An impossible mission with a twist

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Amber Bronkhorst

As Alvah had been sitting on the deck of her little balcony allowing herself to be a complete mess for a couple of hours she watches the moon go down over the ocean. A few empty bottles strewn about the floor as well as burned up cigarette buds. Standing up she walks to her office and starts to write two letters.

"Dear Spatchi, 
Take care of this place as you see fit. Recent events taught me things that need to get a place in my life. And i've learned i can be a danger for those around me. As i care to much for you and Dwynwen i do not want to see harm come to you. 
Agrom is still around as i'm sure you know if you want to leave this shadow just leave it behind but please, please do not leave Dwynwen alone, even if she is on her own and more stable she is still fragile. 
We will see eachother again. And hope we can stay friends. 

"Dear Dwynwen, 
Leaving is needed at this point. Please be safe and stay with people you trust. I love you as my own sister. Well even more then my own sister. 
When going here you said you missed Adagalasck.. know that your brother is there and i'm sure he doesn't mind seeing you again. 
Else stay with Spatchi, or stay in the shadow here. just be safe my friend. 
Love you,

After writing those she places them on the desk. Making sure they can't be blown away by the wind. She goes to a replicator and makes some clothing which resembles her clothing she usually wore during her jobs. Thight fitted and dark colored. She puts that in her bag and then takes her outfit she had worn in Zictla which she bought there and puts that on. She dresses herself, and while she does she calls her elemental friends and has Cicero next to them. "Okey my friends, time to throw stuff over a different course, we are going to work some jobs, get some favors from people to be turned in later. We have to fend for ourselves. Just know that if i die. You all have to get away and to safety. Go to Nur or anywhere that is safe to stay. " After she pulls up her hair in a thight braided knot she fills a backpack with some supplies, her ballet shoes she had replicated and grabs her trumps. Looking around here one more time a slight smile appears. She then sifts through her Azcalan deck. Finding Zunala. She figures it is better to move her way through the city then immidiatly go to the tower. If her intel was still right the banner and maybe the old banner carrier should still be in the tower. With the trump in front of her she focuses and steps through when ready.

Michael James Watson

Arriving she can not be sure if she is in the middle of a battle or not The card delivers one outside of a plaza with numerous small pyramids. Crowds of people are about, many holding chickens, sometimes several. She notes the people with chickens taking them up the pyramids to be sacrificed, leaving the head behind and coming down the steps with the bleeding body. Around the square are vendors where chickens are exchanged for other produce. Around the square are soldier of the Puma Cult, and the Jaguar Cult and the Eagle Cult acting as guards but also acting as brutes. She sees troopers randomly striking peasants. There seems to be no order to it. The people seem trying to go about the chicken and vendor business and leaving the plaza quickly. She looks in the distance and sees fires on a main pyramid where human sacrifices are occurring. In the center of the plaza are troops battle training. People of all ages participate. It seems fairly brutal, even bloody training. It seems units are forming drilling. Breaking into training pairs. She feels the tingle of the power transfers going outward. A sense that if she chose to she could draw on those powers, but doing so would alert the priests to her presence. Beyond the plaza are stone buildings, looking like apartment buildings. From the spot the trump drops at she can get an idea that the buildings are around 3 stories tall, and have an inner courtyard. They go as far as she can see on the ground. Foot traffic is mix with hand carts, goat drawn carts, pig drawn carts and a few donkey carts. She sees the bigger carts outside the plaza grounds, waited on by small groups, family groups, communal groups. When the chickens and vendor bought food is sorted out they bring it to the wagons, and other people with chickens go it to repeat the process. There is a sense in the air of fear. Easy death. And this does not seem to be a special day. Just another day of the week in the warrior world of Zunala

Amber Bronkhorst

When arriving she slowly exhales. And takes in the surroundings. She checks if she is in a crowded part of the area if so she moves along with the stream of people. As she walks she looks about checking the deals with the chickens being brought up and down again, the vendors. When she sees the chance she will move to the side of a building or a vendor stand where she woulnd't be to noticed. She particularly keeps an eye on the women how they move, what they wear and what their main job is in the crowd. If her clothing needs adjusting she will move to the apartment buildings to find some clothing. If she can blend in, in her current outfit she stays silent to the side and does not make eye contact with anyone. Pretending to be afraid and busy just like the rest of the people here. Though pretending to be afraid is not hard as the air is filled with it. Alvah will move along the outside of the plaza to get a good view on things.

