Dracula Dossier: Alistair Quinn
Alistair Quinn
Drive: Comradeship
Background: Explosives/ Wheel man
Previous Patron: IRA
Hit Threshold: 4
Health: 12
Stability: 6
Sources of Stability
Symbol: Catholic Crucifix
Solace: Irish Wolfhound: Rufus
Safety: A small fishing boat in Galway
Investigative Abilities
- Accounting
- Archaeology 1
- Architecture 2
- Art History
- Criminology
- Diagnosis
- History
- Human Terrain 1
- Languages 1 (English, Gaelic, Russian)
- Law
- Military Science
- Occult Studies 2
- Research
- Vampirology
- Bullshit Detector
- Bureaucracy
- Cop Talk 2
- Flattery
- Flirting
- High Society
- Interrogation
- Intimidation 2
- Negotiation
- Reassurance
- Streetwise 2
- Tradecraft 1
- Astronomy
- Chemistry 2
- Cryptography
- Data Recovery
- Electronic Surveillance
- Forensic Pathology
- Forgery
- Notice
- Outdoor Survival
- Pharmacy
- Photography
- Traffic Analysis 1
- Urban Survival 2
General Abilities
- Athletics 8
- Conceal 4
- Cover 10
- Digital Intrusion
- Driving 10
- Explosive devices 8
- Hand to Hand
- Infiltration 2
- Mechanics 8
- Medic
- Network 17
- Piloting 4 (boat)
- Preparedness
- Sense Trouble 4
- Shooting 8
- Shrink
- Surveillance 2
- Weapons
None as of yet...