Thousand Cities:Eicentia

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Eicentia the Sorceress[edit]


Eicentia is the loyal, but distant daughter of the ruling gods. Eicentia lives on the Isle of Mists, a lone island in the distant West where it is said no mortal may stand for fear of becoming lost within her dreams.
Eicentia and the Island
When she was a child, Eicentia ran away from her home in the Celestial Palace. She was not sure what her place in the world was. Her brother was a warrior and her younger twin sisters were the patrons of civilisation. Eicentia had no such power, although she was strong enough to be one of the Gods. She travelled as far from the centre of creation as she could, heading North and East. At last she found a lake filled with mist. She entered the mist and she found the key to her own power, the tools of magic. Eicentia has rarely travelled from the mist since.
Eicentia and Dauvion
Eicentia was in a trance, wandering through the Eastern woods, when she was absorbed by one of the Dauvinion rituals. The potency of the rite attracted Eicentia like a moth to a flame. From that night there is a belief in the North-East that divine love is too fearsome for mortals to witness or desire, as it consumes the body, heart and mind. It was not until she found she was pregnant that Eicentia uncovered what had happened in the woods. She gave the child, Emrill, to her mother as she didn't want such a distraction from her studies.


with Dauvion


Omen Dogs, Mist, Quartzite Crytal, common Dreams and Nightmares.


Eicentia is the Patron of Occult.

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