 200, Wt. 2
- Crystal Ball – perfectly clear glass sphere for peering into. Required for the use of Wizard’s Divine power. Cost 500, Wt. 2
- Flint Box – primitive lighter. Cost 10, Wt. nil.
- Field Glasses – can see x3 distance. Cost 150, Wt. 1
- Forger’s Gloves – help protect one’s hands around a blazing hot forge. Add +4 to Toughness and to resist heat but only for one’s hands. Cost 50, Wt. 1
- Gas Mask– adds +4 to all Vigor against any inhaled toxins or harmful gases for two hours. Each hour after that the bonus is reduced by 1 (after 4 hours the bonus is only +2, etc.). Wt. 2, Cost 100. Replacement canister Wt. ½, Cost 25
- Googles – protect the eyes from harms chemical contact toxins and sudden flashes. GM call if it applies and if it does at least a +2 to any test or Toughness. Wt. 1, Cost 25
- Gun Kit – for cleaning/maintaining firearms. Cost 50, Wt. 3
- Helm Lamp – a lantern helm mount, freeing up the hands. Cost 100, Wt. 2
- Hemp Rope – solid rope 20ft (support around 500lbs). Cost 10, Wt. 10
- Holy Symbol, Wooden – Cost 10, Wt. 0.5
- Holy Symbol, Silver – Cost 250, Wt. 0.5
- Jack Wretch – minimum tool require to repair Steamjacks. Cost 100, Wt. 5
- Journal – 50 pages with leather cover. Cost 100, Wt. 1
- Mechanika Semi-Portable Lab – basic lab needed to create Arcane Mechanika magical items but in the field suffer a -1 to check and double the time required. Cost 1,500, Wt. 25
- Paper, 10 sheets – Cost 50, Wt. nil.
- Rifle Scope – for rifles. Adds +2 to the Aim maneuver for Medium and Long range for a Rifle or Long Rifle. Cost 150, Wt. 1
- Silk Rope – extremely light and extremely strong rope (support around 1,000lbs), 20 feet. Cost 500, Wt. 1
- Spell or Formula Book, Traveling – Arcane Mechanika, Gun Mages and Wizards start with one for free. Holds 10 Spells (powers) or Mechanik formula or 20 Alchemist Formulas. Can purchase additional for a Cost 500, Wt. 2
- Travel Cloak or Coat – +2 vigor vs. cold and similar environment hazards. Cost 100, Wt. 3
- Telescope – can see x5 distance. Cost 250, Wt. 2
- Watch, Pocket –wind up watch. Cost 150, Wt. 0.2
- Webbing Belt – can carry up to 10 light items like daggers, grenades or potions or maybe a small bag of caltrops, etc. with easy access. Cost 50, Wt. 2
- Workshop – there are various types of workshop that are each purchased separately to create various devices. They include – Alchemy, Mechanika, Rune-Plating, Steamjack, Steam Power. Cost 5,000, Wt. 500.
- Adventurer’s Kit – the basics carried by most adventures. Includes a backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, flint & steel, iron pot, mess kit, hemp rope 50ft, soap, torches (5), trail rations (5 days), waterskin. Cost 150, Wt. 30
- Chirurgean’s Kit – healer’s kit. A sturdy leather case includes everything for Heal checks +2. Cost 400, Wt. 4 for 5 uses. Resupply cost 50 and weigh ½ each.
- Chronicler’s Kit – contains map case, two vials of ink, two ink-pens, 10 sheets of paper, two blank journals, 1# of fine powder drying ink, 20ft measuring cod, Cost 200, Wt. 4
- Dungeoneering Kit – specialized gear to underground exploring. Candles (5), chalk (10), grappling hock, hammer, pitons (10), hemp rope 50ft, hooded lantern, flasks of oil (5), sacks (2), torches (2), trail rations (5 days), waterskin. Cost 200, Wt. 35
- Riding Kit - Saddle, saddle blanket, bit & bridle, and saddle bags (can carry up to 100lbs in two bags), Cost 25, Wt. 15
- Priest Kit – extras for the traveling cleric. Wooden Holy Symbol, Traveling vestments, cheap holy text, ritual items (for prayer, marrying, etc.). Cost 150, Wt. 5
These are a mix of brews. Note that anyone with the Alchemy Edge gains ½ their skill die in Science in starting alchemist formulas. They learn a new formula each time they raise their skill level and they can learn others through study. With access to a formula this takes 2 full days of study per Rank of the compound (i.e. Bile Brew is a Seasoned anti-toxin that takes 4 full days of study to learn). The basic cost of a compound formula is 50 copper for a Novice, 200 copper for a Seasoned, 500 copper for a Veteran, 1,000 copper for a Heroic and 5,000 copper for a Legendary. Characters generally cannot learn formula compounds of a higher rank then they are.
An Alchemist with a lab can create these at ½ listed cost (ingredients, etc.) in 1d4 hours per Rank (i.e. Seasoned takes 2d4 hours, Veteran 3d4 hours, etc.). Critical Fumbles on one’s Science check either ruin all the ingredients or with the GM call cause explosions or chocking gas releases, etc. These will generally cause 2d6 damage in a Small Burst Template for Novice disasters, 3d6 damage in a Medium Burst Template for Seasoned disasters, 4d6 damage in a Large Burst Template for Veteran rank or higher. Whether it’s a gas release or explosion depends on the compounds being mixed (GM’s call).
The base cost of these items various by the usefulness and rarity of ingredients. Balms are rubbed onto the area, taking 1d6 rounds. Drinkable elixirs take effect immediately. These are only the most common. The GM and players can create more types.
- Bone Stripper [Novice]: use in the biology and zoology departments of many universities throughout Western Immoren. Bone stripper acid is commonly used for just one purpose –to strip flesh from bone for display. All the flesh is stripped from a large specimen, assuming one has a large enough vat of bone striper, within a few short hours. A strong digestive acid, bone stripper inflicts 1d6 acid damage (ignores AP) from being emerged fully within it, +1 damage per minute emerged, but only against flesh. Cost 30 per gallon.
