Xolotl and his homemade sigil

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Michael James Watson

She wanders and sees the many blocky adobe and thatch buildings. While she sees no electronics she notes serious sophistication in life styles. 1700-1800 technology. She notes weeping from some buildings and senses that weeping and sadness over lay this city despite the joy and celebration in Lizard Hall. She sees a raven hopping from building to building. Eventually it hops down and stands before her. It bows. Hops on the ground a ways, turns, bows again. Hops again for a ways. Stops to see if he is being followed by Alvah.

Amber Bronkhorst

Alvah feels the stab of sadness from people. A thought of hope for the families. That one day it will be better. But that she brought at least one family joy makes her happy as well. Seeing the raven hop from building to building and then in front of her urging her to follow she has a slight grin and nods to the raven. "Sure sure i'll follow, show me where you have to lead me."

Michael James Watson

Rounding a corner to a short dead end alley she sees a young man. He is wearing typical clothes for the area and looks unremarkable. "I came to perform rituals as usual and what do I find? The daughter of the Woman in Feathers. A small number of people know that there is a high bounty on your head. Alive, so the head part is just a saying. What seek you in my realm?"

Amber Bronkhorst

Alvah raises an eyebrow at the man and she stays at a safe distance. She looks him over up and down and up again. With Cicero slightering to her shoulders so he can take a peek as well. "A high bounty. Hmm placed by who?" Alvah conciders her answer carefully and is silent for a few seconds. She crosses her arms in front of her chest her fingers feeling carefully if she got at least some protection with her and her trumps. She tries to do that very subtly ofcourse with her sleight of hand skills. "What i seek in your realm... see if some rumors are true. " She answers flatly. Keeping her eyes on her surroundings and on who she suspects to be Xolotl.

Michael James Watson

"Cihalas for one. Xozla for another. I doubt they have the same interest

Amber Bronkhorst

Thinking that over she nods slowly "yes of course sound logical. And no not the same interests, i know. How long have those bounties been on my proverbial head?" Letting Cicero watch her back mostly, Alvah then raises an eyebrow. "And now you know that i am here. What is your plan, or interest?"

Michael James Watson

"I had no plan concerning you till I saw you. And you radiate if one knows how to look. There is a rumor that you were walked through the sigil. You present me with many opportunities. My first thought was rage. I detest Cihalas. My first thought was to pull that whole booth apart and sacrifice the whole lot root and branch and make you stand beside me bathing in the powers. But that was petty and not profitable. So...How do I profit? " He lets the bird leap to his finger. "I do not profit by sacrificing you. You have a great soul but I do not collect hearts like the others. The power of them is not reliable.. I'll take one but I don't need a hundred of your hearts. The life force is wasted creating the diamonds. So if it is not your heart I desire, what else? I have met four Amberites; Delwin and you, Hagalta and Xorax. I oversaw the torment of Hagalta for a time. But i learned little from him. Xorax over saw it for a time out of cruel pleasure to torment his father. Pathetic really. I knew Delwin when he was in Zictla. Now you come here. So what do I profit? I can learn of your symbol-of Amber. There is something i would have you see, to sense your reaction to it. That would be a profit to me. What profits you?"

Amber Bronkhorst

Alvah looks quietly and calm to Xolotl as he speaks when he is done just a single nod. "Wouldn't be petty but not profitable like you said. That family is only going to do better and work harder. That is profitable i suppose, devout people in your place." She follows the bird with her eyes. "Yes, the hearts i have heard that you did take a bunch from my brother a whole long time ago. But you say you don't want that and to be honest, glad to hear. So you want me to see something and monitor my reaction? That is it? Will it kill me? Or severely damage me? " At the last answer she thinks for a while how to formulate it she then carefully speaks. "There are rumours some artifacts are here. Not from Azcalan sway. I am searching for such a thing. That would profit me. ".

Michael James Watson

"Your brother. Little Aztlios.. Such a shallow river... I took him for a few years and popped hearts out of him regularly. Of course i was teaching him sorcery and power magics. Taught him how to properly service a woman. And how to properly service a man. When he was young he really wanted to be of service to the realm." He laughs, "But understand he asked me to train him. That was thousands of years ago. My views of the family have changed. I've no interest in being a lickspittle to Amber but I wouldn't mind seeing Tonacat put behind the doors of the Tomb of the Ancestors of Darkness. I've no interest in harming you at the moment. Nor in the near future. " "THere are many artifacts from beyond the sway here. Many in Azcala. Was there anything you had particularly in mind?

