MnM3E Freedomverse The Replacements/Zero G

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REAL NAME: Zara Chang AGE: 22 NATIONALITY: Chinese (resettled in US) HEIGHT: 5'4" / WEIGHT: 99lbs*

ABILITIES [54][edit]

Strength: 0 (10) Stamina: 2 Agility: 6/10 Dexterity: 4 Fighting: 8 Intellect: 2 Awareness: 2 Presence: 3

SKILLS [27][edit]

Acrobatics 6 (+16) Athletics 6 (+6/+16) Close Combat: Unarmed 2 (+10) Deception 3 Insight 5 (+7) Perception 7 (+9) Persuasion 8 (+11) Sleight of Hand 4 (+8) Stealth 6 (+16) Technology 5 (+7) Treatment 2 (+4)

ADVANTAGES [16][edit]

Agile Feint Attractive 2 Defensive Attack Evasion 2 Favored Environment 2 (Low and High Gravity) Hide In Plain Sight Instant Up Languages 1 (Mandarin) Luck 2 Move-By Attack Skill Mastery: Acrobatics Uncanny Dodge

POWERS (Mutant) [45][edit]

Mutant - Enhanced Trait: Agility 4 [8pp] Mutant - Protection 8 [8pp] Mutant - Quickness 4 and Speed 4 [8pp] Gravity Control -Array 20 points. base - Focused Gravity: Enhanced Trait - Strength 10 [20pp] alt. power (1) Low Mass: Leaping 10 and Movement 5 (Slow Fall, Sure-Footed, Trackless, Wall-Walking 2) [1pp]


Initiative +10, Unarmed +10 (Close +0, with Enhanced STR +10)


Dodge 20 (+10), Parry 20, Fortitude +6, Toughness +10, Will +6


[Attributes 54 +Skills 27 +Advantages 16 +Powers 45 +Defenses 8 = 150pp]


BIO: Zara was born in China to a normal family. She excelled in gymnastics from an early age and was drafted into the rigorous Olympic training program. Her natural abilities became truly special when she discovered that with intense concentration she could control how her body interacted with gravity. By 14 she could not only leap from a standing position and perform multiple spins, she could bounce off the high gym ceiling!

The Chinese government stepped in and co-opted Zara into a secret meta-human program. She was trained in martial arts and disabling security systems. Then she was planted in Stanford University. By day, she was a shy foreign student, by night she was breaking into American hi-tech firms and stealing industrial secrets for the Mother Country.

One day Zara discovered files at a US government agency detailing atrocities performed by the Chinese military in her hometown, denting her loyalty. She took it upon herself to find out more. She was also becoming enchanted with American culture and freedoms (she had led a very sheltered and repressed life so far), and simple joys of things like baseball, burgers, and dance music.

Zara’s “handler” had to facilitate the disposal of this troubled asset. He outed Zara to the Americans, claiming she was a rogue operative, in return for criminal charges dropped against a senior Chinese diplomat. She was detained and subjected to enhanced interrogation by the Americans. Zara found herself alone, a pawn in a game, and felt like an abused and abandoned tool.

Then Agents of the same entity that programmed Deadalus stepped in and whisked Zara away, with an offer of a new life. She was lost and looking for a new cause... and accepted.

Zara can reduce her body weight by degrees, down to zero gravity, effectively becoming weightless for leaping/gliding purposes. Then, she can control weight increase to give some control over descent / direction like a skydiver. Her speed of flight is generated from "pushing off" hard surfaces like a swimmer, and hence limited by muscle strength. Combined with her gymnastics training this gives her superhuman agility, speed and reflexes. She can sprint as fast as a cheetah but once she gets to zero-G she loses traction and starts floating. She cannot do these things if weighed down with heavy clothes or shoes or weapons - hence she must wear her ultra-light gymnastics uniform.

COMPLICATIONS: Zara cannot carry heavy equipment and use her skills. She has something to prove and a desire to "make up for" her former life by doing good for the whole world - not just one country. The Chinese government assume she is dead; if they find out she is still alive and a potential threat they will send other meta-human agents after her...