Exploring the Halls of Arden Vul
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The Archontean Empire
The Archontean Empire was formed nearly 3000 years ago on the island of Mithruin with the Compact of Ennius (0 AEP), and expanded east to the Grain Islands, north to a foothold in the Borealios islands, and west to the continent of Irthuin.
It saw its golden age from 850 AEP to 1680 AEP, thirteen hundred years ago, before retracting into a dark age from 1900 AEP to 2400 AEP after a civil war. It shrunk its holdings back to Mithruin and the Grain Islands and lost much of its ancient knowledge. A period of military expansion beginning in 2450 AEP saw it enter its silver age, and Archontos returned to the Irthuin continent in 2639 AEP, re-establishing its footholds in Arcturos and Narsileon.
The year is 2993 AEP (AEP = 'from the pact of Ennius').
Arcturos Exarchate
An important city and seat of an imperial exarchate on Irthuin, formed in 303 AEP, abandoned in 1818 AEP, and reoccupied in 2639 AEP after a long absence. Population 30,000.
Exarchate of the Grain Islands
A chain of large islands to the east of Mithruin, perfectly suited for agriculture. The majority of halflings living within the Archontean Empire reside here. Conquered by Archontos in 417 AEP.
Narsileon Exarchate
An important city on Irthuin, and the seat of an Archontean exarchate, formed 276 AEP. After the retreat of the empire from Irthuin in 1818 AEP, Narsileon had been solely populated by Thorcingans for eight hundred years. When the Archonteans returned to the western continent in 2639 AEP, they subjugated Narsileon and expelled many of its leading Thorcingan citizens to accommodate an Archontean ruling class of lords, merchants, and soldiers. Order is kept by the several legions quartered in its cantonments. Population: 40,000.