Kitsune Spirits

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Kitsune Spirits[edit]

Alternate rules for Creating Kitsune Spirit PCs by Kitsune Sachiko. Posted by RogueMoon

The True Kitsune, from which the Kitsune family of the Fox draw their name are the spiritual inhabitants of the Kitsune Forest which lies in the lands of the Fox Clan. The Kitsune are reputed to be mischievous, curious and cunning creatures with a variety of magical abilities.
The Kitsune spirits have close ties with the Fox Clan though all members of the Fox deny this, and a few of these true Kitsune decide to join the clan for a period of time, usually a month, a year or a hundred years.
Most Kitsune are good natured but not all are, a few have been known in the past to have quite a nasty disposition.

Creating a True Kitsune Character
True Kitsune Spirits are created in much the same way as a regular character. They take the Kitsune name (and the bonus associated with it), and train at the school of their choice.
What sets them apart is the powers and taboos the Kitsune have and must abide by outlined below:
-True Kitsune do not age as such, they are immortal for all intents and purposes but may be killed as any other creature can. They generally only join the clan for a limited period of time, a month, a year or perhaps a lifetime. The Fox clan will of course deny they are kitsune spirits at all.
-True Kitsune can shape change at will between the form of a male, a female, any natural creature or their true Kitsune form. Kitsune in human form have a number of subtle features that set them apart such as striking green eyes or vibrant red hair. A Kitsune in its true form will look much like a fox but its fur could be anything ranging from red to white and they have multiple tales depending on their age and power, typically three but the most powerful have up to nine. Inari, the "mother" of the Kitsune is said to be a ten-tailed or thousand-tailed Kitsune.
Kitsune can also lose tails for displeasing their goddess Inari, through death or through performing a bad deed.
-A True Kitsune must take the Kitsune Taboos disadvantage at the maximum level (3 points). See Way of the Minor Clans for more details.
-All True Kitsune posess an item called a Kitsune Ball, which is a small white ball with no magical aura or glow that bears a resembelence to a childs toy. A Kitsune who loses this item will do anything to get it back.
-A True Kitsune has a number of magic abilities in the form of spells. It can cast a number of these per day up to its Earth Ring. All spells are considered innate and have a mastery level of 1 for the Kitsune. They cannot be learned by Shugenja.

The following are a few spells I devised solely for the use of the kitsune:
All Kitsune Spells are considered to be innate abilities and require no scrolls to cast. They are also considered to all be Mastery Level 1 for the purposes of casting. A Kitsune may cast a number of these spells up to its earth ring per day.
Shugenja may not learn True Kitsune Spells as they do not work in the same way as the spells a shugenja casts.

Kitsune Illusion
Mastery Level: 1
Duration: Special
Area of Effect: 1 object, creature or thing
Range: 100'
The Kitsune can create an illusion of any natural creature or object. The illusion feels solid to the touch of all who encounter it and will react as the creature or object of its type would. The illusion lasts for as long as the Kitsune desires or until "dispelled".
A single Kitsune can create a single illusion, ie: a single building, or copse of trees or person of small group of persons. Multiple Kitsune can cast the same spell as a ritual to create larger illusions such as that of an entire town.
Shugenja and Monks do not see the illusion at all and should they come into physical contact, the illusion will vanish causing the Kitsune who created it substantial pain.

Kitsune Bi
Mastery Level: 1
Duration: Instantaneous
Area of Effect: 1 Target
Range: 100'
Kitsune Bi, also called "Fox Fire" is an innate defence of the Kitsune spirits. Calling forth the energy of their spiritual origin, the Kitsune can launch a ball of energy at their target causing severe injury. Kitsune Bi causes XkX wounds where X is the Kitsunes Earth ring.

The Spirit Calls
Mastery Level: 1
Duration: 24 hours
Area of Effect: 1 Target
Range: 100'
Kitsune can "Entice" a target of their choosing. By waving their tales, they can entrap a specific target in a world of illusion. The Target must make a succesful opposed willpower check or be subject to any illusion the Kitsune desires at will. None others see the illusion the target sees. The illusions last for a single day.
Shugenja and Monks are unaffected by this spell.