- Carrock’s Sure-fire Etcher [Novice]: used by alchemists and mechaniks throughout the kingdoms, this etcher is the most wildly used acid for etching mechanika rune plates, a vital component of all mechanikal devices. Skin contact with sure-fire inflicts 1d10 burning damage (ignores AP). Cost 80 per quart.
- Carvale’s Wound Cleaner [Novice] (Balm): this mild acid was derived centuries ago by the faithful of Morrow, brewed from a combination of normal alchemist acid and several mild medicinal. The solution is so mild that it does not inflict any damage on normal contact. However, when applied to an open wound, wound cleaner cleans any foreign material from the wound and destroys any infections. Any wound that is infected with natural disease can be cleaned with wound cleaner (grants +4 against any disease or toxins). Cost 250 per small vial (can clean 1d6+3 such wounds)
- Dragon Bile [Veteran]: while not truly harvested from dragons, this vile, viscous liquid is one of the most corrosive acids know to the alchemists of Western Immoren. This dark liquid fumes constantly and the acrid vapors quickly burn the nose and the throat if accidentally inhaled. It inflicts 2d8 corrosion damage, ignores AP, and also damages normal armor, etc. (reduce normal, non-magical armors AP by 1 point per location per 1d6 rounds). Can instead by used to burn through a mundane lock in 1d4 rounds. Cost 100, Wt. ½ vial.
- Industrial Acid [Novice]: base acids, it inflicts 2d6 corrosive damage with an AP-4 per round for 1d4+1 rounds. Cost 50, Wt. ½ vial.
- Bile Brew [Seasoned] (Drinkable): this bitterleaf dark, acidic tea when drank causes the recipient to become sick and nauseated for 1d4 hours but also grants them a +4 bonus to Vigor checks vs. poisons for up to 1d6 hours afterwards, including any they were suffering from before drinking the brew. It takes about an hour for the brew to take effect. Cost 45, Wt. ½ for 4 doses.
- Blood Polyp Draught [Seasoned] (Drinkable): this root is mashed into paste to be added to any drink. When drunk, it will add +4 bonus to Vigor checks for up to 24 hours and verses any the drinker is currently suffering. It takes about one hour for the draught to take effect. Cost 200, Wt. ½ dose
- Chain Breaker [Veteran] (Drinkable): a foul concoction brewed from the pulverized tissue of buzzard beetles, if ingested it grants a +4 bonus for Vigor vs. paralysis types affects (not vs. mental paralysis). It take 1d6 minutes to normally take effect. Cost 250, Wt. ½ dose.
- Analeigh’s Wound Seal [Seasoned] (Balm): a fast-drawing paste that when applied to wounds can quickly heal the wounds, but its’ side effect of dulling the subject’s senses. Heals one wound after a minute. Subject suffers a -2 to her Notice checks for 1d6 x10 minutes afterwards. Cost 100, Wt. ½ for four doses
- Blackroot Balm [Seasoned] (Balm): an alchemist healing balm made from boiled down blackroot, this is a fast healer, but with a side effect of causing clubmosses in the subject. Heals one wound in 1d6 rounds, and then another wound after 1d6+1 minutes. Subject suffers -2 to all Agility based checks and skills for 1d6 x10 minutes. Costs 150, Wt. ½ for four doses.
- Corbern’s Invigorating Elixir [Veteran] (Drinkable): one of the most reliable alchemist elixirs for hundreds of years. Heals a wound in 1d6+2 rounds, then a second wound 2d6 minutes. Costs 400, Wt. ½ per vial.
- Corbern’s Healing Elixir [Novice] (Drinkable): a cheaper version of invigorator, but otherwise still very popular. Heals a wound after 1d4 minutes. Costs 150, Wt. ½ per vial.
- Cure-All Cream [Novice] (Balm): this is a popular with adventures and soldiers alike as it is cheap, and while he heals one wound but also tends to tire the subject. Gain a Healing check +2 (heals one wound maximum) after 1d6 minutes, but it succeed cause 1 level of fatigue (recover with one hour of rest). Costs 50, Wt. ½ for four doses.
- Doc Petrok’s Rejuvenator [Veteran] (Drinkable): popular with brawlers and street thugs, it is fairly illegal for its side effects. Heals one wound in 1d4 rounds. It also grants the subject Level Headed and Nerves of Steel edges, but also Bloodthirsty, Mean and Overconfidence for one hour afterwards. Costs 100, Wt. 1 per vial
- Solovin’s Seal [Novice] (Balm): this is sealant when applied to bleeding wounds, ends all bleeding in one round (automatically success against Bleeding Out). It also grants a healing check to recover a wound after one hour. Costs 50, Wt. ½ for five doses.
- Vis Paut [Veteran] (Drinkable) - restores d3+1 Power Points back for an arcane type spell-caster. Is only affective a number of times a day equal to ½ your Vigor die (i.e. with a Vigor d8, you can benefit from the potion four times a day). Cost 150, Wt. ½ per vial.
All have a range of thrown (range 5/10/20) or can be set with an clockwork timer (Requires a Repair -2 check to properly set) up to 5 minutes after activation.
