Dracula Dossier: Alistair Quinn
Alistair Quinn
Drive: Comradeship
Background: Explosives/ Wheel man
Previous Patron: IRA
Hit Threshold: 4
Health: 12
Stability: 6
Sources of Stability
Symbol: Catholic Crucifix
Solace: Irish Wolfhound: Rufus
Safety: A small fishing boat in Galway
Investigative Abilities
- Accounting
- Archaeology 1
- Architecture 2
- Art History
- Criminology
- Diagnosis
- History
- Human Terrain 1
- Languages 1 (English, Gaelic, Russian)
- Law
- Military Science
- Occult Studies 2
- Research
- Vampirology
- Bullshit Detector
- Bureaucracy
- Cop Talk 2
- Flattery
- Flirting
- High Society
- Interrogation
- Intimidation 2
- Negotiation
- Reassurance
- Streetwise 2
- Tradecraft 1
- Astronomy
- Chemistry 2
- Cryptography
- Data Recovery
- Electronic Surveillance
- Forensic Pathology
- Forgery
- Notice
- Outdoor Survival
- Pharmacy
- Photography
- Traffic Analysis 1
- Urban Survival 2
General Abilities
- Athletics 8
- Conceal 4
- Cover 10
- Digital Intrusion
- Driving 10
- Explosive devices 8
- Hand to Hand
- Infiltration 2
- Mechanics 8
- Medic
- Network 17
- Piloting 4 (boat)
- Preparedness
- Sense Trouble 4
- Shooting 8
- Shrink
- Surveillance 2
- Weapons
None as of yet...
Grand Theft Auto: Grand Theft Auto: If your Driving rating is 8 or more, you can spend 1 Driving pool point to steal and start any standard civilian or police vehicle that you can drive. Armored limousines, super-luxury cars with digital keys, and other extraordinarily secure vehicles still require an Infiltration test to boost. Thriller Rules A Driving rating of 8+ also allows the Gear Devil option on p. 56 of the Thriller Chase rules, if your campaign uses them.
Bigger Bang: If your Explosive Devices rating is 8 or more, you may spend 3 points from your Explosive Devices pool to add an extra die of damage to an explosive charge that you set, or 6 points to add 2 extra dice of damage. (See p. 67 for explosives damage.) This spend does not increase the result of your die roll.
Advanced Gun Techniques: If you have a Shooting rating of 8 or more and are armed with a rifle, you may decrease the Hit Threshold of a target for a single Shooting attack by taking at least one round to aim. If the target is aware of your presence, his Hit Threshold decreases by 1. If he is unaware of your presence, it decreases by 2. If your rifle has a scope, you may make a Sniping attack at Extended Range without paying the normal 2 point cost (see p. 67).