Amber Bronkhorst

Studying his face as he speaks she conciders his words. To a story there are often two sides. "Good to know, you have no intent to harm me. So if Tonacat away what would you do? " Alvah smiles "Well for starters there is something i think in your realm. Left after Hagalta has been here. Something with a banner. "

Michael James Watson

"The Clan Lance and Banner of the Odraxta. Yes. Hagalta brought it here. Zictalas was proclaiming him a hero. He met with Tonacat personally. Swore he would be able to sway all the Adask in Adagalasck, defeat the North Wind and the East Wind. Those are titles. He himself was the West Wind. And the South Wind was secretly a monster he was in a secret alliance with. Tonacat believed him. Gave him troops. A massive army to join his massive army in the realm. He trained the army in my realm. The troops were mostly Zunalans with some élite Zixtalans and his son Acoza. "When the army got there it was attacked by Prince Julian, calling himself King of Adagalack, and Prince Caine. The army was demolished and barely 1 in 20 returned. No army of Adask came at his call. He came back here with Julian, and Caine, and a number of other Amberites hot on his tail. Tonacat does not like to loose. Nor does Zictalas who was made a fool by the disaster. He kept Hagalta and kept his banner. I believe its in his throne room."

Amber Bronkhorst

A small smirk on her face appears as she hears the story told this way. But then hearing the banner is not here she sighs. "Ah well to bad, heard it was here." She then shrugs "Well, guess that was a useless visit then. I'll be leaving by morning and won't bother you further.." She speaks in a neutral light tone. Adding a shrug to emphasize. Keeping an eye on how he reacts to the idea of just leaving without a deal.

Michael James Watson

"So I profit nothing? I gave protection to your Lizard Hall group. It can be as easily removed. If you leave without my permission, and i will let you do so, they will not see another dawn. Oh, they may live for years, but they will never see the light of day and they will never know a moment without torment. There are places in my realm that are worse then death. Now, do I profit or not?"

Amber Bronkhorst

A sigh escapes her. And she looks at him. Yeah she still cares about people clearly. "Fine you still profit... and about that, why not just turn me in with Cihalas... or if you hate her so, Xozla? If there is a price on my head?" Crossing her arms again she shifts her stance and looks wondering at him. "And something which is bothering me. If you are not fond of Tonacat then why still follow his ways? From what i gather you are quite strong."

Michael James Watson

"I hate Cihalas worst of all. She convinced me to do something that may well kill me. But i hate Xozla as well. As for Tonacat, he is a madman. But... the Stone of Azcala is in his possession and the life power flows through it. As long as that power is mine to use I maintain my loyalty. Now, I will open a gate. You will pass through it with me. When we are done, i will deliver you here. After that please feel free to enjoy the simple pleasures of my land as long as you like. We might even talk again." He looks to the wall, opens a ring gate filled with smoke. He gestures to the fog

Amber Bronkhorst

Looking at Xolotl she nods hearing his explanation. When the gate is opened she frowns for a moment. Shifts uneasy on her feet but then moves closer. She looks through to see what she can spot behind the fog. She turns to Xolotl. "And where is this ominous place we are going to?" She looks at Cicero to see how he reacts to the gate and what is beyond.

Michael James Watson

"Call it the toy shop."

Amber Bronkhorst

"Not helping with making it sound better." She then just steps through because why the hell not.. As she steps through she thinks, well alot of reasons why not but... insanity is a part of you...

Michael James Watson

She enters a dark cavern with blackness at the far end. Small stones cast light a foot around them. As she walks she sees outcropping and alcoves with small lights. Some have tables for magical research. Some sleeping chambers. SHe walks further on, nearly a mile as Xolotl beside her. Passing more alcoves she sees these differently lit, with something like yellow florescent lights. These alcoves have people in various positions of torture. Bound, being burned. Assistants whipping them. a hundred alcoves each a different style of torment being perfected. As the cavern turns downward, and thins to a corridor only a person wide. Cicero squeezes her arm tightly. another mile and it opens into a huge room. One side is living quarters, tables, kitchens, and about a hundred people moving around in various tasks. A grand bed is clearly Xolotl's. She sees several woman laying on near by beds. She is uncertain if they are bound but they seem to be eating or smoking or sleeping. She turns and sees on the other side the Sigil of Azcala on the ground, brighter then she has experienced it. Slightly afire. He walks over to it and sits in an elaborate chair. He points to one near him. "What do you think of it?"

