Eckanem Itthoball
To campaign: DnD5 theSavageTide
Eckanem Itthobaal Bronze Dragonborn War Wizard 2
Physical Notes
Age: 40 Height: 6'1" Weight: 175lbs. Skin: scaly bronze Hair: none
Personality Traits
Bonds: I’m loyal to my crew mates first, everything else second.
Flaws: My pride will probably lead to my destruction.
Ideals: Respect. The thing that keeps a ship together is mutual respect between captain and crew.
Traits: My friends know they can rely on me, no matter what. I enjoy sailing into new ports and making new friends over a flagon.
Strength | 11 | Mod: +0; Saving Throw: +0 |
Dexterity | 15 | Mod: +2; Saving Throw: +2 |
Constitution | 14 | Mod: +2; Saving Throw: +2 |
Intelligence | 15 | Mod: +2; *Saving Throw: +4 |
Wisdom | 10 | Mod: +0; *Saving Throw: +2 |
Charisma | 10 | Mod: +0; Saving Throw: +0 |
- * Proficiency with these Saving Throws
- Hit Points: 14/14 (2d6 HD, +2/Lvl CON)
- Armor Class: 15 (Dragon Hide)
- Proficiency Bonus: +2
- Deity: Osprem, goddess of Sea Voyages, Ships, and Sailors.
- Alignment: Neutral Good
- * Lt Crossbow: Attack Bonus: +4; Damage: d8+2; Qualities: Ammunition, Loading, Range, Two-Handed, Simple, Range 80/320
- * Dart: Attack Bonus: +4; Damage: d4+2; Qualities: Finesse, Thrown, Simple, Range 20/60
- * Quarterstaff: Attack Bonus: +2; Damage: d6/d8; Qualities: Versatile, Simple
- * Retractable Claws: Attack Bonus: +4; Damage: d4+2; Qualities:
- * Firebolt: Attack Bonus: +4; Damage: d10; Qualities: Spell, V/S, Range 120
- * Toll The Dead: Save: DC 12 WIS; Damage: d8/d12; Qualities: Spell, V/S, Range 60
- * Breath Weapon: Save: DC 12 DEX; Damage: 2d6 Fire; Qualities: 5'x30' area, 1/short rest
- Size: Medium
- Movement: 30ft
- Languages: Common, Draconic
- Other: Fire Breath Weapon 1/short rest; Resistance to Fire Damage
- Skills: Arcana, Investigation
- Spellcasting: Prepare & cast Wizard spells. INT. DC 12. Spell Attack +4
- Arcane Recovery: 1/long rest recover 1 spell level of spells already cast
- Tactical Wit: Gain +INT Mod bonus to Initiative
- Arcane Deflection: As reaction, gain +2 AC or +4 to a save, may only cast cantrips on the next round
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies
- Weapons: Crossbow, Light, Dagger, Dart, Quarterstaff, Sling
- Armor: None
- Shields: None
Spell Slots
Spells per level/Long Rest
- 0 level Cantrips: 3
- 1st Level: 3
Spells prepared
- 0 level Cantrips: Dancing Lights, Firebolt, Toll the Dead
- 1st Level: Color Spray, Magic Missle, Sleep, Thunderwave
- Acrobatics (DEX) +2
- Animal Handling (WIS) +0
- [P] Arcana (INT) +4
- [P] Athletics (STR) +2
- Deception (CHA) +0
- History (INT) +2
- Insight (WIS) +0
- Intimidation (CHA) +0
- [P] Investigation (INT) +4
- Medicine (WIS) +0
- Nature (INT) +2
- [P] Perception (WIS) +2
- Performance (CHA) +0
- Persuasion (CHA) +0
- Religion (INT) +2
- Sleight-of-Hands (DEX) +2
- Stealth (DEX) +2
- Survival (WIS) +0
[P] Denotes Proficient Skill
Encumbrance: 10 lbs
XX | 1 lbs |
XX | 1 lbs |
XX | 1 lbs |
10 gold pices (in pouch) | 0.1 lbs |
Total | xx lbs |
Ekanem grew up among his people in a mountainous village on one of the larger islands. He felt a calling for the sea, and left home at a young age. He ended up in Greyhawk, and joined their navy. He worked his way up to being an apprentice navigator. The woman under whose tutelage he was learning navigation also noticed his talent for magic, and taught him those skills she could.
When his mentor, Kaneen retired, he served another year, but became disillusioned with naval service (mostly on the back of a horrible First Mate on board his ship). He mustered out the first chance he got, and began wandering the world archipelago. During his year long sojourn, he uncovered ancient writings pointing to