Michael James Watson

She thinks her clothes have a machine made quality rather then a home spun look. They don't look out of place but to a close observer might look too perfect. However there are high tech worlds in Azcala and a person in such attire might be confused as a traveler from Zictla, Ahshaza or Untola if not higher in the tiers. Moving into the city she sees most buildings are 3 stories and the exterior is uniform adobe look. most homes have deep balconies with wood doors. Glass windows are rare but she thinks they mainly open into a main area on each floor that is lit. Balconies seem to be green with gardens and nearly all have chicken coops. As she goes into the city she finds small local plazas with a waist high alter where people do much as in the main plaza. Around these small plazas she sees homespun clothes that catch her eyes. As she watched she saw no monetary system. A system of barter it seems. What can she trade fir clothes to blend in?

Amber Bronkhorst

Alvah moves around quietly to observe tbose that trade in clothing. She watches the people pay or trade for their goods and tries to spot what a common price is for clothing. Just walking with the stream of people and trying to copy their ways of social behavior. So if the people are all open, and greeting eachother or if people keep mostlh to themselves no eye contact and move from point A to B. When she manages she wants to stop at a point which might not be strange to stand or sit and watch people. If she knows what to trade she can then look where to steal it.

Michael James Watson

As she watches she notes no shoplifting. IN a market of any size she knows there is usually a little pilfering. Here it seems odd to not find any. There seems something about hesitancy in general about these people..

Amber Bronkhorst

Alvah is slightly shocked seeing no shoplifting, and probably also no pickpocketing. Seeing the people their hesitancy she then decides to move her observation to those that might be watching the people. Usually people thatbknow they are being watched will be very cautious in their actions. She stil tries to be inconspicuous about it. But realizing just as well if these people are under constant watch she will stick out.

Michael James Watson

As she switches her attention to watching the watchers she notes that everyone watches a little.. She thinks its an informer culture.. Then she connects the two. Theft, Informer, What do the informers get? What do the thieves get?

Amber Bronkhorst

She can already guess at this point but better to be sure. She moves position just strolling along with a general stream of people again. Then at a place which seems fit she waits again and quietly watches. She tries to see who is watching her and or following.

Michael James Watson

She gets the sense no one is specifically watching her. Just everyone is watchful. As if life depends on being watchful and seeing wrong doers.

Amber Bronkhorst

If she doesn't notice someone specifically watching her she decides to not risk stealing. Not to rock the boat before she knows even where to go to. Though she guesses since the banner carrier is used for heart harvesting he might be in the pyramid where the human sacrifices happen. Or that is what she recalled Hagalta had said. So taking the gamble to walk about in her current clothing she starts to navigate the streets a bit more. Where there are bigger groups, where most of the soldiers of the cults are and trying to keep a basic streetmap in her head. So if she needs to run or move quick she has a genersl sense of direction. When she is in a more quiet spot she will take her trumps and start sorting them, she will make sure then some are on top and quick to grab for her as an escape plan/route. She will place the locations Adagalasck and the Jeweled Road on top, on the other side of the deck she places the trump of Realmer on top and the trump of Vek. Trying to stay away from to much Amber influences and Azcala for her escape.

Michael James Watson

As she wanders about she notices two things; There are no homeless. There are no hotels.

Amber Bronkhorst

Noticing no hotels or homeless her mind goes quick.. her options are starting to become more and more limited. She has to move quick or abandon and write this up as a scouting for later action. She still wants to see how close she can get towards the human sacrificial place. So with precise movements and attentive to her surroundings she moves quick and sneaks towards the general area of the sacrificial pyramid.

Michael James Watson

The chicken pyramids are easy to get to being in a crowded area day and night. Something catches her eyes. There are food vendors. There must be people looking for work. She just spent 6 months around Spatchi's kitchen. Getting near the main pyramid she sees the well armed cultists . in the center are the soldiers in training. Something here catches her eyes. Men and women in bare garb, underwear, walk up from time to time to the training groups. When they do an officer approaches them, then after a conversation the new recruit goes to a beginners unit.

