Green Water Cover

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Green Water Cover :An elite residential district. Also known as the Green Water and the Coves.

The Green Water Cove is a district of rocky protrusions, sandy areas, and small islands south of the city of Amber. An unincorporated area, unlike the incorporated North Riding. This area has many mansions and large compounds. Many


In the early days of Amber the region below the fine natural harbor that became the Great Harbor, and its several smaller fine harbors, was a land mass that was jagged rock, sand bars, and a variety of natural hazards. Many of the hazardous rock structures blocked the entrance to the otherwise massive collection of natural harbors. King Oberon and his sons Prince Osric and Prince Finndo undertook dredging and cleating of debris and hazards over the course of a century and established many of the Green Water Cove main islands in 1198. Over the next century the obstacles to the ports were removed and dangerous formations removed from the southern coves. Three rivers were diverted to drain into the region rather then into the harbor and the growing city.

Once certain obstacles were cleared, the debris from them forming the islands in the Coves, kelp and algae began to grow in great profusion tinting the water in the region green. The area became the homes of many varieties of sea life, including shell fish, tropical fish and sport fish.

In 1180 BKA the royal residence was established.

Embassies and Residences