- Alchemical Grenade [Seasoned]: filled with volatile powders, when throw all targets within a Medium Burst Template take 2d8 damage, AP-4. Cost 100, Wt. 2
- Cinder Bomb [Veteran]: filled with vitriolic fire compounds, when thrown all affects targets in a Medium Burst Template take 2d8 fire damage. All targets must then make an Agility -2 (-4 if attacker got a raise) check or catch fire, suffer 2d6 fire damage every round after that. Putting oneself out is an Action and an Agility -2 check. A raise ends the damage without an Action. Rolling on the ground adds +2 to check and emersion in water automatically ends the burning. Targets on fire are Distracted. Cost 150, Wt. 2
- Knockout Bomb [Veteran]: toxic compound that when thrown affects all targets in a Large Burst Template. Targets require a Vigor -2 check or be Incapacitated for 2d6 rounds. The gas lingers in the area for 1d4+1 rounds although strong winds can dissipated it in a round. Targets whom remain in the LBT or those entering must make the Vigor check at the beginning of their round or suffer the effects. Allies can attempt to awaken Incapacitated allies with a successful Healing check as an Action. The target is Shaken when they awaken, recover normally after that. Cost 150, Wt. 2
- Smoke Bomb [Novice]: this grenade like weapon creates thick inky smoke in a Large Burst Template that blocks all forms of visual sight (-2 to any checks based on sight in the area). The smoke lasts for 2d4+2 round although strong winds can dissipate it in a round or two. Cost 50, Wt. 2
- Stink Bomb [Seasoned]: filled with various exotic compounds, when throw in affects all targets in a Large Burst Template. Targets must make a Vigor (-2 if the thrower got a raise) check or be Distracted and Vulnerable. Targets get a new Vigor check as an Action on its round to end effects. The gas lingers for 1d4+1 rounds although strong winds can dissipate it in one. Targets that remain in the LBT or those entering must make the Vigor check at the beginning of their round or suffer effects. Cost 100, Wt. 2
- Alchemist Matches [Novice] – 20, water proof matches. Cost 40, Wt. 0.2
- Balelight [Novice]: consists of two liquids that when gently swirled, they mix and give off a pale-greenish light. A single source of balefire can light a 3” diameter area with dim light (-1 penalty). As the liquids begin to separate the light slowly fades, each two hours increasing one darkness penalty (Dark at 2-4, Pitch Black at 4 hours). Cost 20 per one quart.
- Baron Voratchik’s Clawed Grip [Novice]: this alchemist compound, when applied to bare hands and feet, greatly enhances ones’ ability to climb. It grants a +2 climbing Athletics for 1d6 x10 minutes. It is not pleasant tasting and subject suffers a -1 to Notice checks for 1d6 minutes. Costs 200, Wt. ½ dose
- Blade Resin [Seasoned]: is a sticky, resinous paste that can be smeared onto a cutting or piercing bladed weapon. This has the effect of allowing one to add a poison into the resin and holding it on the blade for 10 minutes afterwards, although the poison itself can only be applied to a target 1d4 times before it is used up. Costs 50, Wt. ½ for two applications.
- Blasting Powder [Seasoned]: is Iron Kingdoms version of black powder, but it is a slightly magical aura and can only be created by a skilled Alchemists. Like black powder, it is fragile, ruined when it gets wet, and is flammable. While it burns fiercely, like black powder, it does not explode unless confided. Blasting power is actually two different colored elixirs of alchemist powder, one red and one black, that must be separated at all times. When they are combined they burn fast (or explode if confined). Alchemist bullets are special alchemist paper that contains both powders separated and when pierced within the firearms chamber, explode and fire the bullet. Powder is generally sold in mini-kegs by the riflers’ pound (a ‘horn of powder’ as it were). The blasting powder consists of 6 ounces of red powders and a larger compartment of 10 ounces of black powder. A confided keg of blasting will cause 3d8 damage in a Medium Burst Template. Each doubling of the weight add +1d8 damage in a Large Burst Template. Cost 50, Wt. 1lb rifle horn.
- Blood Polyp Incense [Novice]: is mixed with a small amount of wax and cast into incense cones. A single blood polyp incense burns for 2 hours and affects a 2” radius (4 yards) area within a building, etc. It repels insects from entering this area for the duration. Costs 5 per cone, Wt. ½ for a dozen cones.
- Burning Powder [Seasoned]: similar to blasting powder, but made from combining red and a white colored powdered to the mixture. Generally sold in tubes that also serve as their delivery device. By uncorking the tube ends, with a Action, the wielder can blow through one end to spend the powder into the air out to a 4” (8 yard range) with a second Action. User makes a Shooting Touch attack (+2 to test). If successful target must make a Vigor -2 check (-4 if the attacker got a raise). Failure causes the target to suffer from both Distraction and Vulnerable for the next minute. Target can make a new Vigor check -2 as an Action to remove these affects (a raise on the Vigor check ends it instantly). Cost 50, Wt. ½ a tube.
- Cane Leech Repellent [Novice] (Balm): When rubbed on the skin this repellant will fend off most aquatic leeches and other predators like blood fish. It takes about a minute to apply to most of the skin to be affective for up to 6 hours (even if immersed in water). Cost 50, Wt. ½ per application.
- Clear Mind [Novice] (Drinkable): this stimulate will allow a recipients to remain awake for 2 days without requiring sleep. It is rather distracting to do this and the target suffer a -2 to all non-Notice Smart skill and trait tests for the duration. At the end target automatically suffer two levels of Fatigue that can only be removed with a full nights rest. Cost 50, Wt. ½ per vial.
- Dust of Dizziness [Seasoned]: this compound is a mixture of various weeds and alchemist stones that produces dizziness in a target. The user throws a pouch into the face of a nearby target (within 4”) as an Range Touch attack (+2 to fighting) Action. The target must make a Spirits check (-2 per raise the attacker achieve) or be Distracted and Vulnerable until the end of its next round. Cost 50, Wt. ½ pouch.
- Embalming Fluid [Novice]: used to prepare a corpse for burial. Generally takes 4 gallons to replace a standard Size 0 creatures vital fluids. Cost 20 per gallon.
- Exalted Incense [Seasoned]: is mixed with a small amount of wax and cast into incense cones. When burned it grants greater insight into those whom breathe it in for at least 10 minutes (cones burn for 10 minutes each). For the next hour the character gains a +2 on Common Knowledge and another other Knowledge skill. They can re-roll an earlier failed Knowledge skill check to recall details that they might have missed. Cost 100, Wt. ½ per cone.
- Flame Ward [Novice] (Balm): when rubbed over most of one’s body (takes 2 minutes and most be mostly naked during this) this oil provides protection against fire attacks and damage for one hour afterwards. Add +4 to Toughness against fire/heat damage and +4 to any trait test to resist adverse effects from environmental condition. Cost 80, Wt. 1 per vial for a Size 0 creature.