Amber Bronkhorst

Alvah first looks at the recruits with the idea of joining them, but it is higher profile. More of a watchful eye. She has to know certain things and act in a certain way... She does not know what is said between recruit and officer. Then looking at the food vendors she clicks her tongue. Might be the safer choice in this case. Alvah starts to scout the food vendors seeing who might be struggling to keep up or who might look for workers. While she picks one that could work for her, she starts to plan out how to act around the person and what type of persona would work best. Who would suspect the local churro-baker.

Michael James Watson

She sees a booth that is preparing tortillas by the hundred. 4 women and 3 men all pulling the masa from tub and putting them into the press, then flipping them on the hot rock to cook. The rocks sit in beds of coal. The heat is great but they don't seem to mind. There booth is greatly filled with customers, waiting for stacks of tortilla. As she observes close, close enough to be noticed, she sees thin wood dowels passing hands as often as headless chickens. It occurs to her that there is a currency of sorts, based on chickens. The vendor, elderly women take sticks and chickens. The chickens are taken away after about 10 in a tub and rendered buy a booth that cleans them, collecting the feathers. She notes feather merchants are common and do lively business. As she approaches the side away from the business front she observes the group working. They don't seem to behave or speak as kin, but as people who are all desperate for the enterprise to succeed.

Amber Bronkhorst

Alvah watches silently she tries to see who is the boss of this business. Or a managing type. Checking her escape plan with her hand in a pocket she then figures it is best to try and approach before things get to seem weird as she keels watching them. With precise steps she walks up to the side of the vendor to not disturb the buying masses. If she has spotted who best to approach she tries to get their attention. She will simply ask. "Are you looking for more workers?"

Michael James Watson

The woman looks to one of the women making tortilas. She kicks the tub and it rocks. She says, “Let me see your hands.” Looking them over she says, “dirty, but not cracked. No blood.. Can you mix masa?”

Amber Bronkhorst

Alvah nods quickly "Yes, i can. I'll work hard." She tries to come over as confident but not cocky. if this is a way for her to be able to scout it would be perfect. And of course blend in.

Michael James Watson

She looks at the man and makes a hand gesture. he nods. "Down that walk, the building of the parrot. on the first floor find the Lizard hall. Tell them Guila sent you to mix masa. They will put you to work. You'll eat when we eat. Have you lodgings? Your clothes look from uptier. "

Amber Bronkhorst

She looks to where the woman directs her and a quick nod again to confirm she understands. Hearing her questions she speaks soft. "understood, and no i have no lodging and the clothing is not from here no, but the only thing i have at the moment. " She tries to sound slightly ashamed or demure about it.

Michael James Watson

She nods. "There are clothes. And space to sleep. 7 days. Then the Celebration of the New Moon. You might want to stay in the hall that day. After the Celebration we will see if you work more. And we have no token for you if you are chosen. agreed?"

Amber Bronkhorst

Alvah nods again, "yes understood, thank you. I'll go now to the building of the Parrot to the first floor, Lizard hall." She quickly steps back and thanks the woman again before hurrying off to where the woman had directed her. She curses herself that she had not thought of the celebrations and how that can get very dangerous. Concidering her options while she moves to the building she is going to gues it for now, the more intel she gets the better... Thinking to herself that Fisk would be so disappointed...such rash actions.. he taught her better then this. Rash actions lead to a sloppy job.. sloppy job leads to an evidence trail... When she reaches the building she gets out of her thoughts again and returns to her duty at hand... get to work and blend in.

Michael James Watson

As the days pass she stays in the compound mixing masa. The booth staff come and go. Tortillas are also pressed for preparation to be made into chips, and fried chimichanga burritos. They also make tamales wrapped in banana leaves. As well as Churros which makes Alvah chuckle. She thinks Spatchi might like this whole operation. The families eat together and she has a sense the families here either embrace the time they have together before the knife comes, or they don't stay in families. She learns that the military will take children as young as 5. Once a child is given to the military, the family gets a token in trade. A child of 10 may choose to join the military without his family's permission and the family gets a token. If a child joins at 18 he gets a token, which is often given to his family since memebers of the m ilitary are exempt from sacrifice. Alvah deals with a younger daughter, in her 20s, Saxga, who seems to over see even older members of the family in the Lizard Hall preparations. Saxga says she hopes to get pregnant soon since pregnant women are exempt from the knife. If she marries to the man can join this family or she can join his. She explains something Alvah probably doesn't like. Often Abuela Farxi hires stragglers like Alvah before big celebrations because they must prepare a huge amount of extra food. But, she also does it because the Priests inspect all the vendors. Sometimes they pick a celebrant at random. Not often, usually they have enough celebrants, but if they pick someone from the Farxi vendor, there is a chance they will pick the straggler. She might even suggest they take the straggler. Now if you stay through the Celebration you'll be more accepted having risked for the family. Abuela may have mentioned staying here during the celebration. If you do, she will give you rations and set you to straggle. Or you could go. “There are spare clothes in the washroom I am sure I can make fit you. Being a straggler, specially in Upteir clothes, is a dangerous thing during any celebration.”