Amber Bronkhorst

Walking and seeing the torture being perfected Alvah feels a certain queasyness come over her. Never really seen torture this closeup. Feeling Cicero his warning ahe is hesitant to continue, but with a sushing reassuring sound to Cicero she decides to walk on.. better if she needs to escape to do it from somewhere more spacious. Seeing the sigil of Azcala she tilts her head standing and staring for a moment. Taking in what it makes her feel. She had not seen the sigil she had walked ofcourse so comparing would be hard. But having been near such things of power like the pattern and Vulsara's broken pattern she conciders the tension of power in the air. She turns to speak. Seeing him point to a chair she hesitates but then sits. "In what way are you asking? I cannot compare this to the sigil i have walked as a child. I have no recollection of that. "

Michael James Watson

"This is the first you have seen? When you were in Zictla did not Cihalas show you the one in the cavern below her estate? Did Aztilios not show it to you? Chicomecoat didn't show you the Sigil of Untola? Can you not raise the Sigil as a sorceress?"

Amber Bronkhorst

She looks a bit uneasy. "No mom didn't, she was mostly focused on getting me to join the celebrations taht were about to happen. And cut my heart out.... Aztilios was just being his annoying self so no he didn't show me either. Haven't seen it in Untola either didn't stay there that long. But yes i can raise the sigil that i have learned. And hang spells on it and such. Just like the pattern." She looks at Xolotl frowning slightly . "So where is this. And maybe odd to ask. But what version of the sigil is this? It seems... brighter.. and.. on fire. Is it an actual complete and working sigil?"

Michael James Watson

He nods, almost proudly, "Yes, it is working. Only one small problem. It is below a mountain in Zunala. Far from the city we left. It is also not the Sigil of Zunala. You must know that unlike the pattern of Amber with its many shadows the Sigil of Azcala has shadows that are somewhat independent. Though each is under the domination of the one above it. So the Sigil of Tzin Tlalocan is the mightiest. Another thing..The Sigil needs not the royal blood to walk. Anyone can walk the sigils of Azcala. " He stands and walks near it, lowering his hand over it, seeing sparks tickle its fingers. "But this one...is not under the one at Tzin Tlalocan. This one is as powerful, I think, as that one. Cihalas convinced me to create this one. You see.. This was original a broken pattern of Amber. But after a thousand years of study, research, and pain, i figured out how to convert the broken pattern into this. I have walked it and because I created it I was unhurt. But everyone i have had try to walk it since has been destroyed by it."

Amber Bronkhorst

Alvah stares at Xolotl as he explains what it is. She then stands herself curiosity peaked. Standing closer to it she tries to sense if she van actually feel remnants of a pattern in there. She knows it can all feel different. But the broken pattern in Vulsara had sti the pattern feel be it more angry and hot. Letting Cicero off her arm she whispers to him to stay away from the sigil. She then stretches her hand nearer to the sigil. Bot touching it. Just near it. Trying to feel. She speaks without looking at Xolotl. "A converted broken pattern. That is.... wow. My lore is not that great about patterns but what i have learned so far. Even if rewritten the remnants of a pattern are still there. Though i do not know what or how you managed this and what might have changed in that theory. I can try look at it with my pattern but it might get volatile..."

Michael James Watson

"Do you know a man named Aries Colbresi? He is the Dean of Mysteries at Fantail University. I hope our wars let me speak to him one day. The tale is that he spent most of centuries studying the pattern every day. There is a shadow in Fantalin. He watched Amberites walk it hundreds of times. and he measured every millimeter of it. watched them walk it. learned their movements as if it was a dance. Then he walked the pattern even though he had not a drop of Amber blood. I did much the same. I studied the broken pattern. saw every scar. and i figured out how to bridge the lines, broken as they were, to match the Sigils. And i walked it carving the sigils over those stretched lines. Yes, look upon it with your Sigil vision and your pattern vision. Let us see what we may?"