- Flash Freeze [Veteran]: this violate compound is mixed and placed within an airtight vial. When exposed to air it causes the liquid inside to flash freeze. Thrown as a grenade if it strikes a target it deals 2d8 freezing damage and target is required to make a Vigor -2 check. Failure results in the target must use 2” per 1” of Pace moved. With a critical fumble the target’s Pace is reduced to 0. The target gets a new Vigor -2 check as an Action each round to remove these conditions. Cost 500, Wt. 1 per vial.
- Leatherskin [Novice] (Balm): when rubbed over most of one’s body (takes 2 minutes and most be mostly naked during this) this oil provides +2 armor point to the user. This lasts for 1 hour and stacks with any other armor points it has. However the recipient sense of touch is diminished during this time and it suffer a -2 penalty with Thievery and similar skills. Cost 150, Wt. 1 per vial for a Size 0 creature.
- Liniment of Insulation [Novice]: this oil is used to insult homes and industrial areas against both fire and cold damage. It is often mixed in with paint and allied to the outer coating of a building. This adds +4 to the structures toughness against fire and cold damage and imposes a -2 on any chance of a fire starting on their surface in the first place. Cost 50 per gallon of paint.
- Mist Piercer [Novice] (Drinkable): this bitter tasting concoction allows the receipt to see through any smoke or misted based illumination penalties. It has no effect on darkness, but is useful for sailors against fog and mist and soldiers on smoke filed battlefields. The effects last one hour. Cost 100, Wt. ½ per vial.
- Morrow’s Hand Oil [Seasoned] (Balm): this oil when wiped onto wounds speeds up the recipient’s healing time. An application grants the effects of the Fast Healer Edge (SWA pg. 39) for six days. A target cannot benefit from more than one application at a time. Cost 50, Wt. ½ per vial.
- Mufflefoot [Novice]: this oil when applied to the soles of ones shoes grants the user +1 to his Stealth rolls for the next minute, but only as it affects making noise (it provides no cover, etc.). If applied to ones bare feet instead it grants +2 to Stealth for the next five minutes but only verses sounds. Cost 100, Wt. ½ per vial that should cover both feet or the shoes of a Size 0 being.
- Muting Mist [Seasoned]: this alchemical compound, when exposed to the air, creates a strange grey-green mist in a Large Burst Template that not only cause obscuring mist (-2 to visual skills) but also distorts sounds (-2 to listening Notice checks and any skill that might be affect by sound). The effects last 2d4+2 rounds but strong winds can dissipate the mist in 1d3 rounds. Cost 250, Wt. 2 per container.
- Quicksilver Tonic [Heroic] (Drinkable): this elixir grants the user an Extra Action such that it can ignore one Multi-Action penalty a round. This effect lasts for 2d4+1 rounds. Cost 500, Wt. 1 per vial.
- Sambertine [Seasoned] (Drinkable): this powerful sedative can easily be hidden within other drink or food making it hard to detect. If the target does not have some extraordinary sense (like Enhanced Smelling or Danger Sense) it is impossible to notice before its too late (may notice the elixir being poured into drink or food, GM’s call). If drank the user must make a Vigor -4 test or fall asleep (incapacitated) in 2d4 round. This lasts for 1d4 hours. Another may attempt to wake the victim with a Healing -2 check and 2d6 rounds of work. Cost 200, Wt. ½ per vial.
- Sharpsalves [Novice]: this oil when applied to a bladed weapon (as an Action) increases its damage by +1 and its Armor Penetration by an additional -2. The oil dries off within 1d6 rounds. If combined with Blade Resin the affects last for that duration instead. Cost 50, Wt. ¼ per vial. This for up to a long sword. To apply to a great sword requires two vials. A dagger sized blade would only use ½ a vial.
Elves are the only races that still practice the ancient art of crafting traditional magical items one would find in your typical fantasy setting. This process often takes years though and only the long lived and patient people could ever master it. Humans and most other races use Mechanikal devices which are much faster and easier to create. This form of magic runs on arcane batteries or turbines but things like steamjacks also require coal or another energy source to help power them.
A character with the Artificer edge would be able to craft magical devices but this takes x5 times as long as creating an arcane rune device and cost at least three times as much.
RUNE PLATING ITEMS – normal magic item creation in the Iron Kingdoms is rare and special. Dwarf, Human and Gobber magic users types instead create magic powered by an Arcane Battery and etched with a Rune Plate.
Anyone with an Arcane Background (Arcane Magic) and the Mechanika skill can create the following, depending on their rank. An arcane casters knows ½ her Meckanika skill in batteries and/or plate types. They learn a new one whenever they raise their skill and can also through studying a formula. This takes 4 days per Rank (Novice 4, days, Seasoned 8 days, etc.) of complete devoted study, generally in a Mechankia Workshop or Library. The basic cost of a mechanika formula is 150 copper for a Novice, 500 copper for a Seasoned, 1,000 copper for a Veteran, 2,500 copper for a Heroic and 15,000 copper for a Legendary. Characters cannot learn formula compounds of a higher rank then they are.
If they know the mechanika formula, a mechanika can create one within a Mechanika or Rune-Plate Workshop for ½ the cost with a week of dedicated work per Rank (Novice a week, Seasoned two weeks, etc.). Critical Failure always destroys all the material and may deal 1d6 x50 copper of damage to the Workshop per Rank (2d6 for Seasoned, etc.) Rune Plate magic requires Power Points to active and maintain, just like a power. A spell caster can use their own Power Points or an arcane battery anyone can use a magical item.
Arcane Batteries and Turbines can be recharged by any Arcane Spell Caster pumping 2 personal Power Points to recharge 1PP into a battery. They can also be recharged at a charging station in most industrial city. This normally takes 15 minutes per Power Point and cost 10 copper each PP. Also see Field Chargers.
Most Rune Plate equipment may only have one Arcane Battery attacked to it at one time unless noted in the description of the items.
An Arcane spell caster can use its own Power Point to fuel these affects of a Rune-Plating magical item or the battery (if included, for prices of items below most do not include a battery unless shown in the description). Non-Arcane casters require a battery to power these devices.
