Borgar Silverfist
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Borgar Silverfist orc paladin 2
Physical Notes
Age 20
Height: 6' 4"; Weight: 215 pounds; Hair Color: russet
Personality Traits
Bonds: My clan is the most important thing in my life, even when they are far from me.
Flaws: There's no room for caution in a life lived to the fullest.
Ideals: Change. Life is like the seasons, in constant change, and we must change with it.
Traits: When I set my mind to something, I follow through no matter what gets in my way.
Strength | 17 | Mod: +3; Saving Throw: +3 |
Dexterity | 10 | Mod: +0; Saving Throw: +0 |
Constitution | 14 | Mod: +2; Saving Throw: +2 |
Intelligence | 8 | Mod: -1; Saving Throw: -1 |
Wisdom | 12 | Mod: +1; Saving Throw: +3* |
Charisma | 15 | Mod: +2; Saving Throw: +4* |
- * Proficiency with these Saving Throws
- Hit Points: 19 (2d10 + 4)
- Armor Class: 16 (chainmail)
- Proficiency Bonus: +2
- Deity: Silfurloginn
- Alignment: Chaotic Good
- * Silver maul: Attack Bonus: +5; Damage: 2D6+3; Qualities: Silvered, bludgeoning
- * Battleaxe: Attack Bonus: 5; Damage: 1D8+3 [1H] or 1d10+3 [2H]; Qualities: Versatile, slashing
- * Javelin: Attack Bonus: +5; Damage: 1D6+3; Qualities: Range 30/120
- Size: Medium
- Movement: 30ft
- Languages: Common, Orcish, Abyssal
- Other: Darkvision 60', Relentless Endurance, Savage Attacks
Class/Paladin ABILITIES
- Divine Sense: 3/day, detect celestials, fiends and undead within 60'.
- Lay on Hands: Heal 10 hp/day by touch. Can expend 5 hp to cure one disease or poison.
- Spellcasting: Spell slots 2 (1st level), save DC 12, spell attack +4
- Divine Smite: Expend spell slots on a hit with a melee attack to deal +1d8 radiant damage, +1d8 per spell level
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies
- Weapons: Simple and martial
- Armor: All
- Shields: All
Spell Slots
Spells per level/Long Rest
- 1st Level: 2
Spells prepared
- 1st Level: Bless, Cure Wounds, Divine Favor, Shield of Faith
- Acrobatics (DEX) +0
- Animal Handling (WIS) +1
- Arcana (INT) -1
- Athletics (STR) +5
- Deception (CHA) +2
- History (INT) -1
- Insight (WIS) +3
- Intimidation (CHA) +4
- Investigation (INT) -1
- Medicine (WIS) +1
- Nature (INT) -1
- Perception (WIS) +3
- Performance (CHA) +2
- Persuasion (CHA) +4
- Religion (INT) -1
- Sleight-of-Hands (DEX) +0
- Stealth (DEX) +0 [DISADVANTAGE]
- Survival (WIS)+1
Orcish Fury
Encumbrance: 255 lbs
Moon-touched silver maul | 10 lbs |
Battleaxe | 4 lbs |
Chainmail armor | 55 lbs |
Javelins (5) | 10 lbs |
Holy symbol of Silfurloginn | 1 lbs |
Explorer's pack | 10 lbs |
Traveler's clothes | 4 lbs |
Red bandana | 1 lbs |
Fishing tackle | 4 lbs |
Crude maps | n/a |
Drum | 3 lbs |
Boar-tusk necklace (worth 10 gp) | n/a |
3 gold pieces, 9 silver, 5 copper (in pouch) | 0.1 lbs |
Total | 102.1 lbs |