The gift

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We are an advanced people, medical care is of high standards, education system is very well developed, and with technology we have come a long way to.
We could even if we wanted go to space. Though due to the everlasting discussion if we should it never happened further then our moons and neighboring planets.

When the talk came of mining those planets and moons space travel was halted except for scientific experiments.

It was a surprise that the news came of another people reaching us. Not from our planet not from our system.
They had observed us and wanted to help was the message.
Our city was chosen to recieve the guests. We have top defenses but also the highest standard facilities.
It took quite some preparation and we had a deadline. I got my troups in order. My trainees who begin on their last chance to work with society and usually end up being productive, loyal and dutiful.
For me it started as a temporary assignment but now i've been doing it well over 8 years.
I've been pushed forward to become an officer but so far don't feel like it. I like to keep my boots on the ground. And that way i can help these kids.

Our guests would arrive in two days.
The youngsters are nervous i notice but they want to show off. Which is good i want them at their best.
The whole city is in a buzz off activity.

The day arrived.
Yes i still live with my mother we are both barely at home as we live in barracks alot as well. But this night we decided to sleep at home both of us have a nice dinner before that and this morning a good breakfast. We do not even know if it is something to celebrate the visitors. But we decided it is. We needed an excuse to celebrate something.

After breakfast we both put on our formal uniforms. Eventho it feels a bit fake and stiff. I actually do feel a sense of pride wearing it.

Mom looks good, she knows how to wear the uniform and she wears it well.

Pinning our medals mom jokes
"Who need jewelry when you got these."
We laugh.

When done we get the message our pickup is here.

"Still find it ridiculous we couldn't go on our bikes there. "

Mom looks at me.

"Well i am a general and are treated as such and you can be the embarrassed generals daughter."

"Thanks general, but i am not that embarrassed sitting next to you."

We step in the vehicle and are drivin to the HQ from there everbody is send to their places.
I go check on my troops. They have really out done themselves. Even trainee zulu 5-8 has his shoes polished and hair neat. I wonder how many of his classmates have been pushing him to do that.

I walk amongst them nodding approvingly and ofcourse here and there i check or  fix something. Never assume perfection. Always out do yourself.

I know we will not be on the frontline of the show but that doesn't matter. It is the principle of things.

We are called to move out and take our places along the route. Ordering the class leaders we move out. Some civilians are actually clapping or speaking positively about our group. It does me proud.

Hours, we stand hours on end. Not seeing anything really. Though we hear the speculations around. Of the people from space how they look so similar, that they bring gifts.
I'm sure i'll get a full report later.

At the end of the day i bring my classes back to the barracks, most are a bit disappointed they hadn't seen a thing, i calm them down. Tell them that we will know when we should know.
And i will ask the generals if we can at least read the report.
The kids accept that and start their evening routine.
Moving to HQ the security is on high alert.
Not strange but didn't expect it.

I ask to see general Kurz after a while i have a sergeant standing in front of me, he tells me that he should drive me home.
New orders will come tomorrow.

Withou saying much i follow the man to the car and let him drive me.

Next day. Security is still on high alert  the visitors already left. What did they bring i wonder.

Looking around the reception hall i see uniforms from other cities. They moved here fast. During the night. That must be very important.

In the walkways i hear that it is big. World changing. A real gift that could better our lives.

But somehow the tension is rising. People see next to the positive also the dangers of jealousy and greed.