Exploring the Halls of Arden Vul:Tanrik
The sixth of seven children, his parents had all the apprentices they would ever need from their older children. Having few other skills, he stole to eat and discovered a natural talent for larceny. Having no desire to be an actual criminal, he's looked for alternatives to make his way in the world.
- Neutral Thief 2
- Alignment Goal: Correct an imbalance.
- XP: 2000/2400 (+10% XP gained)
- Traits: Friendly, Merciless
- Secondary Skill: Roper
- Languages: Archontean, Brotherhood
- Strength 13 (+1)
- Intelligence 11
- Wisdom 7 (-1)
- Dexterity 16 (+2)
- Constitution 10
- Charisma 7 (-1)
- HP:
- AC: 14 (Unarmored AC: 12)
- Initiative Bonus: +1
- Bonus to reaction rolls: -1
- Movement:
Attacks/round: 1
Max Cleaves: 2
- Sword, +1 to Hit, 1d8+1 damage
- Short Bow, +2 to Hit, 1d6 damage, 50'/100'/150'
- Dagger, +1 to Hit melee, +2 to Hit missile, 1d4+1 damage, 10'/20'/30'
Saving Throws
- Death/poison: 13
- Magic wands: 14
- Paralysis/Petrification: 13
- Breath Attacks: 16
- Spells/rods/staves: 15
Class Abilities
- Backstab (+4/x2)
Exploration Abilities
- Climb sheer surfaces: 90%
- Find/remove treasure traps: 25%
- Hear noise: 1-3
- Hide in shadows: 25%
- Move silently: 35%
- Open locks: 30%
- Pick pockets: 35%
Leather Armor Sword Dagger Shorbow w/20 Arrows Rope 50' Oil Flask Backpack Bedroll Standard Ration (x7) Encumbrance:
- Leather Armor
- Dagger on belt
- Hip Quiver
- Shortbow
- Sword
- Torch (if needed)
- Thieves Tools
- Bedroll
- Rope 50'
- Standard Rations 1 week
- Oil Flask
Stashed (where):
- Coinpurse: 0
- Factor (which factor):