- Small [Novice]: this small battery will fit into a Medium sized weapon’s hilt or handle, etc. Power Points: 5, Wt. 1, Cost 200
- Moderate [Seasoned]: this battery will fit onto a belt and includes a 1 to 3ft power cord to connect to the Rune Plated mechanik device. Power Points: 10, Wt. 5, Cost 500
- Medium [Veteran]: a heavier battery that can be worn on a reinforced belt or small backpack and includes a 1 to 3ft power cable to connect to the device. Power Points: 15, Wt. 15, Cost 1,000
- Heavy [Heroic]: backpack power battery with power cable. Power Points: 20, Wt. 25, Cost 2,500
- Super [Legendary]: these batteries are only semi-portable and used to power only the most power hungry arcane devices. Include multiple 5 to 10ft power cables. Power Points: 30, Wt. 75, Cost 10,000
- Arcane Resistance [Seasoned]: worn armor only. When activated the user imposes a -2 to any spell casting affects used against him. Activation cost 2PP with a duration of 5 rounds. Cost +1,000.
- Charged Field [Veteran]: worn armor only. When activated creates an electrical damage field (as Power SWAE pg. 174) around the wearer. Deals 2d4 electrical damage. Costs 1PP to activate with a duration of 5 rounds. Cost +1,500. Advanced Charged Field [Heroic] increases the damage to 2d6 but also increase the PP to activate to 2. Cost +6,000.
- Defender [Seasoned]: worn armor or shields. As the Deflection power (SWAE pg. 158). When activate the wearer is -2 to be hit by all attacks (melee and ranged). Costs 3PP to activate with a duration of 5 rounds. Cost 1,000. Advanced Defender [Veteran] increases the penalty of attacks to -4 with a cost to active increased to 4PP. Cost +4,000.
- Lighten [Novice]: this rune when activate lightens the weight of worn armor by 25% and reduces any penalties to Athletics and Stealth by ½. Costs 1PP to active with a duration of 10 rounds. Cost +500.
- Protective [Seasoned]: worn armor only. Similar to the Protective power (SWAE pg. 165) these bonus do stack with normal armor worn. When activate add +2 Armor Points to the wearers total. Cost 2PP to activate with a duration of 5 rounds. Cost +2,500. Advanced Protection [Veteran] increase the armor point bonus to +4 with an increase cost to activation to 3PP. Cost +7,500.
- Servo-Boosters [Seasoned]: worn armor only. Enhancers increase the wearer’s strength. When activated increase uses Strength by +2 steps. Cost 3PP to activate with a duration of 5 rounds. Cost +4,000.
- Stealth [Seasoned]: worn armor only. These runes not only eliminate all penalties to Stealth when active they enhance the users Stealth abilities. When activated no penalty to Stealth and increase the user Stealth by +2 steps. Costs 2PP to active with a duration of 5 rounds. Cost +2,500.
- Warcaster Armor, Light [Veteran]: Base AP+3, Wt. 40 (10lbs from arcane batteries), Min Str d6, Full Body. When activated the armor’s weight does not count as encumbrance for the wearer. The suit also grants access to the following Armor Rune-Plates (that use the base rules for range, PP cost, duration and effect) – Arcane Resistance, Protection and Servo-Boost. If the wearer has the Warcaster Edge it can use the following Rune-Plate upgrades on a Steamjack under its control (spending the same PP for activation, duration and affect) – Accuracy, Penetrating and Puissance. The wearer can use its own power points or the suits to activate these powers when the suit is active. Only an Arcane Spell caster can activate the suit. Standard build includes two Moderate Arcane batteries incorporated into the armor that don’t count towards encumbrance when suit is powered. It costs 2PP to activate the suit with a duration of 10 rounds. Cost 10,000.
- Warcaster Armor, Heavy [Legendary]: Base AP+4, Wt. 75 (30lbs from arcane batteries), Min Str d8, Full Body. When activated the armor’s weight does not count as encumbrance for the wearer. The suit also grants access to the following Armor Rune-Plates (that use the base rules for range, PP cost, duration and effect) – Arcane Resistance, Protection and Servo-Boost. If the wearer has the Warcaster Edge it can use the following Rune-Plate upgrades on a Steamjack under its control (spending the same PP for activation, duration and affect) – Accuracy, Penetrating and Puissance. The wearer can use its own power points or the suits to activate these powers when the suit is active. Only an Arcane Spell caster can activate the suit. Standard build includes two Medium Arcane batteries incorporated into the armor. These batteries don’t count towards the user’s encumbrance when suit powered. It costs 4PP to active the suit with a duration of 10 rounds. Cost 25,000.
- Accuracy [Seasoned]: minor magical upgrade to weapons. When activated adds +1 to either Athletics (throwning), Fighting or Shooting skill (most be chosen when rune created). Cost 1PP to activate with a duration of 10 rounds. Cost +2,000. Advanced Accuracy [Heroic] increases the bonus to +2 but also the PP to active is increase to 2. Cost +10,000.
- Continual Light [Novice]: hand weapons only. Minor magical effect, when activated sheds bright light in a 5” radius around the device, dim light for another 5” past that. Cost 1PP to activate with a duration of one hour. Cost +300.
- Deflect [Seasoned]: hand weapons or shields only. Minor magical affected when activated adds +1 to Parry. Cost 1PP to activate with a duration of 10 rounds. Cost +500
- Flame Tongue [Veteran]: Hand weapons only. When activated flame burst from weapon and add +d8 fire damage to any target successfully struck. Cost 1PP to activate with a duration of 5 rounds. Cost +1,500
- Frost Bane [Veteran]: Hand weapons only. When activated frozen ice forms along weapon and adds +d8 cold damage to any target successfully struck. Cost 1PP to active with a duration of 5 rounds. Cost +1,500
- Lightning Weapon [Veteran]: Hand weapons only. When activated lightning crackles along weapon and adds +d8 electrical damage to any target successfully struck. Cost 1PP to active with a duration of 5 rounds. Cost +1,500
- Penetrating Weapon [Seasoned]: Any weapon. Minor magical effect when activated increase the weapon AP-2. Costs 1PP to activate with a duration of 10 rounds. Cost +750.
