Rhadagan Black

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7th level

STR 14 (+2), DEX 12 (+1), CON 14 (+2), INT 18 (+4), WIS 12 (+1), CHA 11

(4th level ability increase +2 to contitution)

Combat Stats[edit]

Hit Points: 52 (7d8 +14)

Proficiency Bonus: +3

Saves: Constitution +5, Intelligence +7

Armor Class: 18 (medium warcaster armor +shield)

Initiative: +1

Movement: 30 ft.


Handcannon. Range Weapon Attack: +5, range 80/240, one target. Hit: 2d6 +2 damage. Qualities: Firearm, heavy, magazine (1)
Longswordtt. Melee Weapon Attack: +5, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1d8 +2 or 1d10+2 with two hands. Qualities: Heavy, versital.


Species - Human - Cygnaran. Right to Bear Arms: +1 to hit and damage with simple and martial firearms. Well Educated: gain proficiency in Arcana and Medicine. Industrial Revelution: when making an ability check with artisan's tools add +1d4 to your checks total.

Essence - Gifted. +2 INT. The Gift of Magic. Gain the Fire Bolt cantrip.

Background - Mercenary. +1 to STR. Armor proficieny: steam armor, skill proficiency: History, Insight, tool proficiecy: Steamjacks, languages: any two of your choice.

  • Feature: the Charter. Advantage on Charisma (Persuasion) and Charisma (Intimidate) related to haggling over a contract, negotiating with military personnel or to interact with anyone in way that directly relates to fulfilling of a contract.
    • Personality Trait:
    • Ideal:
    • Bond:
    • Flaw:

Class Abilities/Features[edit]

Bond. Can attune to warcaster armor and other mechanika devies as an Action instead of short rest. Normal attunment rules still ably (see below)

Warcaster Magic. Saving Throw DC: 15, Spell Attack Bonus: +7, Cantrips Known: 3, Maximum Spell Level: 4th

Focus Points. 4. Rather than spell slots, you use focus points to cast your spells. These points represent your innate ability to harness arcane energy. It costs a focus point to cast your spell (at max spell level or below). You regain 1 focus point every 10 minutes, and you regain all expended focus points when you finish a short or long rest.

Focus Spells. You prepare the list of warcaster spells that are available for you to cast, choosing from the warcaster spell list. When you do so, choose a number of warcaster spells equal to your Intelligence modifier + your warcaster level.

Focus Manipulation. Once per round, you can spend focus points for one of the following effects.

(1) Attack Bonus. You can spend 1 focus point before you make an attack with a bonded mechanikal weapon to make the attack roll with advantage.
(2) Damage Bonus. You can spend up to 3 focus points before you make an attack with a bonded mechanikal weapon to deal an extra 1d8 weapon damage per point spent.
(3) Reduce Damage. If you are wearing bonded warcaster armor when you take damage, you can use your reaction and spend 1 focus point to reduce the damage by 5.
(4) Shake It Off. If you are suffering from a condition or enemy effect that can be ended with a successful saving throw, you can spend 1 focus point to make the saving throw with advantage.

Steamjack Bond. Can forge a bond with Steamjacks and attunt to one or more as a magical item. This allows you to communcation telepathically with them and boost their abilities.

  • Focus Allocation: As a bonus action on your turn, you can allocate focus points to a bonded steamjack that is under your control and in your control range. The maximum number of focus points you can allocate to a steamjack is limited by the quality of its cortex. You cannot allocate focus points to a steamjack that does not have a functioning cortex. During its turn, a bonded steamjack that is under your control and in your control range can spend allocated focus points to use the Attack Bonus, Damage Bonus, or Shake It Off effect described in the Focus

Manipulation feature. Focus points allocated in this way are lost after 10 minutes. Power Up. Starting at 5th level, at the start of your turn, one bonded steamjack that is under your control and in your control range gains 1 focus point. A steamjack cannot gain a focus point from this feature if it does not have a functioning cortex. Focus from power up cannot exceed the maximum focus of the steamjacks cortex.

Warcaster Tradition - Soldier. Bonus proficiencies: martial weapons, martial firearms, shields. Bond focus: handcannon. Extra Attack: when you take the Attack action you can attack twice on your turn.

Spells Known

Cantrips: Arcane Bolt, Chill Touch, Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Sense Codex
1st level: Razor Wing, Sheild, Thunderwave
2nd level: Seize Gears, Shatter
3rd level: Lightning Bolt, Overdrive, Scramble
4th level: Ice Storm, Stone Shape, Wall of Fire


RESOLUTE. You bend reality to your will, holding on to your spells longer than weaker casters do. Your Intelligence score increases by 1 to a maximum of 20, and whenever you take damage while you are concentrating on a spell, you have advantage on your Constitution saving throw to maintain your concentration.

Additionally, when you cast a spell that has a duration of 1 minute or longer, you may double its duration, to a maximum of 24 hours. You can use this benefit a number of times equal to your spellcasting ability modifier (a minimum of once). You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

SPELL SNIPER. When you cast a spell that requires you to make an attack roll, the spell’s range is doubled. Your ranged spell attacks ignore half cover and three-quarters cover. You learn one cantrip that requires an attack roll. Choose the cantrip - (Wizard) - Mage Hand


Armor & Weapon Proficiency: Light armor, warcaster armor, shields, steam armor; Simple melee weapons, martial weapons, martial firearmssimple firearms, battleaxes, greatswords

Skills Proficiency: Arcane +7, History +7, Insight +4, Medicine +7, Perception +4, Survival +4

Tool Proficiency: Steamjacks +7

Languages: Cygnaran, Khador, Rhule

=== Equipment --- Studded Leather Armor (Wt.), Sheild (Wt.), Longsword (Wt.),

Attunted Items...

  • Medium Warcaster Armor (Attunted. Wt. 55lbs. Disadvantage on Stealth checks when not powers. Also without power the AC is -2 and -10 ft. to Speed/Move. Chargers can be spent to grant the wearer 1d4 temorary hit oints each charge used that last for 1 minute. The Arcane Turbine produces 5 charges per hour. The suit includes enough coal and water to run around 12 hours. Requires about 10lbs to run this long.)
  • Handcannon (Attunted. Wt.)
  • Light Warjack (Attunted)