Amber Bronkhorst

Nodding she speaks while still lookimg at the sigil. So mesmerizing. "Yes i heard of Aries never met him didn't feel like going to Fantalin yet. Heard about ths pattern thing yes, and as a member of the royal family of Amber you can expect lots of conversations. Probably also about the patter ." She lets out a soft chuckle "There are better ways then war to get to speak to people. Especially curious people. Just peak their curiosity." She takes a few steps back tilts her head and first raises the Azcalan sigil to see through that towards Xolotl his creation.

Michael James Watson

The vision is extraordinary. It is radiant power with influences across Azcala, the many shadows in each tier, out through the Azcalan Sway. It somehow angry feeling, like a petulant child. And something about it shivers." He says, "Its currently Wild. That means its freshly drawn and not in control of its self yet. Now try the pattern lens."

Amber Bronkhorst

Alvah studies it for a bit. She then nods lowers the Azcalan sigil readjusts her stance to a more, expecting an explosion, kind of way and raises the pattern lens. Cautiously watvhing through that.

Michael James Watson

The pattern lens shakes and is difficult to maintain. The Sigil shivers and flares.. Alvah can see the elements of the pattern woven into the sigil, the lines blurring and overlaying. They seem to be melding together, slowly "Do you see the overlaying lines? I think the reason it has killed everyone but me is that the sigil remembers being a pattern. I think the only way to reconcile the two is for someone who bears both the Sigil of Azcala and the Pattern of Amber to walk it. That will allow the Sigil to accept itself and manifest. Its the only way i can imagine to make my sigil workable. Its varied separations are killing me. What do you think of that?"

Amber Bronkhorst

Straining to keep the pattern lens up she watches until she thinks she has seen enough and lowers it agian. She looks at Xolotl and nods slowly. "That sounds like a very valid theory as the line are indeed overlaying and probably it holds enough of its former self to remember this. And besides the only way to calm a wild pattern is to use it." She takes a few steps back from the sigil a raised eyebrow she watches the sigil and then Xolotl. "Ah.... yes i see. How many people are there with both. Azcalan sigil and the pattern of Amber. " She then smiles slightly. "But that was not the deal. I would just look at something. And i did."

Michael James Watson

"And you can look every day for the rest of your life. Or, you can walk the Sigil, and at the end, transport yourself anywhere you like. There are plenty of alcoves, as you saw, in the Middle Ground. I am sure you will find one delightful"

Amber Bronkhorst

She looks at Xolotl. Dawning now that she just walked into this trap. She moves her hand into her pocket where she has her trumps concidering trying those. "Well slight problem. I cannot walk this with Cicero on me he might get hurt. Then i do not know how i come out of this.. you say transport anywhere. Are you certain it works that way? " She clicks her tongue slightly annoyed by herself that she somewhere subconsciously walked into this trap. "It might just as well kill me. Maybe it will only accept you." She steps closer to it again. Watching back to the other side of the room she frowns. Not a place she wants to stay for to long.

Michael James Watson

"Those seem to be your problems. I am a spectator at this point. But...you can leave you pet over by the pattern. If you survive, summon it or levitate it, or if I'm pleased, May I will pitch it to you. If you dies, its snake for dinner"

Amber Bronkhorst

She turns fully to Xolotl and shrugs. "Well or i just decide... not to. And leave this sigil as your problem... and add a problem to it.. a very annoying cousin around you. Becasue tell me, how many people do you know with both the sigil of Azcala and the pattern of Amber? The two families are not that eager to create relations with eachother do they?" She crosses her arms again in front of her and shifts her pose to a slight mor confident one. "But i am sure you can just wait for the next mixed xhild to be born right? And have been allowed to walk the pattern and has survibed and walked the sigil. And crosses your path... "

Michael James Watson

"I can. And I know a way to acquire a child of mixed heritage. I even have a fast time shadow to raise it in"

Amber Bronkhorst

Alvah scowls at Xolotl she looks back at the sigil and shakes her head . "So if i walk it what is my profit in it? I am helping you with a really big thing. Your own sigil and broken pattern combined. Usable... " She takes a few more steps back letting her fingers slight in her pocket she finds one of the location trumps. Ready to pull it out and at least try. "I want some promises, a good deal before i risk my own life for this."

