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Torhana (Tori) [PL12/180pp]
Real Name: She uses her her real name as her ‘super’ name
Appearance: Shaggy mammoth like animal with short tusks, about the size of a large draft horse.
- Strength (STR) 5
- Stamina (STA) 10
- Agility (AGL) 2
- Dexterity (DEX) 2
- Fighting (FGT) 0
- Intelligence (INT) 4
- Awareness (AWE) 2
- Presence (PRE) 0
- Growth 4 (Permanent, Innate) [8pp]
- Ice Elemental Form (Morph 1, Metamorph)
- Regeneration 9 [9pp]
- Ice And Cold Creation (Array 34 points) base- Hailstorm 10 (Cloud Area Ranged Damage (cold and bludgeoning), Indirect 2, Selective (2 pts + 4 pts per rank)(Damage+1 rank; Area+1 rank (cloud), Increased Range+1 rank, Selective+1 rank, Indirect+2 flat)
Resistance on 25
- alt. power (1) Ice Binding: Ice Binding 12: Ranged Damage Cumulative Affliction (ice; Resisted by Dodge; Overcome by Damage; Hindered and Vulnerable, Defenceless and Immobilised), Extra Condition, Limited Degree, Accurate 2 (2 pts per rank + 2) (26)
- alt. power (1) Ice Shapes: Ice Shapes 9; Create Ice, Permanent, Impervious (3 pts per rank)
- alt. power (1) Cold Projection: Cold Projection 9; (Environmental (Cold), Selective) (3pts per rank)
- alt. power (1) Shape Ice: Shape Ice; Transform (Ice) 10 (Continuous) (3 pts per rank)
- Ice Armour 4 (Protection 4; Sustained) [4pp]
- Immunity (Environmental Cold, Environmental Heat, Cold Damage) (7) [7pp]
- Ice Movement Array (Array 10 points) base- Ice Surfing 9 (Flight, platform of Ice) (9)
- alt. power (1) Ice Walking: Ice Walking: Movement 9 (Environmental Adaptation: Ice)
- Speed 4 (30 miles an hour) [4pp]
- Thermal Vision: senses (Infravision) [1pp]
- Favoured Environment (Extreme Cold)
- Great Endurance
- Luck 2
- Move by Action
- Ritualist
- Skill Mastery (Ice Sculpting)
SKILLS [18pp]
- Acrobatics (AGI) n/a
- Athletics (STR) (+4)
- Close Combat (FTG) Trampling(+4)
- Deception (PRE) (+0)
- Expertise (INT) (Magic) (+4)
- Expertise (INT) (Survivalist) (+2)
- Insight (AWE) n/a
- Intimidation (PRE) n/a
- Investigation (INT)
- Perception (AWE) (+4)
- Persuasion (PRE)
- Ranged Combat (Ice Binding) (+10)
- Sleight of Hand (DEX) n/a
- Stealth (AGI)
- Technology (INT) (+2)
- Treatment (INT)
- Vehicles (DEX) n/a (+1)
- Dodge 8
- Parry 8
- Fortitude 12
- Toughness 14
- Will 11
- Motivation: Curiosity
- Motivation: Empathy
Abilities 54 + Powers 74 + Advantages 7 + Skills 18 + Defences 27 = 180
Klarion the witchboy opened a gateway to a plane of elemental cold, meaning to unleash a new ice age on Earth. The Justice League went through the gate in order to gather information needed to stop it, and found aid in the form of Torhana and, together, they managed to close the gate
But not before Torhana (Tori to her friends!) decided that the world they had come from was much more interesting than her home plane, and decided to go with them!