FantasyCraft:Otters Ransom:Ssarwel

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Male Suarian (Draconic) Physician Sage lvl 1
Medium Folk

Physical Description

Backstory and personality

Character Sheet

Quick reference

Senses Notice +2, Search +7
Stealth Blend +2, Sneak +2
AD: 3d4, starting 3
Initiative +3 (+2 Dex + 1 class)


Defense 13 (10 +2 Dex + 0 class + 1 race)
DR 3 (0 armor + 3 thick hide)
Vitality 9 (9 class x lvl + 0 Con x lvl); Wounds 10 Con
Fort +1 (+0 Con + 1 class)
Ref +3 (+2 Dex + 1 class)
Will +3 (+2 Wis + 1 class)
Defensive Abilities

Agile Defense +1: + 1 to defense
Contagion sense: Advantage on fort saves for disease and poison
Thick Hide 3: 3 to DR


Speed 30 ft.
BAB +0
Melee +1 (+0 BAB + 1 Str)

Bite I: Atk +2 dmg, 1d8+1 lethal, threat 18-20
Tail slap I: Atk + 2 dmg, 1d8+1 lethal, threat 20, reach +1
Crude Dagger atk +1 dmg, 1d6-1 lethal, threat 19-20, bleed hurl
Unarmed (punches, kicks headbuts) atk +2 dmg 1d4+0 lethal

Ranged +2 (+0 BAB + 2 Dex)

Crude Hand Bow & Crude arrows: atk +3, dmg 1d6-2, threat 20, AP 2,

Special Attacks

Menacing threat: May threaten up to 3 targets at once with one roll.


Str 12 (+1)
Dex 14 (+2)
Con 10 (+0)
Int 16 (+3)
Wis 14 (+2)
Cha 14 (+2)

Proficiencies: 4

Edge Specialty
Unarmed Forte
Bow Forte

Skills: (6 class + 3 Int) x [lvl + 3] = 36;

Acrobatics +6 (+2 dex + 2 ranks +2 BOE ranks) Class BOE
Athletics +4 (+0 str + 2 ranks +2 BOE ranks) Class BOE
Blend +2 (+2 Cha +ranks +other)
Bluff +3 (+2 Cha +ranks +other)
Crafting,[Chemistry, Medicine, Carpentry], +7 (+3 int +ranks + 4 ranks from paired skill) Class
Disguise +2 (+2 cha +ranks +other) Class
Haggle +2 (+2 wis +ranks +other) Class
Impress +6 (+2 cha + 4ranks +other) Origin
Intimidate +2 (+2 wis +ranks +other)
Investigate +6 (+2 wis +4 ranks +other) Class
Medicine +9 (+3 int + 4ranks +2 insight) Class
Notice +2 (+2 wis +ranks +other) Class
Prestidigitation +2 (+0 dex +ranks +other)
Resolve +4 (+0 con + 2 ranks + 2 BOE ranks) Class BOE
Ride,[Land mounts], +4 (+2 dex +2 ranks +other) Class
Search +7 (+3 int + 4 ranks +other) Class
Sense Motive +6 (+2 wis stat +2 ranks +2 insight) Class
Sneak +6 (+2 dex + 2 ranks +2 BOE ranks) Class BOE
Survival +11 (+2 wis +4 ranks +5 Path) Origin
Tactics +7 (+3 int + 4 ranks +other) Class

Interests: Nat lang:???, Lang:Univeral???, Lang:???, Home Study: ???, Career Study: ???, ????, ????, ????, ????
Carrying Capacity: Light 70, heavy 210, lift 422 drag 1055


Species (____)

Bonus 1:
Bonus 2:
Bonus 3:
Bonus 4:

Speciality (____)

Bonus feat:
Bonus 1:
Bonus 2:
Bonus 3:
Bonus 4:

Class (____)

Level 1:


Level 1:


Trick 1

Money and Gear

Lifestyle: 0 (0 class + 0 Cha)

Panache 0 (0s/month, +0 Appearance), Prudence 0 (0% savings)

Appearance +0 (+0 Panache + 0 Cha)
Stake 0 (100 x lvl) Hand 0

Item 1
Item 2
Item 3
Item 4

Legend +0 (0 class)
Reputation: 0 (lvl x 10)
Renown: 0

[name]: [effect] :cost


[name]: [effect] :cost


Spellcasting Bonus +0 (0 ranks + 0 Int)
Save DC 10 (10 + 0 Cha + 0 Spellcasting feats)
Casting Level 0
Maximum Spell Level Cast: 0
Spell Points 0
Spells Known 0 (0 ranks + 0 [Wis score])


[name]: [effect]


Save DC 10 (10 + 0 Cha + 0 Spellcasting feats)
Casting Level 0


Path 1:

Step X: [abilities]
[name]: [effect]