- Puissance [Seasoned]: Any weapon. Minor magical effect, when activated adds +2 to the damage of any weapon. Costs 1PP to active with a duration of 10 rounds. Cost +750. Advanced Puissance [Heroic] increase the damage dealt by the weapon when active to +4 but also increases the PP to active to 2. Cost +6,000.
- Silver [Novice]: Any weapon. Solid silver weapons are too easy to break so a rune-plated enhancement is often used to cancel that. Cost 1PP to active with a duration of 10 rounds. Cost +1,000.
- Warning [Seasoned]: Hand weapons only. Minor magical upgrade. When activated automatically glows or buzzes when a specific enemy type is within 100” (200 yards), no stealth roll. Enemy types can include various Human Nations and creature types (see the Slayer edge). Cost 1PP to active with a duration of one hour. Cost +5
While most of these items run on Arcane Batteries there are a few (like the Arcane Field Chargers and Steam Powered Armor that run on burning Coal instead!).
- Alchemist Goggles [Seasoned]: these grey tinted goggle device will aid in identify any alchemy compound or elixir and can see finite details. Add +2 to any Alchemy check to identify an alchemist compound and +2 to Notice and Research when looking for fine detailed clues. Costs 1PP to activate with a duration of 10 rounds. Cost 1,500, Wt. 2.
- Arcane Barrier Generator [Heroic]: this heavy metallic rod is placed in the ground to work as the Barrier spell, when activated the basics create a Toughness 10 barrier that is 5” long and 2” tall. However all modifiers listed under Barrier power (are allowed when this device is activate at the PP increase listed there. It takes 3PP to activate the basic barrier with a duration of 5. Cost 8,000, Wt. 20.
- Arcane Detector [Novice]: these metal rod like devices work per the Detect Arcane Power when activate senses all magical affects (including rune plates, etc.) within 20”. If the arcane is being concealed in some way this is a contested Smarts check. Costs 2PP to activate with a duration of 5 rounds. Cost 500, Wt. 2.
- Arcane Disruptor [Veteran]: these square metal boxes work as the Dispel Arcane Power when activated its effect arcane skill is a d10 opposed by the target’s arcane skill. Divine magic imposes a -2 penalty on the skill check. Costs 2PP to activate and there is no duration. Cost 2,000, Wt. 5.
- Arcane Field Charger [Seasoned[: this device can recharge a small arcane battery at 1PP per 15 minutes, a moderate arcane battery at 1PP per 30 minutes and a medium arcane battery at 1PP per hour. The charger requires 10lbs of Coal per hour it operates. Cost 1,500, Wt. 15.
- Arcane Field Charger, Semi-Portable [Veteran]: this heavier arcane charger can recharge four small, or three moderate or two medium batteries at the same time at the same speed as the base model plus or it can recharge a heavy arcane battery at 1PP per two hours or a super arcane battery at 1PP per four hours. Requires 25lbs of Coal per hour of operation. Cost 10,000, Wt. 75.
- Darksight Goggles [Seasoned]: these dark shaded goggle work per the Arcane Power Darksight. When activate ignore all illumination penalties caused by darkness including magical darkness. Costs 2PP to activate with a duration of one hour. Cost 1,000, Wt. 2.
- Farsight Goggles [Novice]: these red tinted goggles work per the Arcane Power Farsight. When activate can read items out to one mile away and halves all range penalties to Athletics for throwing and the Shooting skill. Cost 3PP to activate with a duration of 5 rounds. Cost 2,000, Wt. 3
- Flight Pack [Heroic]: this backpack like device works like the Arcane Power Fly granting the wearer a fly Pace of 12 while activated. Costs 4PP to activate with a duration of 5. Cost 5,000, Wt. 15.
- Gauntlets of Lighting [Veteran]: these heavy looking gauntlets can fire an electrical bolt (using the Shooting skill to hit) at a range of 12/24/48 that deals 2d6 damage. This costs 1PP per bolt. The normal ROF is 1 but can be increased to 3 each bolt costing 1PP. Or can increase the damage of the bolt to 3d6 for 2PP, Can add AP-2 for +1PP or AP-4 for +2PP. Includes the Electrical Trapping for spells such that if the attacker gets a raise on their attack check the target requires a Vigor check or be Distracted and Vulnerable for one round, Metal armor also has two less Armor Point verses electrical damage. Cost 5,000, Wt. 5 each.
- Goggles of Revelations [Seasoned]: these blue tinted goggles allow the wearer to see invisible foes and to see through any illusionary spells. It will detect shape-shifters and show the true-form of someone using the Shape-Shift power or a werewolf in human form. Costs 1PP to active with a duration of 5 rounds. Cost 1,500, Wt. 1
- Language Box [Seasoned]: metallic silver and orange square boxes with electrical like wiring work like the Speak Language Arcane Power. Costs 2PP to activate and have a duration of 5 minutes. Cost 1,500, Wt. 1.
- Ring of Invisibility [Veteran]: these copper and gold rings allows the wearer to cast the Invisibility power (-4 bases). Cost 5PP to activate with a duration of 5 rounds. Cost 1,500, Wt. ½
- Rod of Might [Heroic]: this thick iron rod has four buttons that activate four different damaging effects. When not activated the rod counts as a War Hammer (SWAE pg. 72). The red button causes a fire to burn intensely at the end of the rod, dealing +d8 fire damage with each successful melee attack. The blue button causes electrical sparks at the end of the rod that deal +d8 electrical damage with each successful melee attack. The white button causes an intense freezing cold at the end that deal +d8 cold damage with each successful melee strike. And the Purple button causes an acid cloud like affect at the end of the rod that deals +d8 acid damage with a successful melee strike. The black button cause a black-light glow at the rods end. A successful touch attack (+2 to attack rolls but no base Str damage) causes the target to make a Vigor check or be Stunned. It costs 2PP to activate any one effect for a duration of 5 rounds. If a different button is activate any remaining duration of the current affect ends. These have the basic elemental effects listed until Magical Spells Elemental Trappings. The black button/Stunning effect as is the Stun Power (SWAE). Cost 8,000, Wt. 3.