Amber Bronkhorst

Alvah listens to the explanation from Saxga. She simply asks. "What happens. If they do inspect. I am not here... who would they pick?" She asks it in her demure and silent way she has been acting in since working here. Her eyes down no eye contact jut watchful for her surroundings.

Michael James Watson

"Not Abuela. They know better then to take a family matron. I'll be staying here for safety. Otherwise, it could be anyone. "

Amber Bronkhorst

Alvah nods slowly concidering her options. If she stays she might get picked, she will be closer to the target but it will be hard to get and the risk of being killed or found out is so high. She can now just leave, say it has been good gathering intel and return later. She then smiles. "I'll take my chances, i think. Like you said the chance they don't have enough celebrants is small. And if this proves me to the people of the family i am fine with it. " She spoke before really realizing what she said. But she decides to stay with it. She could at least raise hell if all else fails. and escape by trump she has ready. Her Azcalan family deserves a little hell raising...

Michael James Watson

The day before the celebration Abuela brings Alvah to the booth. Her job is to roll masa for the people pressing tortillas. She gives her a lovely orange beaded top and one of the men she likes gives her several woven cord bracelets. The day is busy. Near noon a walking vendor comes by and Abuela gives him a pack of 24 tortillas and he leaves a large jug. She pours glasses and passes them around. It smells strongly of tequila but looks murky and chunky. They drink eagerly and wave for a second cup. She tries it and finds it to be a potent tequila, eye rolling my strong and harsh, in a mix of coconut, mango, pineapple, and agave blended. It has a yogurt drink texture and is fruity flavorful as well as potent with what is clearly strong, but cheap tequila.

Amber Bronkhorst

Alvah figuring this is what Saxga talked about but she stays in her role as the soft spoken demure worker. She accepts the clothing and bracelets. She happily works. Alvah notices she likes the simple manual tasks it keeps her mind from reeling into chaotic thoughts. When the drink arrives she tries it when handed a glass the chunky nature makes it less appealing for her but she drinks it anyway. After one glass though she turns back to her work and politly declines if offered more.

Michael James Watson

The next day comes bright but there is an air of fear and sadness in the Lizard Hall. Saxga embraces her, whispers that tomorrow she will take her to the dates of the white river Abuela is commanding as ever. Tortillas being a staple of every meal they are a busy vendor. The cooks fill packs faster then ever. Near noon the crowds hum as word comes that the priests come early. Alvah sees a large group going from vendor to vendor. As they are 3 booths away Abuela says, "Go. Or stay. But do it because it is what you want to do."

Amber Bronkhorst

Alvah looks up as Abuela speaks. She quickly calculate her chances. If she just walks off she stands out as well. But if she stays she might be picked as the new girl... she looks up to Abuela and smiles soft. "I'll stay it is busy and we need all hands as long as possible." She then quicklu retuns to her dutifully rolling of the masa for the other people trying to not be bothered to much by the tension in the air.

Michael James Watson

Moments later the priests arrive. Abuela serves them tortilla with brown sugar and Abuela brings out a clear bottle to pour small glasses the priests set out. the head priest points to Alvah. She feels her psyche easily overwhelmed. Stepping up this ancient priest looks her in the eye. Alvah looks at him and shivers in realization that it is Xoxotl in disguise. He reaches and grabs a handful of hair. Staring into her eyes he twines a long thin braid, slipping a turquoise bead on the end. He says, in thari, " never remove that in my realm, zictlan." He presses three small carved tokens in her Hand He steps on. A priest hangs a thong with a collection of jade beads. The family seems shocked and amazed. Afterwards they hug her for their great fortune and go back to work. After all, it is a celebration.

