Exploring the Halls of Arden Vul:Eusebia
Eusebia Tagaris
Daughter of Theodora Tagaris, agent of the Drome, and Agdir of Borealios. Studied in the Order of the Fifth Circle. A middling talent, getting by on charm as much as skill. Traveled to Arden Vul to investigate rumors of extraplanar contacts from before the contraction of the Empire.
- Lawful Magic-User 1 (Class Title)
- Alignment Goal: Impose or maintain order in the face of chaos
- XP: 2000/2500
- Traits: honest, steadfast, deceitful
- Secondary Skill: Vintner
- Languages: Archontean, Wiskin
- Strength 9 (0)
- Intelligence 13 (+1)
- Wisdom 9 (0)
- Dexterity 4 (-2)
- Constitution 17 (+2)
- Charisma 14 (+1)
- HP: 6
- AC: 8 (Unarmored AC: 8)
- Initiative Bonus: -2
- Bonus to reaction rolls: +1
- Movement: 120 ft
Attacks/round: 1
Max Cleaves: 2
- Dagger, +0, 1d4
Saving Throws
- Death/poison: 13
- Magic wands: 14
- Paralysis/Petrification: 13
- Breath Attacks: 16
- Spells/rods/staves: 15
Racial Abilities
- X
- Y
Class Abilities
- Magical research - a magic-user of any level may spend time and money on magical research. This allows them to add new spells to their spell book and to research other magical effects. When a magic-user reaches 9th level, they are also able to create magic items.
- Spell casting - Magic-users carry spell books containing the formulae for arcane spells. The level progression table shows both the number of spells in the magic-user's spell book and the number they may memorize, determined by the character's experience level.
- Using magic items - As spell casters, magic-users are able to use magic scrolls of spells on their spell list. They can also use items that may only be used by arcane spell casters (e.g. magic wands).
- Spells/day: L1 X/X | L2 Y/Y | L3 Z/Z
Spells memorized
- L1:
- L2:
- L3:
Spells Known:
- L1:
- L2:
- L3:
- Backpack
- Waterskin
- Dagger
- A
- B
- Crowbar
- Mirror (hand-sized, steel)
- Rope (50 feet)
- Rations (iron, 7 days)
- Torches (12)
- Tinder box (flint & steel)
- Wine (2 pints)
Stashed (where):
- V
- W
Basil the Mule:
- Saddlebags
- Sack, Large
- Sack, Small (2)
- Coinpurse: 14
- Factor (which factor):
Hired Help
- X
- Y
- Z