Scion 2E:Class of Strange Aeons/Tori Lynch

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Name: Victoria "Tori: Lynch
God: Cthulhu


Short-Term Deed: Disarm a situation without violence
Long-Term Deed: Ensure a liberal mayor elected in Kingsport


Implacable Destroyer (Athletics, Close Combat, Survival) [Secondary]
Crusader & Protector (Culture, Close Combat, Leadership) [Primary]
Claws of Cthulhu (Athletics, Occult, Integrity) [Tertiary]


Intellect: 5
Cunning: 2
Resolve: 3

Might: 3
Dexterity: 2
Stamina: 3

Presence: 5
Manipulation: 3
Composure: 3


Academics 2
Athletics 3 (Breaking Things)
Close Combat 5 (Improvised Weapons)
Culture 3 (Etiquette)
Empathy 1
Integrity 1
Leadership 3 (Persuading Groups)
Occult 1
Persuasion 2
Survival 2

Other Traits[edit]

Legend: 1
Legendary Titles: Devastation of the Moment
Awareness: 1
Movement: 4
Defense: 3
Health: Bruised x2, Injured, Maimed, Taken Out

Dread () () (x) () () Revelation

Callings & Knacks[edit]

Callings: Destroyer 1, Guardian 2, Leader 2
Keywords: Unbound (Destroyer), Savage, Shepard (Guardian), Overlord, Inspiration (Leader)
Knacks: Rust & Decay, A Purpose, A Warning, Harsh Words, Perfect Poise

Purviews & Boons[edit]

Motif: Unearthly might and reslience

Arcane Calculus (Pantheon)
Innate Power: When performing analysis, research, or surveying investigation actions, you gain +1 Enhancement. You can ignore up to 1 Complication from such actions that would lead you to misinterpret the information you gain on the action.

Boons: None

Epic Strength (Innate)
Innate Power: You have +1 Scale for purposes of lifting, breaking, or carrying large objects. You can use Might in place of Presence for intimidation, seduction, or building Bonds of camaraderie.

Boons: A World of Glass, Pistons for Fists

Epic Stamina
Innate Power: Whenever you are suffering Injury Conditions, reduce the Complication imposed by the Condition by 1.

Boons: None

Health Innate Power: You are always in good health. You are immune to the effects of mundane diseases, though divine or magical diseases affect you normally. If you’ve come into contact with a disease, you can alleviate that disease in others with a touch.

Boons: None


Verdigrised Bronze Breastplate Epic Stamina (Relic 3)
Epic Stamina Innate Power: Psychic Attack (spend a Momentum and make a skill check to inflict a Condition on the target that hinders them on mental actions), you have to show them the mind-bending tentacle design on the armor.
Perfect Defense: Once per fight, declare that an attack made against you by an enemy of the same Tier or lower does not affect you in any way. To do this a second time, spend Momentum. This may not be used more than twice a fight.
Tags: Armored (Hard), Concealable, Resistant (Arrows)

Golden Torc Health (Relic 5)
Damage Conversion: When you administer medical attention to a patient or yourself as an action, convert any Injuries one lower: Maimed becomes Injured, Injured becomes Bruised, and Bruised injuries heal completely.
Reconstruction: Once per day, make a Knack Skill roll. If any successes are achieved, remove any one Condition a target may face that is not necessarily an illness or ailment. Examples include ending a character’s blindness, restoring a limb with a perfect prosthetic, and ending paralysis or PTSD. You may cure additional ailments by spending 1 Momentum each. As an additional effect, which does not cost Momentum, at the beginning of the session you have the option to reassign your Attribute dots in any order as long as they remain within the same original categories. You cannot move Resistance dots into Power dots, for example.

Miskatonic Pagan Alliace - Cult 1
A small mutual-aid group composed of worshipers of several minor deities. The leaders of the group are actually Mythos scholars and they recognize Tori as the mouthpiece of something greater.
Type: Community
Scion's Role: Tori has been asked to lead opening and closing rituals at the monthly meetings.
Cult Path Skills: Academics, Culture, Occult
Shadow: 1 (Access: to restricted volumes from the university library)
Light: 1 (Contact: Jackson Smythe, owner of the curio shop the club meets at once a month)