Michael James Watson

"You profit by not becoming a mother. If it matters, I am very sure you will survive and my sigil will Calm. My fortress is protected coming and going and I have had centuries here keeping away from violent relatives. "

Amber Bronkhorst

"Well even if i would become a mother from... you." She visibly shudders "The child would still not have the pattern. Slight problem in that plan so nice threat but it doesn't hold up... " She grins "Oh not only me i have a way of convincing people... and I won't be violent just highly annoying. Violence you can handle..." She looks at the sigil again. Concidering her options.. She lets Cicero slither up her arm again ready to get out or at least attempt to.

Michael James Watson

"Your child would just need to walks pattern. I know where some are." "Annoying? I dont find comatose people annoying at all"

Amber Bronkhorst

Alvah clicks her tongue again.. she then turns and walks a couple of steps as if pacing as she turns she flips out the location trump of the jeweld road. Best to pick a more busy place with protection. She looks at it hoping it does work and will only be a bluff of Xolotl to convince her to walk the sigil.

Michael James Watson

She withdraws the trump and it is warm to the touch. He says," Did you think I was unaware of your Trumps? What makes you think I would build a place so easy to escape?"

Amber Bronkhorst

She sighs and rolls her neck thinking. "No, of course you are not unaware of my trumps. But you can't blame me for trying, it could have all been a bluff." She turns again to Xolotl and looks just annoyed. Not angry just a scowl and eyes which shoot daggers. "So my choices are.. staying here untill i say yes, have your child in which i'll become redundant and nothing stops you then to kill me. Or walk the thing, helping you greatly by it by calming it. Be partially responsible for whatever horrible shit you are going to pull once you have this up and running." A thought crosses her mind. "So i would only gain my freedom. But i can travel to wherever i want to go...... " Alvah seems more considering to that option. At least she can warn parties which should be concerned about it. Quickly she adds "If i do it i want to make a deal first."

Michael James Watson

"A deal? How about walk my sigil and I won't eat your snake raw, Dufiro and all."

Amber Bronkhorst

Holding Cicero close she looks back at the Sigil again. Her eyes go to Cicero she nods. "Fine, FINE! i'll fucking walk that thing. I will transport myself away. And you and i will NEVER see eachother again. Or i'll destroy this thing" She points to the sigil. Taking a deep breath she then with a wide arch walks around XOlotl to watch the sigil its beginning

Michael James Watson

He laughs, "Walk and live. But we will certainly see each other again. Depend on it. Unless you leave Azcala forever!"

Amber Bronkhorst

She is clearly hesitant how tough she might act.. she knows this is going to hurt. Badly. "Then i will keep my word, Xolotl. The blood of Amber does hold power." She stretches her legs, her back and arms. Might look like she is preparing for a dance but for her it basically is. That is the way she walked the pattern in Amber, and the broken pattern in Vulsara. She wshipers to herself. "Just like a dance. A dance on burning coals. " Looking back she glares at Xolotl, before turning back to the sigil and stepping towards the beginning.

Michael James Watson

Xolotl watches with his sigil raised.

Amber Bronkhorst

Alvah looks at Xolotl flips him off, then with a graceful step she starts to walk the sigil. If she is going to get hurt or die she will freaking hell do it with her grace and head held high. She fully focuses now on her steps and try to feel out what the pattern and sigil wants. Knowing the feel of both of them. But most of all she keeps moving. Even if it is only sliding a pointed toe along the path.