- Steam Powered Armor [Veteran]: these suits of heavy armor require burning coal to fuel them. Both offer full body protection and their weight does not count as encumbrance so long as there is coal powering the suits. Light Steam Powered Armor have AP+5, Cost 4,000 and weigh 100 empty (without coal). Their coal hopper on the back of the suit holds 40lbs of Coal and the suit uses 10lbs of coal per hour of operation. Heavy Steam Powered Armor have AP+7, Cost 10,000 and weigh 250 empty. Their coal hopper on the back of the suit holds 100lbs of Coal and the suit uses 25lbs of coal and hour of operation. Note that Stealth is all but impossible when wearing these suits.
Within the Iron Kingdoms setting the Steamjack or iron and steel semi-sentient constructs that run on coal and magic, are incredibly important in many aspects of life. Many are used as loaders, haulers and moves in urban areas especially on the docks and in the heavy industrial industries. They are also employed on the battlefield. Not as heavily as the troopers themselves but even mercenary armies often have one or two in their arsenal. Steamjacks are semi-sentient and recognize their owners (based on their Smarts and how new they are). The respond to voice commands, depending on how complex. They have the effect of the Loyal Hindrance and Vow (Major, follow masters commands) Hindrances and act on the same initiative as their controller. Over time as they “grow” they can develop new Hindrances and personality quirks which is why they are occasional memory wiped. This resets them to their basic model standards (losing any acquired traits that they gain naturally but it makes them easier to deal with). Memory wiping requires a deactivated steamjack and a successful separate Repair and Science skill checks and 1d4 hours of work.
For simplicity Steamjacks are based on Robots from the Science Fiction Companion (pg. 36-38) except they run on Coal instead of Energy. For base unarmed Jacks requires 10lbs of Coal per hour at Size 0 (minimum size) and +10lbs of Coal an hour for each additional Size. Certain modifiers add so much weigh to the Jack that it requires extra coal to burn. See Mods for examples. The base Jack costs 4,000cp (20,000cp if Wild Card) and can hold up to 5 points of Robotic Modifiers. It has 5 attribute Trait points and 15 skill points. Jacks also have a Base Pace of 4 (Run d3+1). Each attribute point and every two skill points can be dropped for a 500cp discount (minimum cost 1,500cp) and one additional Mod slot. Jacks are automatically Constructs and have Environmental Weakness (Water) meaning they can be shut down if immersed in water and take +4 damage from water based attacks.
Anyone with an Arcane Background (Arcane) with the Mechanika skill and a Formula can attempt to craft and create them but this requires Veteran Rank, and 2d4 weeks of construction in a Steamjack Warehouse +1d4 week per Size over 0 and Modification. Cost in raw materials is ½ the base cost. A Critical Fumble on this skill check causes a lost all base materials and a possible 1d20 x 100cp in damage to the Workshop.
Because of their basic construction Jacks non-Heavy weapons do not apply their Armor Penetration to Steamjack armor even if they can still deal damage to it. Heavy Armor still requires Heavy Weapons to damage it.
The number in parentheses after the name of each entry is the number of times the Mod may be taken. U means unlimited.
- Armor (U): each Mod adds AP+2 at a cost of 1,000/level. For double the price and weight plus +1 Mod counts as Heavy Armor. Each 2 levels plus the Heavy Armor require that Jack to burn an addition +5lbs (x Size) of coal every hour.
- Attribute Increase (U): each Mod increases an Attribute trait by +1 step for +1,000 cost.
- Combat Codex (1): this Mod allows the Jack to take ranks in skills Fighting and Shooting and allows the Jack to attack sentient beings. Cost 500.
- Edge (U): each Mod grants the steamjack an Edge, ignoring all requirements except other Edges. Cost 1,500 each edge.
- Mule (1): Mod 1, cost 500. Double the base carrying capacity of the Jack.
- Pace (4): each Mod increases the steamjacks Pace by +1. For every 2 Mods increase the run die by +1 step, Cost 750/level.
- Reinforced Chassis (U): each Mod adds +1 Toughness at a cost of 1,000/level. For every 2 levels of this mod the requires the Jack to burn an additional +5lbs (x Size) of coal every hour
- Size Increase (6): each level cost 2,000 and adds +1 to the Jacks size (and Toughness) and +1 step to its Strength. It can be taken 6 times (Large size at rank 4 adds +1 Wound that the Jack can take). Each level increase the base Coal requirements per hour by +10lbs.
- Skills (U): each level grants the steamjack an additional +1 to a Skill for a cost of +1,000. Skills after d12 are +1. One Mod can accept up to +5 Skill levels. Steamjacks do not have to worry of exceeding Traits for increased cost of the skill. In order to take any combat skill the jack must have a Combat Codex upgrade.
- Targeting Tracker (1): Mod 1, cost 2,500. Eliminates 2 range attack penalties due to range, cover, illumination, call shots, etc.
- Water Proofing (1): Mod 1 cost 2,000. Not truly water proof but allows a Jack to be immersed in water for up to 15 minutes before liquid can get into its boiler and shut it off.
- Weapon/Equipment Mount (U): each Mod allows jack to carry 25lbs in Steamjack Weapon and Tools Cost 500/level.
- Battle Blade, Heavy (minimum Size 4, Str Min d12+3): Str+2d8, AP-2, Heavy Weapon, Wt. 50, Cost 1,000.
- Battle Flail (minimum Size 2, Str Min d10): Damage Str+d10, Heavy Weapon, Wt. 20, Cost 750, ignores Shields bonus to Parry.
- Battle Mace (minimum Size 2, Str Min d10): Damage Str+d10, Heavy Weapon, Wt. 15, Cost 500.
- Battle Saber (Str Min d8): Damage Str+d8, Wt. 10, Cost 400.
