Brahnamin's Characters) - Fix
Brian "Trick" Kilpatrick
"Mirrors are windows on reality, not reflections of it."

Physical || Mental
|| Social
|| Magical
Son of Stone and Shadow: Only real difference twixt stone and shadow isn't the amount of available space each possesses, but the amount of concentration required to cross that space.
- I Know My Ship: You can coax the best out of just about any bucket you fly. Spend 1 PP to step up or double your ship’s Engines attribute for your next roll.
[Highlighted Skills: Fly/Notice/Shoot]
Ghost in the Machine: Ain't a system in the 'verse you cain't hack when you've got a need.
- Code Monkey: You are a master at teaching old code new tricks. When you are altering or rewriting programming, spend 1 PP to roll your Trick die and add it to your total on any Operate roll.
[Highlighted Skills: Know/Operate/Trick]
Old Leather Jacket: You wear that flap of battered cowhide like a gorramn uniform.
[Highlighted Skills: Fight/Fly/Sneak]
Signature Assets 

Mirrors . . . So Many Little Mirrors Trick keeps his pockets filled with tiny framed mirrors. Squares, circles, triangles, shards - he is constantly making them in his free time and tucking then in his shirt, his jacket, his socks, his pants pockets with them so he always has one on hand.