Thousand Cities:Beyeate

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Beyeate, The Green Mother[edit]


Beyeate rarely appears, but when she does she wears a veil from her moss covered antlers. Beyeate plays a perpetual game of Hide and Seek with Vergolte in the area around her domain, the Elemental Pole of Wood.
Beyeate and Vergolte
Beyeate and Vergolte were lovers in the age before they became Gods. Their power grew together, and when it became clear that they were to become Gods, Vergolte chose the path of the Hunter. Beyeate chose to become the Green Mother, goddess of the hunted things, to protect what Vergolte would kill. Vergolte never forgave her for what seemed like a betrayal. Beyeate made the choice because she saw the need to maintain balance and harmony, but Vergolte never understood her motivations. He condescended to stay with her at first and they bore two children together. However, Vergolte's strength of passion turned to hatred and he now hunts Beyeate and her people with the same determination with which he once wooed her.


With Vergolte


Wood, the Forest, Trees, Deer, Plants, Prey, Running Water.


Beyeate is the patron of Survival

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