Exploring the Halls of Arden Vul:Maeraphin

Maeraphin Sifas
Maeraphin accompanied his mentor Sifas when she travelled to Mithruin to become an advisor to a senior noble on matters of natural magic. Unfortunately, Archontean intrigue lead to the assassination of Sifas - possibly at the hands of a Vengeance Factor operative.
Never a man of excessive direction and seriousness, Maeraphin nonetheless felt he could not return home. He has drifted across the land, acting as an ornamental advisor to lesser nobles or living wild, until falling in with the party.
Perhaps delving into Arden Vul will allow him to find a purpose, or at least help him process the grief he has ignored? It does sound intriguing at the very least, and his new friends are delightful in their own separate ways.
- Neutral Level 1 Sylvari (Aspirant/Runner)/ Level 1 Acrobat (Apprentice)
- Alignment Goal: Correct an imbalance
- XP: 1000/4000 - 1000/1200 (+10%)
- Traits: Loyal and Loving, Vain and Hedonist
- Secondary Skill: Animal Trainer
- Languages: Archontean, Sylvan, +1 (slot left open)
- Strength 13 (+1)
- Intelligence 13 (+1)
- Wisdom 12 (-)
- Dexterity 16 (+2)
- Constitution 16 (+2)
- Charisma 14 (+1)
- HP: 8
- AC: 16 (Unarmored AC: 12)
- Initiative Bonus: +2
- Bonus to reaction rolls: +1
- Movement: 90' (30')
- (Goes to 60' (20') at 600 cn)
Attacks/round: 1
Max Cleaves: 1
- Short Bow, +2, d6, 5'-50'/100'/150'
- Spear, +1 (+2 thrown), d6+1 (d6 thrown), 5'-20'/40'/60'
- Dagger, +1 (+2 thrown), d4+1 (d4 thrown), 5'-10'/20'/30'
Saving Throws
- Death/poison: 12
- Magic wands: 13
- Paralysis/Petrification: 13
- Breath Attacks: 15
- Spells/rods/staves: 15
- Identification - all plants & animals + discern pure water
- Druidic Spellcasting
- Awareness - only surprised on 1
- Immunity to Ghoul Paralysis
- Infravision 60'
- Evasion - no +2 to hit when withdrawing from melee
- Tumbling Attack - when falling/ jumping and melee attacking, do double damage. +4 to hit against unaware opponent.
- Evasion, falling, jumping, and tightrope walking cannot be performed if encumbrance reduces the acrobat’s movement rate to less than 90’ (30’)
- Limited Possessions - may only keep wealth and possessions that can be kept on their person, mount, or animal companions.
Exploration Abilities
- Detect Secret Doors - 2 in 6
- Listening at Doors - 2 in 6
- Climb Sheer Survace - 89%
- Falling - no damage from first 10', -25% for remainder
- Hide in Shadows - 20%
- Move Silently - 30%
- Tightrope Walking - 70% (80% with pole)
- Jumping - jump 10' across with 20' running start, 20' across with pole. Jump 10' up with pole.
Wilderness Abilities
- Pathfinding - only 1 in 6 chance of getting lost in wilderness
- Pursuit - in wilderness, opposing groups chance of evasion is -10%
- Surprise Attack - 3 in 6 to attack unnoticed in wilderness, target may be surprised
- Foraging & Hunting - 2 in 6 to forage, 5 in 6 to find prey
- Tracking - 20%, affected by modifiers
- Spells/day: L1 1/1
Spells memorized
- L1: Animal Friendship
Encumbrance: 550 cn
- Chain Mail (400)
- Backpack (80)
- Dagger (10)
- Quiver w/ 20 arrows
- Short Bow (30)
- Spear (30)
- Rope (50')
- Waterskin (water)
- Waterskin (empty, held wine)
- Mirror
- Standard Rations (7 days)
- Small Sack (capacity 200 cn)
- Bag of caltrops
- Chalk (10 sticks)
Stashed (where):
- --
- Coinpurse: 1 gp
- Factor (which factor): --
Hired Help
- None
- None
- None