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Amanda Rodriguez is the daughter of a Skrull refugee and a human, and for a while they had a normal family life - well, as normal as nonhumans living on Earth get. When she started learning about the Avengers, stars went off in her eyes. Amanda tried and tried to change shape, but nothing seemed to make it happen, and eventually her focus shifted to other pursuits.

And then she had an incredibly unpleasant day at work, followed literally running into the Green Goblin, who promptly took her hostage. Spider-Man called out to her, mere feet away, and she actually managed to throw the armored figure at him. Amanda found her power! Just in time for the Avengers to collapse.

Rebound aka Amanda Rodriguez

Human-Alien Hybrid Fledgling Hero Eager Spirit

Solo d8, Buddy d6, Team d10

Experimental Reactive-Adaptive Physiology

Shapeshifting d8

SFX: I Get Knocked Down. When receiving stress of one type, you may redirect it to either other type.

SFX: Take The Hit. Spend 1 PP to take physical stress intended for a nearby ally or friend.

SFX: My Weakness is Strong. You may add all stress to any roll. An empty stress die defaults to d6.

SFX: Getting Ground Down. Gain 1 PP and increment any stress meter.

SFX: Pulling Your Punch. You may step down a stress meter and your effect die when attacking.

SFX: Counterattack. On a reaction against a direct physical attack action, inflict emotional stress with your effect die at no PP cost or spend a PP to step it up by +1.

SFX: Healing: Add Shapeshifting to your dice pool when helping others recover stress. Spend 1 PP to recover your own or another’s physical stress or step back your own or another’s physical trauma by –1.

SFX: Teamwork Makes The Dream Work. When creating an asset or complication, use a team-mate's specialty or reroll any 1s. If the asset or complication is available only to team-mates, both boons apply.

Limit: Mercurial Biology. Roll Shapeshifting at 1d6 if multiple stress meters are above d10.

Limit: Alien Hybrid. Earn 1 PP when affected by alien-specific Milestones and tech.

Limit: Overworked. While stressed out, asleep, or unconscious, shutdown ERAP. Recover ERAP when you recover that stress or wake up. If you take mental trauma, shutdown ERAP until you recover that trauma.

Combat Expert d8, Acrobatics Expert d8, Cosmic Expert d8, Psych Master d10