- Battle Spear (minimum Size 2, Str Min d10): Damage Str+d10 (Str+d12 if used 2-handed), Reach +1, Parry +1 if used two-handed, Heavy Weapon, Wt. 15, Cost 500.
- Battle Sword (minimum Size 2, Str Min d10): Damage Str+d10, AP-1, Heavy Weapon, Wt. 15, Cost 750.
- Cannon (minimum Size 2, Str d12): Range 12/24/48, Damage 3d8, AP-2, Shots 10, Heavy Weapon, Wt. 40, Cost 1,250. A replacement Ammo clip is 500, weighs 10 and takes 3 full rounds to load.
- Cannon, Heavy (minimum Size 4, Str Min d12+2): Range 15/30/60, Damage 4d8, AP-4, Shots 10, Heavy Weapon, Wt. 80, Cost 2,500. Replacement Ammo clips each Cost 1,500, weighs 25 and takes 4 full rounds to load.
- Cargo Claws and Reinforced Structure: Allows the jack to pick up and move items that are four times its base Carry Capacity based on its Strength, but at ½ Pace and no Running. It also grants +2 to grab checks. Wt. 20, Cost 250.
- Drill Rig (minimum Size 2, Str Min d12): Damage Str+2d6, AP-2, Heavy Weapon, Wt. 20, Cost 500, -2 Fighting checks with the rig as not really built for combat.
- Harpoon (minimum Size 2, Str Min d10): Range 10/20/40, Damage 3d6, with a 40” rope attached, Heavy Weapon, Wt. 30. With a successful strike will lodge into target. The jack can make a contested Strength check as an action to pull the target 1d6+2” towards it each round. Reloading a new harpoon and rope coil takes 5 rounds out of combat. The rope is heavy hemp (6 to cut). Reloads cost 50, weigh 15.
- Shield, Light (Str Min d10): adds +1 to Parry and -2 Cover Bonus or can be used as Hand Weapon to bash target dealing Str+d6 damage. Wt. 30, Cost 500.
- Shield, Heavy (minimum Size 3, Str Min d12+1): adds +2 to Parry and -4 Cover Bonus or can be used as a Hand Weapon to bash target for Str+d8 damage, Heavy Weapon. Wt. 50, Cost 750.
Some Steamjack Examples (note these are all Extra examples. For Wild Card Jacks add +16,000cp to their base price).
Petticoat 'Butler' Light Servantjack: This is a servant Jack for the rich used mostly as a curiosity and status symbol. This model is upgraded with some scientific knowledge and the ability to somewhat defend its owner.
- Cost: 8,000cp, Coal Hopper: 50lbs, Coal per Hour: 10lbs
- Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirits d6, Strength d6, Vigor d6
- Pace 4 (d3+1), Parry 6, Toughness 5
- Skills: Academic d6, Common Knowledge d6, Fighting d8, Notice d6, Shooting d6, Repair d6, Science d6
- Edges: Blocking
- Mods (+3): Combat Codex Upgrade (+500), Edge - Blocking (+1,500), Mule (+500)
Forager Light Laborjack: This basic labor jack has been upgrade to fill a light combat roll also.
- Cost: 11,500cp, Coal Hopper: 120lbs, Coal per Hour: 30lbs
- Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirits d6, Strength d12, Vigor d8
- Pace 5 (d4+1), Parry 5, Toughness 10 (2)
- Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d6, Notice d6, Repair d6
- Edges: --
- Mods (+4): Armor 1 (+1,000), Attributes (+2, +2,000), Combat Codex Upgrade (+1,000), Fewer Skills (-6; +3 mods, -2,500), Mule (+500), Pace +1 (+500), Size +2 (+4,000), Weapon Mount 2 (can carry 50lbs of weapons, +1,000)
- Standard Weapon Mounts (not including in cost): Battle Mace (Damage d12+d10, Heavy, Wt. 30, Cost 500), Light Shield (Parry +1, Cover -2 or Bash damage d12+d8, Wt. 15, Cost 500).
Bulldog Medium Laborjack: This heavy lifting and hauler jack is popular in much of the Iron Kingdom.
- Cost: 15,750cp, Coal Hopper: 210lbs, Coal per Hour: 70lbs/hour
- Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirits d4, Strength d12+3, Vigor d8
- Pace 4 (d3+1), Parry 2, Toughness 14 (2)
- Skills: Athletics d8, Notice d6
- Edges: Brawny
- Mods (+8): Armor 1 (+1,000), Attributes 2 (+4,000), Edge (Brawny, +1,500), Fewer Skills (-10; +4 mods, -2,500), Mule (+500), Reinforced Chassis 1 (+1,000), Size +5 (+10,000), Tool Mount 2 (50lbs, +1,000)
- Tool Set (included in price): Cargo Claws and Reinforced Structure (+250)
Vanguard Medium Warjack: This is a fairly common warjack used by the various nation states of the Iron Kingdoms and a few very rich mercenary companies.
- Cost: 22,000cp, Coal Hopper: 255lbs, Coal per Hour: 85lbs/hour
- Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirits d4, Strength d12+3, Vigor d8
- Pace 5 (d4+1), Parry 5, Toughness 15 (4, heavy armor)
- Skills: Athletics d6, Fighting d6, Notice d4, Shooting d6
- Edges: --
- Mods (+0): Armor 2 (heavy armor +4,000), Attributes 2 (+4,000), Combat Codex (+500), Fewer Skills (-8; +4 mods, -2,500), Mule (+500), Pace 1 (+500), Reinforced Chassis 2 (+2,000), Size +5 (+10,000), Weapon Mounts 5 (125lbs, +2,500)
- Standard Weapon Mounts (not including in cost): Battle Sword (d12+d10+3, Wt. 15, Cost 750), Heavy Cannon (Range 12/24/48, Damage 3d8, AP-2, Shots 10, Wt. 40. Reload costs 500, Wt. 10lbs and take 3 full rounds to install, Cost 2,500), Heavy Shield (Parry +2 and Cover -4 or Shield Bash Damage d12+d10+3, Heavy Weapon, Wt. 50, Cost 750).