Michael James Watson

Alvah looks at Xolotl flips him off, then with a graceful step she starts to walk the sigil. If she is going to get hurt or die she will freaking hell do it with her grace and head held high. She fully focuses now on her steps and try to feel out what the pattern and sigil wants. Knowing the feel of both of them. But most of all she keeps moving. Even if it is only sliding a pointed toe along the path. The pain is unimaginable an immediate. She feels herself loose bowel control. The fires rise in a hateful battle of burning red and electric blue. She feels the fires and the lightning run through her body tracing paths in her bones. After a few steps she acclimates to it all, though the pain doesn't die down. She sees glimpses of Azcala. Grand glorious celebrations of death with Xolotl executing thousands in a day himself while his underlings run pyramids of their own. She sees fields of war across many of the shadows in the tiers of Azcala. She understands that once one walks a sigil of Azcala one can walk shadows of those tiers. Not an infinity of them, but still thousands of worlds, and the armies of tormented warriors come from them. Azcala could flood shadow if it wished. She looks upon Chico and her silent husband and the whimsical daughter, seeing vast shadows of Untola filled with farms and towns and cities of many tech levels where the family of Tonacat has no sway but battles at the edges for any path in to conquer this rebel royal line. She sees Chicomecoatl laughing in the faces of Zictalas and Zentalas causing corn to grow in their royal hall. She sees a black land under a bright black sun where uncounted people sleep on marble stone beds. A man of fair complexion and dark visage walking among them. He turns and looks directly into Alvah's eyes. His eyes are full of stars. She sees Zentalas ripping the heart out of a frail looking young man while Zictalas holds back a frail looking woman who screams in terror. They look starved and but somehow vibrantly alive. Zentalas creates the Diamond heart but this one is large and the body falls to dust that flows into the stone. Setting it aside Zictalas pulls her over the alter as the image fades. She sees a naked child she knows as herself on an alter, held in place by straps. Cihalas and Xozla both have sigils raised, Jagri and Cipactlix fight with them. As the scene spins she sees Delwin with sign raised battling Cihalas. Beside him stands Nur with warrior dufiro fighting the Azcalan forces while Nur engages Xozla, a Sigil of Azcala before him and the Sign of the Logrus blazing angrily before Nur. . Aztilios holds the child down and is pierced by a flurry of arrows from a woman blazing in green with a tall long bow. Through the battle drops Fisk on the alter, slicing bindings and tossing the child by her hair to a tall dufiro who flashes away,Cihalas screams in anger as the image fades to fire. She sees Spatchi cooking over the stove, occasionally throwing a knife at Agrom who is cooking at another station. He casually catches the knife and throws it back...the image fades in water. She sees a roaring bonfire and people dancing around it throwing straw scare crows into a fire. She smells meat cooking and can taste a tequila on her tongue that is sweet and strong. Men and women dancing naked in on a cold winter day. Children playing some game with a stick and ball like field hockey A vision comes of Candle and Vance playing baseball somewhere in shadow. The stadium is filled, the game seems very exciting. Celakat is in the stands reading a book. Vance comes over and leans in for a kiss from her. She kisses him well the slaps his hat off his head to the amusement of the jumbotron. Candle laughs as the pair go into the dugout. The sparks in her eyes become distracting through the pain. She feel a tug of wills ripping her mind apart between them. An excruciating pain ripples through threatening her to fall, but she lands on her hands and knees as a vision ride into her. She sees a beatific young woman of dark hair, that might be the perfect example of an Azcalan beauty. Her face is angry as the two men near her argue bitterly. One is a man at the beginning of his prime. Tall, well built, a warrior, long dark hair and beard, He looks familiar. Partly like Gerard, partly like Eric, partly like Random in the twist of his lip. The other man is tall, well built, darker, Azcalan skin, short black hair and a prominent nose. He looks in his early 20s, a young man battling his elder with deep hatred. She feels she has passed the final arc. A powerful ripple of thoughts come across her mind. IT whispers a scream into her mind. Anywhere but Azcala. Flashes of Spatchi and Agrom swimming, of Maximilian sunning by a pool. Nur walking beside a rock in Acapulco. Her mansion in Chicago. The schools she went to there. The land Delwin owns in the woods of the Northwest territories of Canada under the aurora borealis lighting up the sky. A wooded village of hunters and farmers high in some mountain range, a village of sorts, and through it walks Vek, shaking hands, stopping to talk to people and seeming like the mayor of the isolated village. The voice yells anywhere but Azcala...anywhere but Azcala.........

Amber Bronkhorst

Crawling further on hands and knees she doesn't know anymore if she is screaming or that the sound comes from somewhere else. Tears streaming down her face. When she reaches the center she just rolls over to her side laying down. Still hearing the ringing in her ears of anywhere but Azcala and agrees. The image of Vek walking trhough the isolated village makes her smile through her tears. She just lets that image go over her and fill her mind. That is where she wants to go. Peace quiet, Vek someone she feels safe with. SHe just has to go now.