Amber Bronkhorst

Alvah herself looks shocked and slightly confused of what is going on. She just simply nodded as Xolotl told her not to remove that. She stares at them as they move on with the tokens in hand. After the hugging she still looks confused but for now she decides not to ask.. she has to figure out what that bead means and if it holds power. She heard stories Xolotl was ruthless so she still doesn't trust the situation. Still she goes quickly back to work. Whenever she finds a quiet moment tho she will ask Abuela what just happened...

Michael James Watson

She puts off answering till that night. When she enters the Lizard Hall she holds the beads up for those who did not attend to see. There is much rejoicing. Abuela hangs the beads on what amounts to a mantle piece. Saxga hugs her at some point as the nightly meal is made. "Abuela told me to tell you of the beads. It must be different in Zictla. There are 4 beads on the cord. The jade are for the Spring celebration. It means for the next 4 years the Lizard Hall vendors are not to be selected from for celebrants. Our family will grow as other families offer their younger children to us, for protection. The booth is allowed to grow. Abuela makes fine tamales and the beads give us permission to expand. It means we can trade for more as well. Even move our booth if we want. “Our family has a farm out toward Xeasoss. We raise many chickens and goats. Much corn and rye. Most are traded in Xeasoss but we come to Xhalxt for Celebrations. In a few days most of us will return to Xhalxt. Most the crowds will go home too. We will keep a few here to keep the booth. We have a good spot. It is far from the start of the High Priest's walk. We could move closer to the east gate. Usually by then the High Priest has chosen the celebrants they will choose. “You brought us great luck this year. Do you know why? The priest gave you a bead. It means you are not to be chosen by a priest in any celebrations you attend. You may not be taken by a soldier as his warmer. Cultists that notice the bead may try to recruit you; the Cult Halls need cooks as well. If that happens you would be allowed a few servants. Those servants would be safe from selection as well. It is a sign of great fortune. Abuela has offered for you to come to Xeasoss with us if you like.“

Amber Bronkhorst

Alvah listens to Saxga. The story even confuses her more. Not the information she understands what she hears. More what the hell Xolotl was planning. Maybe her mother was wrong about Xolotl... Or something else was going on... Hearing the invitation she smiles but shakes her head "It sounds lovely but i rather stay here. I can help with working the booth. " Alvah looks down in the hope no questions will follow. She then looks at the beads and smiles "Happy i could bring so much joy to this family."

Michael James Watson

"I am sure Abuela will agree to that. Though we come and go. Maybe another season you will come." She moves on about the evening.

Amber Bronkhorst

Alvah later that evening goes to Abuela. She asks her to talk for a moment "Thank you for the invitation but i rather stay, if you allow i can keep working at the booth. I know what is expected kf me and i work hard." She hands 2 of the 3 tokens to Abuela. "Those are exemptions for sacrifice right? I keep one in case but those can go to the collection for the family." Alvah keeps her eyes down and voice soft. She figures best to stay in role and at this point it hides her confusion and emotions best.

Michael James Watson

She takes them, "Have you no family in Zictla that might need them? Thank you though. Please stay. Miguel will run the Lizard Hall once we return home. It won't be too busy. In a few weeks we will send goats. Tomorrow i will take the beads and show them to a breeder of oxen. Perhaps when they are delivered perhaps you will help drive them and you will come with it to our ranchero? It is lovely and makes the worry of coming to celebration worth it. Don't answer now.. Now is for rest"

Amber Bronkhorst

Alvah shakes her head. "I do have family but they are fine without them. Keep them. I am happy to bring some luck and hapiness to your family." She smiles at the idea of a simple farm life and then nods "Now rest yes i agree. We will see how things go. " She frowns thinking "What are the rules here for going outside after dark? Is there a curfew? I wouldn't mind clearing my head after a day and takr a walk."

Michael James Watson

She thinks there is no street crime, its reasonable to assume there is no night crimes.

Amber Bronkhorst

If it is okey that she takes a stroll outside she will just wander around a bit. Since she now has earned some safety from her... cousin. She wants to see if she now can wander closer to the other temple. She had no crime or anything planned. Just some sightseeing and scouting.